My son's turning 3 this weekend, and loves Diego! I've been looking all over trying to find a store that sells Diego clothes, but can't find anything locally. Someone mentioned maybe Sears? Does anyone know if anyone around sells Nickelodeon clothes, or am I going to have to go to to find something? Oh - he's very small for his age, they will have to be toddler size, if that matters.
cool, thanks! I also thought maybe Toys R Us might have something? I don't normally look at clothes there, but seems like I've seen Nick character clothing there before. I do plan on Xmas shopping very, very soon!
I DID! Sears had one thing. And I have NEVER, EVER had luck searching for clothes online. Have you ever looked for clothes at, say, Target online? They don't have the clothes on their website that they have in their store. I didn't look at Toys R Us online, but I don't normally go that way, so if I'm going to Sears I'll just go there as well, but not if I have kids with me, that's torture! And with hubby gone this weekend, that ain't gonna happen! Believe me, Kellbell, I do know how to google! I do it ALL THE TIME! Just sometimes it's easier and more beneficial to ask people with experience. And it took 4 minutes for me to get a response from Shar824 with exactly what I was looking for...:mrgreen:
if you simply google 'Diego Clothing' you get a 2 second response that tells you who has it, Target, Toys R Us, didnt say you were looking for something specific, you asked who sold it or where you could get that brand.:mrgreen:
it is accurate, it tells you exactly what you asked for, WHO SELLS IT. You yourself, asked who sells it....
DJM , I have been looking for you and i asked a friend , She has an allfit for her son , He never wore . Its a Diego shirt with jean pants with a little Diego logo on the pocket . Its 4t ..Let me know if that will work for you . I was trying to get a picture of it but cant .
Thanks for asking. Unfortunately, by the time 4T fits him, he'll probably be 7 yo. Seriously, no joke! Otherwise, I'd take it. He's only in 18 months now, and he's turning 3. That reminds me, I have a bunch of clothes sized 18 months-24 months, do you still want them?
I have purchased Diego shirts at Kohls in Garner. That was about 2 years ago so I don't know if they still sell them.
I was just thinking about bringing this thread back to life today! I've actually bought him all the toys I need (or he needs). But I have yet to find him any clothes! I've been to Target, Walmart and Kohls. I've found Cars, Transformers, Dora, Disney and anything else you can think of, but not a single piece of Diego clothing. If anyone is out to Toys R Us or any mall stores like Penneys or Sears, would you let me know if you see any Diego clothes please? I'd appreciate it!! I'm not doing any online shopping this year, and I have no plans on driving out there anytime soon, but if I know it's out there I will!
My MIL just bought a couple Diego outfits for my son who will be 3 this week. I think she got them at Sears last week but I will find out for sure for you.
Hey DMJ, I'm sorry but I won't be any help, I asked my mother in law and she got them at Kohl's and I know you mentioned you already looked there:?