The NAACP is planning on having a "vigil" this Sunday (3:00PM) at the Johnston County Courthouse. I hope everyone who reads this will come out to counter the NAACP's & the Latino Groups effort to get Sheriff Bizzell fired. He was clearly fustrated when he made remarks to a local news agency. These groups which have more problems to resolve with their own, are coming here to preach to us about a man that has done alot for our community. Hope to see ya there. From reading the comments from the WRAL viewers, it sounds like there will be alot of supporters turning out.
There are those of us here who do not support the Sheriff's comments. I also believe that a peaceful assembly as a form of protest is a good thing. The more "light" that can be brought on this subject, the better.
Did anyone read the letters section of this week's Smithfield Herald (or whatever it's called these days :roll: ) There were 4 letters of support for our fine Sheriff. Most people with good common sense realize that he made an error out of frustration and know that his good work for our county WAY outweighs his error in judgment with that statement. I can't be there Sunday but I sure wish everyone that goes well. It's crazy what they're trying to do to that man.
Maybe the NAACP will stop by Wakefield High and hold a vigil for the white 15 year old beaten up by 3 black students.
another thing,,,, do they not understand what NAACP means also? (not NAALP "latinos" or NAAHP "hispanic") just my .02 worth
The beating that kid sustained was brutal. Did you hear the kid's grandmother defending him? Her grandson told her that the boy attacked him and he was just defending himself.
Yeah defending one's self always turns into bodyslamming, kicking, and punching until reconstructive surgery is required. <rolls eyes>
I'm reading this thread from Montes Claros, Brazil and even I support the work that Sheriff Bizzell has done. Just look at the folks getting posted on the WTSB Radio website. White, black, brown or some shade in between............if you are breaking the law in Johnston County the sheriff has every right to "call it like he sees it". All of the folks complaining need to quit trying to be so "PC" about things. They are just going to "PC" all of us out of existence. I for one give him an A+ for the job he has done and the job he will continue to do if people will just let him do it. If someone is not happy with the job he is doing, remember, you can run for the position and then see how un-greatful of a job it really is.
Probably some of the sheriff's biggest supporters in the county will be tied up tomorrow in Benson. However, both of those groups that are going to protest could just ride down there to debate the matter. :jester:
I don't think these folks would be welcome in Benson. It would be like oil and water. Remember Greensboro?
I think it would make Greensboro look like a peace activist rally. That was why I said that in jest. This is an issue that is going to remain hot, I'm afraid.