Congrats ... I'm so proud of you!!!!! I'm down two this week. I was relieved! I think I was holding my breath when I stepped on the scale. Then I went to the gym (Curves) and kicked butt ... their new electronic personal trainer system is really spiffy keen. I burned 447 calories in less than 30 minutes!
Way to go both Frame and Elims!! I was so excited to hear of your successes today. As for me- didn't lose but I also didn't gain... and given the week I had I'm really thrilled with that. Gaining is *so* easy and I'm just glad I did enough moving to hold that off. Congrats to both of you... and it was so good to chat with you both today!
Wow Elims & Frame...awesome job!! So between you, you lost the weight of a 5 lb bag of sugar!!! You guys inspire me! (I'm still not looking forward to Monday) :lol: You are all doing a teriffic job. I just hope that soon I can get my butt in gear and do it like it's supposed to be done.
Thanks you guys, It is just as hard to maintain as it it to lose. That is nothing to be ashamed of. That is cool. WTG elims! The support system is the biggest key here. I love that we get to talk a little about our sucesses and hopes. It makes me feel like we are not alone in this. I was thinking more about the positive thinking thing. What I do to keep myself positive is I put little Post It notes everywhere with little postive notes on them. Every time I am feeling down I look at them and it makes me feel better. Well, most of the time anyway:lol: I am also going to post a huge before pic of myself on the fridge so that whenever I want to snack, I look at myself and I will close the door. Or better yet not even open it.
BTW the pics of my babies, (four legged kind) are in the thread of Props to Purr and Bark Vet. In the CAT/DOG section. I dont know how to post a link from a thread. Computer retarded:lol:
I don't think I will make it tonight ladies. I have a really bad sinus cold. I am at work right now but may leave soon to go home. All I want to do is go back to bed. I hate to go and make every one else sick. My nose feels like its on fire!!! I hope to see you guys next week!
They're beautiful pups!!! Good luck with check-in tonite, everyone! Feel better soon, Sassy. Sinus problems REALLLLY suck ... completely wipes ya out.
I'm sorry you feel bad sassy! Hopefully you will recover quickly. I'm not sure if I'm going tonight either. I've been bad again.
C'mon, Bren! Get back on the wagon ... take a walk on your lunch break, you'll feel better! You can do it!! It's GORGEOUS out! I gotta admit tho, that's one of the reasons I couldnt go to the Monday night meetings ... I knew I'd never be able to weigh-in the day after a weekend ... and at the end of the day, after having eaten all day. On saturdays, you weigh-in .. then you've got the whole rest of the weekend to cheat a little then work it off before weighing in again.
I've got back on track today. Ate cheerios for breakfast. Eating a Smart One right now for lunch. Got grapes for a snack later....and my trusty water is right beside me. Ya know Elims, I was thinking the same thing about Mondays. I tend to do fine during the week but on the weekends I slip. Maybe I need to try Clayton one Saturday. Bren
Man I do not want to weigh in this week. I have not exercised all week, and I have been using some of my weeklies which I NEVER do. I have been so tired this week I don't know what the hey is going on. But I dont like it.:x How are the rest of you guys doing this week?
I don't know how it's going for me this week... in fact I don't think I ever know! The weeks I think I'm going to gain, I lose. When I think I'll lose I gain or don't lose. I'm "on track" this week... but I don't know. More stressed than usual. Not as much exercise as I should do. BLAH. Have faith in yourself though Frame. I think you'll surprise yourself. Just remember that even if it's not a good scale week, you're aware of where you took the wrong turn and know how to get back on track!!
I've done really good on my points this week. Been drinking my water...but according to my scales I haven't lost a pound. grrrrr.....only thing, I have not been exercising. But I would think since I have dramatically cut down on my junk food/sweet intake that I should be seeing something this week. And to top it all off, it seems like my pants are getting tighter and tighter in the waist. But I'm going Monday!! Even if it's bad I gotta go.
Hang in there Bren! Trust me I have gone from eating frosting out of the can:lol: to munching on cucumbers and carrots. I have not cut out my sweet tooth by anymeans, but it is s l o w l y getting there.:lol:
How did everyone do this week?? I talked to some after the meeting. I was down 2.4 pounds! Couldn't believe it. I'm .4 away from 20 total. WOOHOO. Keep up the great work everyone!!
That is AWESOME, Buena!!! I gained .4 this week. I knew I was slacking this week ... so I wrote out some goals for this next week (it helps if I write things down, I'm a list-maker and note-taker). It's funny ... a half pound, but I FEEL even heavier just knowing I gained. It's weighing on my brain. Psychology is a funny thing, isnt it?