Dog Park Meeting

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Barrener River Short, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Hello Everyone,
    Would you be so kind to pass this information around to all your pet friends
    I emailed you due to you belong with a pet organization.
    More to show up better chance for us to get the word out.

    Dog Park Meeting
    A meeting to discuss the need for a dog park in Clayton will be held on
    Tuesday, September 30 at 7pm at The Clayton Center Council Chambers.
    Examples of dog parks around the country will be discussed. Please, only
    humans may attend.

    Thank you for your help and support please spread the word.
    Susy Bussard

    PS I had received this from the [K9connections] news group
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2008
  2. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I've never been to a dog park - I do know several people who drive pretty far with their pups to go to one, tho. This might be an interesting meeting to go to. Is there any DISadvantage to having one in Clayton, or in our surrounding area?
  3. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I think a dog park is a pretty good idea.
    I know many people who simply do not have the room for their pups to run around, a dog park might give them that.
    Isnt there one in Raleigh that is like 5 acres fenced in?
  4. cathy0517

    cathy0517 Well-Known Member

    I am one of those that drive to Raleigh to take my dogs to a dog park! We go to the Oakbrook dog park and love it. I would love to see one in Clayton and will go to the meeting. It is a nice way to socialize the dogs as well as the humans. I have 2 greyhounds and they love a wide open place to run.
  5. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Cathy, it's Sept. 24 - time to change your location! :)
  6. I end up taking my Laila every Saturday to the dog park over on Lake Wheeler road. The Carolina Pines dog park. Its really helping laila socialize. She is starting to play with the other dogs and run around a bit. But I really do wish there was one closer.
  7. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Same here, so we don't go that often! LOL Having one in Clayton would be wonderful!
  8. cathy0517

    cathy0517 Well-Known Member

    :lol:you're right! I'll get right on that!
  9. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Can anyone tell us about how this went? We didn't make it, but have been meaning to find out about it. TIA!
  10. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I forgot all about it, til this weekend. :( I hope the meeting went well ...

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