I had heard Brad Miller, David Price, and both Senators saying on the radio in the past few days that their calls were 100 to 1 against the bailout. I figured if that was the case on both sides of the aisle and with an election coming up it was going to be a hard battle to get this passed.
From the MSNBC article posted... Do I read that right? Effectively what they said was, "Ignore what the [people want and do what we tell you to do."
Considering the effects of the cascade failure, it is more like ignore what the people want and do what is in their best interests, just like we ignore the children who do not want to be vaccinated when it is in their best interests.
Any idea as to how Bob Etheridge voted? I'm just curious. Not pointing fingers at either party. Seems to me that it wasn't even close, and the pundits were speaking of it as if it were a done deal, without listening to Joe Public.
The final vote was 228-205. I heard on NPR just now that Boehner says 12 Repubs changed their minds because Nancy Pelosi made a partisan speech, so it's her fault it didn't pass.
Congressman Bob Etheridge I just spoke with his office in Washington, DC. Congressman Bob Etheridge voted in favor of passing the bill as written.
I don't think I'll ever figure politics out. Bush can't get his own party to support what everyone refers to as a bail out. That's another story altogether. The Democrats spearhead the legislation and then Pelosi torpedoes it!!! Geez, what a bunch of losers. Wonder how the vote would have went if it wasn't an election year??
A agree. The Democrats have a majority in the House. They could have passed the legislation without the 1st Republician vote. All I know is their political infighting severely damaged my grandkids college funds today.
Pelosi should be kicked out, however the Democrats promised 140 votes and delivered. In order to work this had to be a bipartisan effort. The Republicans came up short on what they promised. If they honestly felt that the bail out was a bad idea I can respect that, might not agree, but can respect that. But if you decided to torpedo this legislation an perhaps put this country in further jepordy because she couldn't keep her mouth shut, that is sad.
Uhh, my comment about Pelosi was sarcasm. I don't think anybody really believes 12 Republicans - the exact number needed to reverse the outcome on the bill - actually changed their minds because of a speech by Pelosi. Barney Frank asked for their names, and promised to speak uncharacteristically kindly to them if they would change their minds again and vote in favor of the bill.
As I understood it, 40% of the Democrats voted against it. I also heard that Pelosi, during her speech, started blaming the whole problem on Bush. If that's the case, she's a bigger idiot than I ever gave her credit for, and I've given her a lot of credit for being an idiot. What I don't understand is why they can't stop the "Blame Game" and try to fix this. Mike
She did, I watched the speach last night along with what the R and D has to say on it. I think its all crap and they need to do something now whether we like it or not. We are getting screwed no matter what!
The way I heard it last night in the little press thing the R's did after the vote they basically said that some did change there minds because of her speech. Which was kinda crappy that it all falls on the last 8 years, something like this took more than 8 years to cause. But just my opinion on that!