The woman skating naked, or the construction workers complaining? Construction workers complain about nude skater
You be the judge***-pictures/ the asterisks represent w t f (without spaces, it's ok to view for work. The more racy pic (a nude bottom) is a small thumbnail)
Just curious, did you try using it to make a link out of a typed word? (You know, highlight a word and click the "World" icon above the edit box)
No, that would require too much effort. As if explaining how to edit and use the link, and ultimately finding another link was less work.
from what I saw the construction workers who complained if they did were either gay or a woman construction worker
In the picture where she was sitting on the rocks, I was thinking - boy I hope no spiders crawl up her snatch.:shock: Oregon must not have the same type construction workers as we have on this side of the country.:lol: On the same subject, has anyone drove down 301 towards Dunn and seen the naked man. I've seen him 3 times! :mrgreen:
If you are interested in a genuine answer I would say that it was more than likely the safety man on the construction crew that filed the complaint. I would rather have all my workers go home safe at night and let them get a "Hustler" on the way home if necessary. I have dealt with a number of them over the years and most would get a good chuckle, than put a halt to it.