Once A Hero, Not Always A Hero Your father may still be a hero, but McCain has since sullied his convictions. He's admited it himself. There are many different ways of 'surrendering to the enemy'. Despite his military record, John McCain has since surrendered to the enemies of our Constitution. Deal with it.
So Mr BobF. By degrading the service of our American heroes in that war you have actually convinced me that they should go on with the debate (yeah right.) Mr. McCain, why not follow Obama's :allears: advice and just simply issue a "joint statement." That way nobody can take blame for a failed policy if this thing goes bust. Why not? Because instead of being a cop-out, McCain is actually trying to take some initiative to ensure that the job gets done in the most effective manner. 700 billion... that represents over $2k for every man, woman, and child in this country. But you and yours just want to issue a joint statement so you can continue on playing politics. That's not change, that's an insult to every tax-payer with functioning meat between their ears.
Grease Fire Yes, Mister Redneck... Show me where I "degrading the service of our American heroes". You can't do it, because I didn't do it. All I did was to point out that John McCain has failed to maintain the standard of Heroism he once set. ...or better yet, why not debate the merits of 'deregulation', which has been a Republican Mantra for decades? Never mind...I already know the answer to THAT question. Hogwash. McCain isn't even a ranking member of the Minority Party. Right now, there's nothing he can do except to cast his vote if the bill ever comes to the Senate Floor. Preening for the cameras while dodging the debate is irresponsible, and...yes...cowardly. Don't mistake Grandstanding for Action. They are two very different things. Yeah, that's where a needless war, massive top-end tax cuts and massive deregualtion have left us. ...and no doubt, this is all somehow Bill Clinton's fault, right? There is still a President in office (as pathetic as he is), and his name isn't John McCain. Let those who are responsible for negotiating the bailout do what they are supposed to do, and let the candidates for President do what THEY are supposed to do. I want to see what I'm voting for before I vote. I can't do that when one of them is hiding. The 'insult' is telling us that we have to pony up the cost of THREE Iraq Wars within the next few days or else the country is DOOOOOOOMED! Screw that! I'm only interested in a Bailout Bill if the 'Golden Parachutes' turn into 'Iron Prison Bars' for those responsible. Somehow, the idea of watching a few multimillionaires frying in their own fat would be worth the price of admission right there. The rest of us are screwed in any event. May as well at least watch the ones who set the fire burn as well.
I want to see what I'm voting for before I vote. I can't do that when one of them is hiding. The 'insult' is telling us that we have to pony up the cost of THREE Iraq Wars within the next few days or else the country is DOOOOOOOMED! Screw that! I'm only interested in a Bailout Bill if the 'Golden Parachutes' turn into 'Iron Prison Bars' for those responsible. Somehow, the idea of watching a few multimillionaires frying in their own fat would be worth the price of admission right there. The rest of us are screwed in any event. May as well at least watch the ones who set the fire burn as well. [/QUOTE] :withstupid: Couldn't agree more. however, i've decided who I am voting from a long time ago. Learned my lesson after voting for Bush in 04 :banghead:
Bob, I wish I knew how to quote like you but I am a mere uneducated redneck. Anyway, you and I both know YOU dont need a foreign policy debate to figure out who you will vote for. You knew what side of the ballot you were going to cast LONG before the candidates were ever named. Anyway, I'll end this by pointing out the things we can agree on. Yes, we are in a financial mess and leadership in the Whitehouse AND CONGRESS did nothing to preempt it. Finally, I'm not happy either about bailing out the greedy thugs who drained our economy. I would be glad to buy a ticket and sit beside you to view the frying. :cheers: Other than that, I'll cease using the meat cleaver on this horse because neither of us will see eye to eye here. Cheers and best of luck in Nov. :allears: '08
It's All Good Don't worry about it. I care about substance, not style. Aw, gosh, you figured it out! ...but there may be some folks who haven't figured it out. They may still actually believe that John McCain is a 'Maverick', who is interested in 'reform'. It would be a Good Thing for those folks to see Obama and McCain side-by-side. Once the 'Maverick' illusion is shattered, wisdom can enter the mind. You're right. For the last two years, congress had been the Majority simply because Joe Lieberman pretended to caucus with the Democrats. ...and we all know how much Joe Lieberman wanted the Democratic Congress to succeed, now don't we? Cool! I knew there was a Patriot in there somewhere. :cheers: That's fine. You should know that I take politics seriously, but never personally, and I'm smiling with every post I write. Thanks. I wish you almost as much luck as well.
