McCain suspends campaign

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by my4kiddies, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    McCain is not the Senator insisting on having his opportunity in front of the cameras on stage Friday, instead of going to Washington to do his job and help solve this crisis our nation is in. That Senator is OBAMA.

    Now who is looking for headlines and exposure?
  2. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    No offence. But how dare you compare our economic struggles to hurricane Katrina. Last I checked no one is drastically dieing due to this. Houses are not being uprooted. Schools are not being destroyed. Yes the economy is important. But I highly doubt Bush is waiting for Mccain to show up in Washington because he just can't go on with out him.

    And from what I have seen from Mccain, he wouldnt do any good anyways. It sounds to me that Mccain is copping out of a debate that all of America is looking forward to. And I think if the U.S. could pull a quick vote right now, deciding between Mccain going to Washington to play politics or going to the debate with Obama, they would choose the debate. After all the next president is what is going to effect the economy the most very soon.

    From an INDEPENDENT point of view...
  3. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Oh and by the way...

    Our American Financial System has always been messed up. It's complete crap. Our dollar isn't worth a damn. It's all on paper. Which means nothing.

    Back in the day you could trade in your paper money for gold. Now your paper money is just paper. There is nothing backing it.

    This is not a National Disaster. This is a Nation Mistake. And we have had warnings for years.
  4. seabee

    seabee Guest

    how dare you? whats up with that. If you don't think Katrina has any effect on the economy you are pretty numb. It and every other natural disaster has an effect on our eonomy. What about insurance payments in the billions of dollars, I guess those don't effect the economy. You may want to wake up. Furthermore give Mcain credit for putting the country's situation first before his own agenda of winning the office. Regardless of what he does you all still rip him for it. They both need to be PRESENT pardon the pun to deal with these issues we are facing now, what good is a debate if our country tanks and the dollar dies. At the very least then we could see where the two stand on how to repair what is wrong. That would be a good litmus test.
  5. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Not a national disaster. I disagree there. there are certainly a handful of country's out there[ Iran,Venelueza,Ecuador,Cuba} that would love to see the dollar go away or get smashed, so don't think this doesn't classify as a possible national disaster.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2008
  6. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    No offense taken, but how dare you insinuate that the dire circumstances of our financial system - which affects every single person in this entire nation, is less a crisis than a natural weather incident that affected people in a few states.

    And you base that on what? McCain tried to fix this several years ago...but Dems blocked it. Or did you forget that already?

    Americans are angry as heck about the current financial situation, they are concerned, they are frightened about it. People's retirement, their nest egg, their children's college funds....are at stake. Americans believe that resolution of this problem is more important right now, than watching politicians bloviate on a stage about something totally unrelated.

    Except for those whose priorities are horribly messed up, of course.

    Uh huh. :roll:
  7. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I don't recall anyone complaining about Bush doing his job during Hurricane Katrina. It was Bush not doing his job that we complained about.


  8. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    I honestly could not of said it better myself! :)
  9. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I absolutely agree. And I think they all need to get their arses back to Washington and fix this mess we're in.
  10. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    They are meeting with the President and leaders of Congress this morning. There's no reason they can't work on this crisis today and tomorrow, and fly to Mississippi for the debate tomorrow night.
  11. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Oh my... Seriously I am sure we can find photos of many people doing things like this including Obama. Do you seriously think Bush wants to stand outside with a cake in his hand? Come on now... just something he was asked to do along with the guitar picture.
    People dig deep sometimes.
  12. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    KDs, honestly, I'm not as politically savvy as you are, so I'll be no match in a debate with you, but let me ask you this:

    The nation didn't get in this mess overnight, do you honestly think they can fix it in two days?
  13. JoCOminitrucker

    JoCOminitrucker Well-Known Member

    But seriously, what possibly could McCain or Obama do about the current situation at this point? I don't see anything. If there is a vote then I am sure they would need to be there but other than that what?
  14. seabee

    seabee Guest

    If you all are so hell bent on this debate then why didn't you all complain about Obama turning down several request by Mcain that they go together on town hall debates
  15. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    seabee;336858]If you all are so hell bent on this debate then why didn't you all complain about Obama turning down several request by Mcain that they go together on town hall debates[/QUOTE]

    When did this happen???????
  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    No, I don't think they will solve the problem in two days. It's more important to do it right than to do it fast. When I said they can work on it today and tomorrow and fly to Mississippi tomorrow night, I was not assuming the problem would be solved by then. They can fly back to Washington after the debate and work on it some more. John McCain has said the economy is not his strong point, and he has proven that in the last 10 days by reversing course enough times to make your head spin, so his input is probably not essential to getting it right. This move on his part just seems to me like a "dog ate my homework" story.
  17. seabee

    seabee Guest

    When did this happen???????

    It was shortly after Obama was declared Democratic nominee.
  18. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Each candidate needs to do what's best for his own campaign, and that includes deciding where to appear and when. McCain has gotten a lot of mileage out of complaining about Obama not going along with his idea for town hall appearances (not debates). But McCain himself has not been taking many audience questions lately.

    We have a long tradition of the presidential candidates appearing before the American people in debates. These debates were set up last year, before anyone even knew who the candidates would be. I have talked with a number of undecided voters lately who are looking forward to the debates, and planning to make their decision after they see the debates.
  19. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    It is all politics, on both sides, big surprise. If McCain hadn't wanted it to be about politics, then he would have called Obama made the offer and never released a press statement on it. Now Obama's trying to figure out what is the best political for his campaign.

    Personally, I couldn't care less if they debate, as it is all a dog-and-pony show the way Presidential debates are set up in this country.
  20. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Please tell me you don't think there are not people dying because of this crap economy and that houses and schools are not being destroyed from the inside out. Physical buildings can be restored easier than the hardships that so many people in this country are facing right now as a result of this economy. There is basically no gas to be found in Charlotte. At least the victims of Katrina were able to drive themselves out to saftey (those that were smart enough to do so anyway).

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