McCain suspends campaign

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by my4kiddies, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Actually the Republicans are saying that they will vote with McCain, so his vote will make a difference.

    Except tomorrow's debate is on foreign policy.

    And sometimes the business of the people comes before politics.

    It will be a two hour political commercial for Mr. Obama, much to the pleasure of the media.

    You do realize that most of Mr. Obama's votes were "present", rather than "yea" or "nay". That way he can claim either side of the debate.

    The pictures showing Mr. Bush playing the guitar? Yeah, that one? That was shown to be false three years ago. I can't say about the cake picture, but if you're willing to post one picture proven to be false, one might presume the other is false as well.
  2. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    I was just stating that our Financial System has been going downhill for years. We have had fair warning. It's our own faults that it is messed up. Where as Katrina destroyed lives. Killed families. Demolished homes. I went down there for the relief effort and saw what was left. Don't tell me that our economy which has been struggling all this time is suddenly just as dangerous as a hurricane.

    Bush and Mccain should have jumped on that boat long before this week.
  3. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    And hurricanes have been hitting the gulf coast since before mankind crawled oyut of the sludge. We knew it was coming. It came with Camilla, it was due to happen again, just no one knew when.
  4. JoCOminitrucker

    JoCOminitrucker Well-Known Member

    Just saw this new nickname for McCain on CBS........ McCut n' Run :lol: *** hilarious.

    Just reading alot of the responses from most of the comments on the national news sites makes you think that most people are not liking McCain's desicion.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  5. seabee

    seabee Guest

    The cake picture if I was to speculate was celebrating the birthday of the Air Force, could be wrong but if not I certainly don't find fault in that.
  6. johnstoncogirl

    johnstoncogirl Well-Known Member

    From the Early Show's Maggie Rodriguez at 7:05 AM EDT today:

    Video yesterday from Harry Reid before Reid said McCain shouldn't become involved:

    Here is more on what Reid said when he wanted John McCain's help:

    What? The scheduled debate is on foreign policy, which is McCain's strong suit. He was going to hammer the heck out of Obama over opposing the surge and wanting to pull out of Iraq two years ago in defeat. As for how McCain would address the bailout issue, that is exactly what he is going to be talking about on Capitol Hill. Voters who are paying attention already know alot about where McCain is on this issue based on how he wanted to address this problem three years ago:
    McCain sponsored the legislation. Democrats killed that legislation. Obama did not weigh in on the bill. It is pretty darn clear cut and easy to understand. McCain is definitely not afraid of this issue.

    If the information above did not provide adequate response to OmniOne1's comment: "Bush and Mccain should have jumped on that boat long before this week" then watch this breathtaking video:

    The fact that Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer have any role whatsoever in this now considering how miserably they failed on this issue is incredible. They should be resigning in shame. Watch the video above to see what Barney Frank said in 2003 in response to the Bush administration's efforts to tighten regulations on Freddie/Fannie.

    And one more thing, although this is beyond petty, regarding David Letterman's childish meltdown -- why didn't anyone attack Obama when he cancelled his SNL appearance recently due to the hurricane? It makes much more sense for McCain to be talking to Katie Couric informing the American people about where he stands on this issue than it does for him to be yucking it up with David Letterman. Isn't that pretty much a no brainer?
  7. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    There is no such vote in the United States Senate.

    No, this is the photo that was shown to be false, as well as some other, similarly photoshopped jobs.


