Support Sheriff Bizzell This Sunday

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LETSGOEERS!!!, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Personally I hate all folks here that are illegal!! I don't give a rat's A@@ if their Mexican, Cuban, Haittian (however that is spelled...) etc...

    My family is immigrants themselves!! But you know what...we did it legally through Ellis Island, 60 years ago this year!! My dad was born in the Netherlands and moved here as a child, my brothers and I are 1st generation Americans! If your are here illegally I just think ... you don't deserve the same priveledges and rights the rest of us do have!! Sorry... :?

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    It sounds like alot of you are ashamed to be white. Has the media guilted you that much to feel bad about your own race. Tell me something, if the whites were having a protest (vigil) today against a Black or Latino sheriff, would the media report about it the same? NO, those whites would be labeled as a racist group. It's sad that we have allowed all these groups (NAACP, El Pueblo, etc) to run us over. Whites have no rights anymore in this country.
  3. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I'm not opposed to there being advocacy for whites no more than I am for blacks or hispanics. The problem is with nearly all of these groups, hate comes in the back door and it poisons the message. That, again, is with all these types of groups for the most part. To me, I think people like Jackson and Sharpton try to stir strife. This was evident in Durham with the Lacrosse team. Did they ever issue an apology? When people feel victimized, they often turn to others for support and when those 'others' perpetuate superiority or hatred and distrust for another race, it does nothing for the cause.

    I believe, for the most part, that everyone regardless of color can get along. There are many things that bring people together in which the color of a person's skin is, at the very least, pushed into the backs of people's minds. Common ground brings out the best in people. World War II was a good example, but something as simple as religion, civic groups, community events or even shared hobbies can bring people together. Hate only tears that down. I think history shows that we are a stronger nation when we work together with common goals and can look at each other as fellow Americans rather than divisively segregating. This doesn't include those that are not Americans by desire, either by birth or by choice.

    Culturally, whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, etc. will always be different and find comfort among themselves at times. However, overall distrust of people that are different has to be avoided for the common good.

    Learn a lesson from our children. Put a group of kids together in a play area who have not been introduced to a negative frame of mind about others and they'll simply play and get along. They may be white, black, hispanic, asian, native american, Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc. They are individuals, but they do not know what hate is. Its only when the parent says "don't play with this one or that one" that opens the door for negativity.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2008
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    How so? I pretty much agree with Sherry.
  5. GlobeBiz

    GlobeBiz Well-Known Member

    You're absolutely right. It will enrich us socially and economically and will make this country stronger when we embrace diversity in our society. When I did my post study we got a team of eight doing a research project. Seven are foreign born and recent immigrants (legal!), I'm the only American in the team and my god they are brilliant. They are the best of the best of where they came from. I've learned so much from them. We are lucky to have these brilliant brains in our work force. And I know millions of immigrants out there came here legally and make this country a better a place to live. Afterall we are all immigrants anyway! That said, we still have a lot of problems with illegal immigrants, it's sad that our government does not have 'consistent" laws to address the issue. But don't let a few bad apples ruining the whole bunch, most importantly don't let race or the color of skin of someone influenced your thinking.
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Really? I have the same rights as every other US citizen, who has not broken the law. You are just trying to stir up racial discord.
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Just the way it was worded.
  8. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    and so what if a review and audit shows the reality that there really is a rampant problem with a particular segment of people who live here? will you still claim "racism and profiling"? it's not my fault that "X" group of people seems to have "X" problem, is it? and am i somehow a racist if i mention it even though i'm not a member of "x" group? maybe if "X" group policed itself, others wouldn't have to....

    i guess if the "review" shows that "X" group has a much higher rate of "X" crime, you'll just claim it's racism unless it's white people? are white people the only group capable of racism? is it possible that there really is a problem with illegal drunk driving hispanics?
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    This article is a year old, but still interesting.

    Myths, facts about N.C. Hispanics
    Some widely held ideas debunked

    And look at this -

  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  11. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    those facts are racist
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    It was not my intention to imply that all others were racist. My intention was not to discuss or bring up any or all minority problems and bring them into this discussion. In my humble opinion, I want people to understand that we, in Johnston County, are a a group of people who do not condone any race to be profiled or discriminated against and agree that an independent audit should be done. It seemed to me that the Thread was drifting in another direction and I wanted to voice an opinion from one family who will await the results before forming an opinion on the Sheriff for whom we have voted for.

