You may want to do a little research on John McCain’s military history. The reason he wound up on senate duty in Washington was a lateral move suggested by his admiral. As the commander of a training facility he should not be cavorting with subordinates of the opposite sex. Nor should he be taking a plane, flying to somewhere on the weekend and womanizing while his wife sat at home. This man is the same kind of person that screwed the VN Vets when we got home. He didn't have to worry about paying for an education; he got $60,000 a year in disability when he got home. The rest of us got $2,750 a year for school. And you had to be a full time student to get that. Until his run for the Presidency he voted no on fixing the current GI Bill, now he's renamed it to the "McCain Bill" and pushing it. The man is no better morally than Bill Clinton yet almost every Christian in the U.S. is going to support him. And please don't test our intelligence by saying this is not about religion. The last 2 elections were sold on religion and look what it got you. Here is what your candidate has to say about God.
No, a president could not change a lot of things but they could appoint judges that do with the approval of Congress. That is what I am afraid of. To me religion is personal and not a portion of our government. Sherry
Let's say, hypothetically, that one party nominates a member of Westboro Baptist Church in 2012 for U.S. President. He's been a member of it for two decades. He showed up twice a month for twenty years and listened to the same minister whom he calls his spiritual mentor. When the media finds out, he simply denounces and leaves the church. Are you ready to elect him into office?
ready2cmyKing, I read, understand, and agree with your comments about radical Islam. However, that has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Obama. Why do you insist in attempting to connect Mr. Obama with radical Islam (or Islam in general)? What his father believed in means nothing about the man in question. What school he may have attended when he was a young child has no bearing on his beliefs as an adult. There are many reasons not to vote for Mr. Omaba, but coming up with this tripe is a distraction from the real issues at best, and ammo for the other side at worst.
After asking other members on here their opinions on Islam, I think its fair to say that most of us (perhaps all of us) do not fully grasp their belief system. I've read a little bit but I'm not that well versed in Islam. If many deeply devout muslims believe a muslim infant is always a muslim, then what does that mean in Obama's case? Does that mean that the muslim extremists view Obama as a muslim who has turned from the faith? Many extremist exercise radical thoughts on people who turn away from their muslim heritage and he would be viewed as having done so because his father's family is muslim. Seriously, I think that is a legitimate question that I haven't heard addressed. Frankly, I'm more concerned at the moment with the Wright/Trinity/Liberation thing. I think controversy exists on the religious aspects because of Obama not being forthright. However, I'm not sure he can afford to be. Of all the Christian churches he could have become a part of, he decided years ago to join Wright's church and for most candidates, an alliance with such a church would mean the end of a candidate's career. The Cole mentality that Wright apparently embraces is very divisive culturally and not unifying. If Wright does adhere to that and preaches that in his church, it worries me that Obama has shared those thoughts. I've always heard "silence is consent" and if he stayed with that church for two decades and regularly attended as he has admitted to, then he has been endoctrinated to this mentality. I just would like to know conclusively about Wright and Obama. If Wright has preached this in the church, one can only assume that Obama believed it as well to have endured it for twenty years. Has anyone even read Wright's books or even Obama's for that matter??
From what I've read, that very much includes you and ready2cmyKing. Not much at all. It doesn't matter what someone else believes, it only matters what Mr. Obama believes. Why does it need to be addressed? And has since condemned Rev. Wright's views. If "silence is consent" then what does it mean when the silence is finally broken? I would bet good northern money that your reply would be something to the effect of, "Of course he rejects him now that he was called on it." Either way, Mr. Obama cannot do a single good in your (and ready2cmyKing's) eyes. He's a Muslim when it suits you, he's a member of a racist Christian church when it suits you. Nothing will syaw your mind. Meanwhile, there are those who are on the fence about who they will vote for and your irrational nitpicking only helps them decide that any reason to not vote for Mr. Obama is probably just as irrational.
Yesterday you were more concerned with this: Is Obama being held to a higher standard than other "christian" politicians(George W. Bush) and religious leaders(Billy Graham/Robert Schuller) who believe that there is more than one way to heaven?
RealityCheck...I don't see any difference in "what I was concerned with yesterday" and what I'm concerned with today since they both contend with Obama and the presidency. Sure, Obama is being held to a higher standard today. Billy Graham is 90 years old and never run for public office and George W. Bush has about four more months in office. We'll be stuck with either Obama or McCain for four years. Big difference. What's your opinion RealityCheck on the comparison between Westboro "Christians" and those "Christians" from Trinity?
Jester, forgetting about Obama for now and just learning more about Islam (since I really don't know squat about it) this is really fascinating to me. Sheesh, no wonder so many of the radicals are willing to blow themselves up! It's really very sad when you think about it though... religious work, work, work and still no guarantee of salvation... unless you're willing to kill yourself while killing others. :-(
Who am I Clif to be so influential? There are several on here that will vehemently defend him to the ends of the earth (so to speak) and show so much blind admiration for the man, that such a love could scare others to McCain. What's your point? I'm not allowed to queston a PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE who WANTS TO REPRESENT ME as my President? How preposterous of me! Is the election just merely a formality for the arrival of king? We elect representatives according to the people's will. If the people in majority, wish for Obama to be President, than so be it. Dare we ever give up our freedom to question our appointed leaders? Perhaps you could answer my "double standard" question regarding Westboro?? Would you vote for Obama if he were a member of Westboro since the late 80s under the spiritual mentoring of their pastor and only while running for president did he deny and denounce his pastor? Obama himself has rejected the core beliefs of the church he was a part of for twenty years. Should Christians be tolerant of Westboro, Clif? How so then should we be more tolerant of the Trinity Church? What does a theoretical president who was born as a muslim but does not practice Islam have to do with the United States? For seven years we have been at war with Islamic terrorism. Those that are extremists in the faith, how will they view a theoretical president that rejects his muslim heritage? Do you know? I don't know. I'm not sure at this point who does.
Obviously, I haven't seen any answers to the question imposed about Islam. I had hopes that Hatteras6, since he said that he had studied Islam, that he would at least answer those questions that I asked in the Private forum. Also, I haven't seen anyone touch the Westboro vs. Trinity Church comparison. I must say that it seems we have double standards here. Some of us are not allowed to question Obama's religious beliefs for being labeled intolerant, but nothing on Westboro. I think I will try the search button and see what happens.
Obviously, anything that I say is going to be tainted. Do your own study. I would suggest using non political sites to search and avoiding those with a slant, or those which can easily be edited or modified. My take is that you do actually paint Muslims with a broad brush, based on what a few Islamic extremists have done. I would urge you to remember that we probably have a bigger beef with Saudia Arabia, and their tolerance of those extremists, but...Oh Yes!, the House of Saud and the Bush family are BFFs, and they sit on oil, so they must be the good guys. And, once you've confirmed in your mind that Islam is an evil pseudo religion, as I'm sure you will, then read up on the slaughter, rape, and pillage performed by the good Christians in the Crusades, or the decimation of native Americans or other cultures based on converting them unto your God's word. I don't argue that religious extremists and zealots do much harm in the name of God. It just requires that you evaluate both Islam and Christianity by the same measurements.
Now these were four simple questions that I asked genuinely for your opinion on in the Neighborhood forum. I would like to read what your thoughts are on them.
Opinions are like......noses. Everyone's got one. As for my thoughts, I have posted plenty to give some understanding of my POV. Do your research. You have made your feelings apparent. As have I. Neither of us are going to provide anything that will change the mindset of the other. Why keep flogging this dead horse. If you'd admit it, you feel that Obama is wrong for the office and you tend to equate anything non Christian as Evil. Not much room for modification in your stance, as far as I can see.
No I don't equate anything non-Christian as evil. I think there are countless numbers of good people who are not Christians. Their values and morals have nothing to do with redemption. If they wish to worship their own religion in peace, I have no problems with that.
I suppose some of those questions, Hatteras could be assumed to be true then or could be truth with excepton? 1. A number of muslims accept violence as part of the struggle. 2. All non-muslims are infidels. 3. Yes. Wright's apparent admiration of Cole would cause alarm. 4. Yes. Cole's message was and still is considered radical. The last two questions I have been doing a little reading into and have found that Wright has indeed been more vocal in the Trumpet magazine, the church's publication, about much of the same black liberation theology that Cole spoke of years ago. Most would say Obama was smart to get out when he did, but he shouldn't have been there in the first place. Again, you don't attend Westboro church for twenty years and not hear their message and likewise with Wright's church. All I can say is do a little homework on Trumpet magazine, watch those videos and realize that Obama was just as likely to be sitting through those sermons since he said he went at least twice a month and likely picked up a copy of Trumpet, published by his spiritual mentor, on the way out of the sanctuary.
Your link has been taken off line, possibly because it is bogus? The screen that says it is offline states it is a social networking site, which to me is not reputable.