    The one I posted was real, taken as President Bush played a guitar presented to him by Country Singer Mark Wills backstage following his visit to Naval Base Coronado, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  8. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Barney Frank lets go ahead and toss him into the claymate forum two peas in a pod:p
  9. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Actually, they were celebrating McCain's birthday.
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    The horror!!!! :nopity:

    That photo op took what, maybe 5 minutes. Geez!
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Right, his sexual orientation has a lot to do with how he functions in Congress. What's with your obsession?
  12. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    No, I'm saying it could be far, far worse than any hurricane. I am not trying to lessen the pain and devastation and I think your relief work should be truly praised because that is truly a selfless act, but just because things have been going down the toilet for a while doesn't make it less dangerous. You obviously feel strongly about the Katrina analogy because of your closeness to it and I understand that so I won't press you on it.
  13. seabee

    seabee Guest

    where in my post did I say it affects how he functions in Congress, nowhere.
    quit assuming, we all know what happens when we assume things.
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Why even bring it up?
  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    because I'm an ********* most the time.
  16. johnstoncogirl

    johnstoncogirl Well-Known Member

    Sorry to be a hit and run commenter today, but life has not allowed me much time on the computer lately and I might not be able to get back on today so I am posting stuff I've been digesting over the past few days -- throwing it out there for discussion.

    One thing I don't understand is why McCain has not been making more of what congressional Democrats did on this issue over the past decade. It seems to me it would help him immensely since he, the President and some other congressional Republicans were the only ones who seemed concerned about the potential problems and did anything to try to address them and the response of the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was to say "no one knows what to do." Maybe McCain assumes the media will tell voters the whole story. That ain't happening, for sure. Maybe he realizes it will take Dems and Republicans working together to solve it and pointing fingers would only make it harder for Democrats to go along with any solution. That can't be the case if he is only concerned with his campaign rather than America's economic future. Maybe he is afraid of being accused of playing politics with the issue. Since that is happening anyway it seems he would have nothing to lose there. I just wonder why he doesn't seem to be making more of being so right on the issue years ago and of the Democrats' role in preventing legislation that might have prevented this crisis. If voters were aware of that I think it would make a big difference in who they would want in office to fix it -- the person who saw it coming and warned and acted, but was shot down by congressional Dems or the congressional Dems who not only defeated the legislation, but said they thought Freddie and Fannie should be doing more to get loans to those who could not afford them. Why McCain is not framing the debate that way is beyond me. Maybe he really does care more about finding a solution than winning an election.

    A New York blogger I read just posted this:
  17. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    Yup, Ole JM has always been known as a "duck-n-runner"... especially during them nasty POW days when he choose to stay with his fellow American prisoners rather than catch the next first-class flight home to eat prime rib and drink beer.

    Are ya'll seriously suggesting that JM is afraid to debate :allears: Obama? I wasn't aware that JM was afraid of anything... except perhaps a failing America.

    Besides, you libs... and even :allears: Obama keeps stating that the country needs to hear from the candidate during this economic turmoil. HELLO? Did anybody tell Obama that this debate was on FOREIGN POLICY? A subject in which JM will stomp a mudhole in Mr Ears '08. :allears:

    Keep sucking on that "McCain is ducking the debate" lollipop... but it'll leave a sour taste in you mouth in the coming weeks. :ack:
  18. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    And McCain said he will be there for the debate IF they get it worked out by then. If not they all need to work together for a resolution.
  19. BobF

    BobF Well-Known Member

    How Many Licks Does It Take...

    Yeah, he was pretty heroic back when the Beatles were recording the White Album...

    ...but this is 2008.

    I hear that if you speak the words "Keating Five" within earshot of 'ol John, he soils his pants.

    We could hear him most effectively from the podium at 'ol Miss on Friday night.

    ...but if I'm sure that if Obama gets an opportunity to respond, it somehow becomes 'irresponsible'. :roll:

    So change it to an economic forum. I'm sure Obama will agree, and McCain is an expert on either subject, right?

    ...or else he can send Carabou Barbie in his place. She said that she would be Ready on Day One.

    Here's an EXCELLENT chance for her to prove it.

    Well, since McCain knows the secret location of the Iraq-Pakistan border, I'm SURE he'll make mincemeat out of poor, naifish Obama, who most certainly couldn't find any such place on a map!

    I think McCain has already tasted that toxic lollipop, and it's making his face melt.


    That, my friends, is a secret illness we can believe in.

  20. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    My father was and still IS a hero for fighting that battle and so was my other family members! In 2008 and NOW!

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