Downtown parking signs need fine print REALLY? People actually think that just moving to a different spot is OK? And we need fine print to explain otherwise? They are still utilizing two-hour parking for more than two hours.
Honestly Cleo, Yup... and when I started first working downtown I did the same thing, only thing I "heard" was that you had to at least go to the other side of the street. A lot of people park on the streets and do move their cars every four hours, it beats paying $100 a month for parking in the decks unless you can get in the "cheap seats" for about $55.00 these days.
Honestly, yes you are is. But alot of folks who do just get a job downtown for the first week or so for example don't have a place to park so they figure "let me just move my car around every two hours for a week or so..." rather than paying the $12.00 per day in the parking decks, they would rather take their chances on NOT getting a ticket that day :? But is kinda like cheating...
Or how about the "handicapped" who use the 2 hour parking all day long. There is no time limit for the truly handicapped, but again there are those who would abuse the system by "borrowing" someones sticker. Guess they don't know that's illegal, too, that the sticker goes with the person, not the vehicle.
Exactly, I had somebody offer me her mother's handicap tag for the fair one year. I said "ummm. No thanks."
They should be fired then if they are taking a break every two hrs to find another parking spot. It's not fair to the employer.
That's an angle I had not considered. That would be at least four twenty minute breaks in an 8 hour period, instead of the normal two fifteen minute breaks provided by an employer.
there you go it just proves that I'm not always slow and dumb. I will make a good point usually onc a month.
What's funnier is that even Mayor Meeker didn't realize you couldn't just move to another spot. Boy, them signs are about to get even harder to read when you are looking for a spot to park while trying to avoid getting rear-ended by the construction truck behind you.
I wonder if it ever occurred to them why the signs say 2 hours instead of 8. Imagine their bewilderment over 30 minute parking signs. How can an employer expect you to come to work without a parking place? If they couldn't provide parking for 30 days while I found a regular spot ...I'd find another job. Why would anyone ever go to downtown Raleigh? Who needs this crap?
Sometimes easier said then done :? I'm hoping to get out of here myself in the not too far off future. Seabea and Cleo...going with what Josey said..if the employer ( MINE) are to cheap to pay for a parking spot for you then maybe the extra time an employee has to move the car is worth it????
I didn't mean the employer should pay for a permanent spot. Just long enough for me to buy a pass (30 days). After that it depends on how much I'm getting paid as to whether its worth the parking fees.
See, that falls under "undocumented benefits". Kind of like "in-house vacation days" where you show up and do nothing half the day. :lol: