Bulging disk

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by my4kiddies, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    Hey y'all , I need some advice on this problem my husband is having with the doctors . He has been told he has a bulging disk and needs surgery fast . I feel like they are not giving us time to think about it and we are a bit Concerned , of course and they will not give him anymore pain medicine for the horrible pain he is in until he See's the neurosurgeon . BS! He is in so much pain , he and i both cant stand it . We both think the back surgery is not a good idea . I have heard a lot of things from people in the past, none of which was good . So my question to you is , have you , do you know someone who has had spinal surgery ? We will be getting a 2ND opinion but i like to hear from my peeps to :0)

    Any info would help

  2. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I know many people that have had back surgery, and a few that need it.
    Most are very worried about going.
    Is there risk? Yes, but there is risk in everything that we do.
    Is getting the surgery going to make the pain go away? Most Likely.
    a slipped disk can cause more problems than pain.
    I know of one person who had a bulging disk, got in a car on a winter morning, slipped getting into the car, turned wrong, and is now in a wheelchair because he refused to get it fixed. He was scared too.
    I would recommend getting a 2nd opinion, if you think it would make you both feel better, but if that is what is going on, I would get the surgery.
    I would have my husband, son, me or anyone I knew get it if that is what needed to be done.
    Good Luck dear, I hope you get what you are looking for.:grouphug:
  3. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    My husband's been having back pain for awhile, he recently went here: Carolina Back Institute in Cary, 782-7666. His problem didn't warrant surgery, they did an MRI, found out he has scoliosis (curvature of the spine), but he thought the dr and staff were very professional etc. Hope things are better soon, for you both! :)

  4. Lookout55

    Lookout55 Well-Known Member

    I had back surgery. I had had disc problems for a while and one finally pinched a nerve in my leg so hard the pain beat labor Pains x3. I waited and now I have permanent nerve damage in my left foot. The surgery it self went fine and I was up the next day. They say sometimes with back surgery that It will either help or it won't, mine helped a great deal. His name was Sinclair (sp) he is right across from Rex in Raleigh.
  5. rrgreennc

    rrgreennc Well-Known Member

    I second the recommendation for Carolina Back. My wife has been treated there for her bulging disc. They specialize in non-surgical approaches to back treatment.
  6. lissa27504

    lissa27504 Well-Known Member

    I went to Carolina Back Institute for 6 years and just started going to Raleigh Orthopedic. The only reason I changed is because of insurance (got a new job and CBI isn't a preferred provider). I broke my back in 1996 (in Kentucky). Anyway, I had no complaints about CBI, would recommend them in a heartbeat for a second opinion. When I went to Raleigh Ortho I was told that my back pain isn't coming from where I broke my back but due to arthritis between my hip and pelvic bone---which has been there for a while and CBI should have told me that a long time ago. With that being said, I would still recommend going to CBI. The docs were great, they suggest surgery as a last resort. I would also suggest Raleigh Orthopedic Clinic--they have several locations.

    My father had back surgery for a slipped disk in the early 1990s and has felt better ever since. Yes surgery is scarey and I would definitely get a 2nd opinion before I let anyone operate on me for any reason.

    Good luck to your husband.
  7. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    Thanks to all of you for the advice and suggestions , Yes we have scheduled appointments with both Carolina Back Institute & Raleigh Orthopedic . I am scared to death , I myself have had 3 C-sections so i know all about surgeries and with them shoving needles in my back and saying don't move or you can be paralyzed but this is my hubby were talking about , so im even more afraid ..We will be going to both and more if need be .I know that he has arthritis in his back along with some other back problems so we need to be careful . He was hit by a truck 2 years ago at work , with a company vehicle . The person driving was a cow worker and he was under the influence . My hubby against my wishes wouldn't take it to a lawyer because he thought oh i will be with this company forever and i'll be fine dear . So now 2 years later were dealing with this . Go figure ! The doctor has said she and the team believe it is because of the hit and being throw 10 feet and then hitting a tree , that his back is so messed up . Men , they don't listen ! :x

    Anyways i will update y'all as soon as i know whats going on

    Thanks again :grouphug:
  8. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    That sounds like a unsympathetic doctor if I've ever heard of one. If he has an appointment to see a neurosurgeon and can't get any pain medicine, that's just disgraceful. I'd tell the doc I was coming by to get my records if he couldn't help me with the pain. There's no sense in a person suffering when they legitimately need pain medicine.

    I'll say this...I don't know who you're dealing with, but in my opinion, Raleigh Neurology just off Trinity Road behind RBC Center is about the best you'll find for neurological disorders. My wife was having problems 10 years ago and we bounced back and forth from orthopaedic docs to neurologists. I bet we saw 12 different specialists before Raleigh Neurology got it right the first time.

    Over the years we've come in contact with good doctors and lousy doctors. There's three area doctors on my you-know-what list that I'd go to a veterinarian before letting them treat me: a surgeon in Raleigh, a neurologist in N. Raleigh/Smithfield and a orthopedic doc in Smithfield.

    If your husband is in pain, I'd tell that doctor I'd like for him to reconsider and if he didn't, I tell him you were complaining to the NC Medical Board (www.ncmedboard.org) if he didn't do his duty as a physician.
  9. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    I have also seen Sinclair(sp). This was after 2 back surgeries that I needed. I was afraid I needed another one but he suggested no. He prescribed meds for the buldging disc and it got me back on track. No permanent damage here. Everyone and everyone's case is different. Go to as many doctors as it takes to for a good opinion.
    I am pain free today.

    Good luck.
  10. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Back Problems

    First of all I have been in your place. However my husband's problem was a cracked spin. My husband had back surgery twice from Dr. Albright at Raleigh Ortho, I WOULD NOT recommend him. His steal screws in his back broke and after the second surgery he was not any better. My husband passed away last year due to heart problems at 36 but I do feel that a lot of the heart problems came from him being in the bed for over a year with his back.

    I have heard soooooo many great things about Dr. Sinclair. I actually called them after my husband's second surgery but they would not take him since he had been operated on by Dr. Albright twice. They said they couldn't get into someone else's mess. I would highly recommend Dr. Sinclair.

    I have also heard some really good things about Carolina Back.

    Whatever you do DON'T go to Dr. Albright!!!!!!
  11. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Carolina Back
  12. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    The doctors office my husband goes to is benson area medical center .
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  13. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    MLH , I first off want to tell you how sorry i am for your loss , I couldn't imagine what you have been through and again im so very sorry . Thank you so much for your info , it is greatly appreciated . I will not be taking my husband to that doctor !
  14. JustMe

    JustMe Well-Known Member

    another vote for Dr. Sinclair

    My husband had a bulging disc. He tried Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, acupuncture and his pain continued. He went to Carolina Back and they recommended surgery. Dr. Sinclair did an excellent job. He was hospitalized for 2 days and on bed rest (lying flat) for several days at home. He has a very physical job and is now able to do that job. If he had not had the surgery, he would have had nerve damage and been unable to work. Get 2nd opinions, but Dr. Sinclair is one of the best in our area.

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