    Please review the whole Thread to see why I did this and it certainly was not a slam to anyone's freedom of speech.

    Thanks, Cleo,
  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    I grow weary of people speaking only badly about any one group of people, no matter what the color, gender, creed or religion. I am more weary of a politician doing this even out of frustration. My best guess is that most politicians do not do this "in public". When a Hispanic of origin politician, a Black politician, a Jewish politician speaks in public if they were to say what our Sheriff said I would imagine a storm of protest and threats would come.

    Just because Steve is from this area doesn't mean that everyone knows him personally and went to school with him. People don't know that even though he stated those horrible things to a reporter but meant them out of frustration and off the record. Another guess on my part, if another politician did that "we" would debate that from all sides. Why not this one? Is it because he has known most from birth or is it because he is doing a good job? I certainly could not say statements like that about my employees or customers out of frustration nor would I. I would be fired! I am not saying he should be fired, I am saying an investigation is certainly the right thing to do and a rethinking of the whole department. If he is that frustrated he is not supervising well, in my opinion.

    No facts on stats on my end until the final reports come in because I am behind Steve on him keeping his job until the results are in. I don't see that from others Posting. I see people going on and on about a group of people instead of how we stop this type of thing in our county.

  14. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    back up a step and consider the hypothetical i used. "group x has been shown to have a higher rate of crime X within its population." your demand for "an audit and review" of a particular law enforcement agency imply that you are not willing to concede that "group X has a problem within its population of crime X", and that you would not accept the results if they were to show that.

    in the case of hispanics having a higher rate of drunk driving (illegals are just an aggravating factor), you have already shown that you are not willing to accept what the facts shown to you. take a look at cleo's last couple of posts. those are facts, not racial profiling, or the statements of a racist. facts. without opinion. yet you are not willing to accept them without hollering "racism! profiling!". why not?
  15. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You are absolutely incorrect. If the audit finds that his comments were out of frustration and nothing more then I will accept that fact. I do hope that Steve has learned his lesson on expressing his frustration or whatever it is. I do believe a person is innocent on crimes until or if found guilty and that is why I don't get why people think his statements are okay. His statements sound racists to me and many more. I don't want to believe that he is like that and that is why we need an independent audit.

    Nobody deserves hateful statements being said about them by anyone but especially someone who should serve the community. That is all I have been saying from day one. I would think you would understand this but it seems as though his statements go to the wayside while others must be saying "racial" about him. How are his statements not that way? If memory serves me right you used to believe in the exact same thing I am defending. Am I correct?

  16. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i'm not defending racist comments, nor am i saying they're ok. what i'm saying is that if a white guy says that latinos have a problem with drunk driving and being in the country illegally, it's not racist if the facts support that statement. it's an observation. even if the white guy sounds angry when he says it...
  18. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Are we not awaiting the facts? Until then we should not rush to judgment on either side, in my opinion. But, remarks are hurtful and tear apart communities, that's what I am saying! It is not a laughing matter at all.

    I was on the telephone with someone born and raised in Johnston County last night and I was talking about this. I said "what if I or someone else made a statement such as...white people breed like rabbits. There teenage children have the most car accidents in our state and they should not be allowed to breed. Those parents and teens are trashy." Would that get a rise out of people who defend statements such as what our Sheriff said?

    He said that I would get the wrath of Johnston County on me and he thinks people need to await the results of the audit going on in different departments. He also laughed and said that most don't lump people together and he knew that I knew that. I do know that it is just that it seems like some on here think it is okay to say those things whether out of frustration or burn out. I just don't understand that logic.

    In the minority as usual,
  19. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Who on here has never said something they regret and cannot take back? I have. I think people are trying to say they support the Sheriff for what he has done for this county and one mistake does not change that.
  20. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    I certainly have stated things I regret but not to this extent. I am in hope that all of this will bring our county closer instead of driving people apart. Maybe I should have stated that a while back.


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