How is it that Mr. McCain had previously called for more debates and yet he is accused of trying to dodge this one? Never mind, I can already smell the smoke of the gears turning in your head from here. He planned the economic debacle we're currently going through. He requested more debates because he wanted to dodge them all to look presidential. Here's another question for you, no matter which side of the fence you're on (although it's specifically directed at the flaming democrats)... Why do you want a debate in the first place? Virtually everyone of you already knows who they are going to vote for and some have evensaid as much. Do you honestly believe that one or a dozen debates will change your mind? (if you say Yes, then you are lying to yourself as well as the rest of us) Do you BobF or JoCOminitrucker really expect us to believe that you could watch the debate and even if Mr. Obama said no more than "Blah, blah, blah" for the entire evening you would ever consider voting for someone other than him? If so, no wonder you're willing to consider Mr. Obama in the first place. You'll believe anything.
:iagree: (with the whole post) You would think. I quit watching Letterman when I left my teen years but I watch Couric almost every night.
It would be a shame if John doesn't show up for the debate. You are absolutely right, BobF and myself knew for a few months now exactly who we were supporting, however not everyone does. I spent the last two days auditing this young lady up in Detroit who was disapointed that the debates might not happen this Friday. She is 23 and feels it is her obligation to vote and she honestly dosen't know who to vote for. She told me how she went to John's site and saw some actual detail in his positions, but Obama only gives you broad strokes and requests that you download the plan. She said she wouldn't do that for fear that they would get her email address (don't know if that is true). She was hoping to get details there and stated that pushing the debates back did not seem to make sense. P.S. I don't mix business and politics (or sex for that mater so don't start), so I did not try to convert her. :mrgreen:
For all of you that said McCain concerns about this economic crisis and rushed to Washington to "fix" it -- he McCain himself just couple days ago said "the fundamentals of our economy are strong". As Mitt Romney put it McCain actually knows nothing about economy. How could someone who confessed that economy is not his strong thing is going to fix the economy? And about him suspended his campaign and going to Washington to "fix" the economy - they don't need him or Obama there. Neither one of them is in the banking committee. But if he has to go Sarah Palin can run the campaign. Well I guess she's still learning how to answer questions by reporters.
why would you not validate her Dad being a war hero? You said he still MAY be one. Just thank her for the service her father provided US. You are pretty much a jerk. :x
BobF Deal with what? Also after I googled the word "sullied" to see what it means I must say that I can not agree with you on this matter at all. He served and was a POW for 5 years so I do not think he "sullied" his convictions. You said he has since sullied his convicitions?? So he wanted to help the world become more of a free world then and still does? I do not see anything "spoiled or tainted" with that. Also again deal with what? Look my dad is dead from a heart attack a year ago so please tell me you were in no means putting his service to this country in a negative way. My grandfather lost his leg in the war and later died from complications from this... so deal with what? Deal with them and all the brave men and women of the USA being heros to give you the freedom to be on this site and be so disrespectful?
Sweetie..look back over this thread at what Bob has said. He's got his head so far up his liberal butt he can't possibly carry on some sort of adult conversation. And if he really intended to try and lessen the importance of your father's service, McCain's service or any other man or woman's service to this country than you should give him as much thought as you would the scum on the bottom of your shoe.
See Steve.... even I can take the high road!! If you only knew what I would like to say to BobF! Thanks brown rule and Seabeefor your "kind" words though! LOL Glad you guys have my back! ha ha ha
I and most everyone else I'm sure do appreciate the service and sacrifices they have given us and Thank you. when I see those in uniform I make it a point to say Thank you. That goes a long ways. For those like Bob F-er they can go to hell.