Ideas for a party for a boy

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, I know I am a horrible procrastinator but this takes the cake I guess. My daughter had her 13yo birthday party last weekend. Still tired--LOL. My son is having his 6th birthday party this weekend. Everyone in his class is invited. Awaiting a head count. Over the last few years, I have found RSVP's have not really been a big deal. So, it's hard for me to get an accurate account of who will be here. With that in mind, I need some ideas. Since the kids are all young, keeping the party short. 2 to 4. Obviously, we're having cake and all the junk that goes w/ a birthday party. We were going to do a pinata but last pinata costs us nearly 30 dollars w/ the price of candy! And that's shopping at BJ's and such. What can I do to entertain a bunch of kindergartners w/ a very limited budget? Thought about some outdoor games. Is there a craft maybe we can make? I've looked on Kaboose. I've used all kinds of ideas in the past. I really want this to be fun for him. Remember, we miss out on all our kids birthdays the first few years of life. Last year was his first birthday w/ us and we only did a family thing. This is his first "real" party. So moms out there, can you help me out w/ ideas. Drawing blanks. Plus, I'm usually not this behind. Birthdays back to back and a Halloween party coming up...yikes! Would they still get a kick out of a pin the tail type of game? My kids all like things a little younger than they are, that's why I'm asking. Kindergartners are usually pretty flexible and have fun anywhere, any time it seems--LOL. Thanks in advance for all the suggestions that I know you all will have. We thought about doing a carnival type of thing. One of my older kids even volunteered to take a pie in the face! so, we'll see. I've seen the carnival thing done before w/ success so maybe. My 5yo is into Diego and Thomas the Train big time.


    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Too funny!!! Sad part is, I honestly think ALL four of my boys would enjoy that party. (especially, the 13yo--LOL). Sorry but don't think the girls coming to the party would appreciate it too much.

    Needed the laugh.

    STephanie--mom to 7
  4. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    Make newspaper pirate hats and let them color/decorate them. Have a treasure hunt in the yard stashing goodies in sacks.
  5. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I've never done it, but I always thought an obstacle course sounded like fun for a kid's party. Maybe hula hoops, long-jump, shot-put, mini-golf, whatever you have around the house? Set up a little obstacle course for them to finish, maybe time them? Set up teams, I don't know? I'm not very creative. What is your son into? Also, you can get party games cheap at party stores, for $5, I just got one for Diego party a couple weeks ago.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    We did a treasure hunt once and it was a lot of fun. Make up clues, hide stuff, what's not to like for little kids? :mrgreen:
  7. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Oooh, I like the treasure hunt idea. Kids that young probably can't read the clues. you can team them up with older kids, or read out the clues one at a time?

    Is there a theme/character your son likes? That usually helps with ideas. How's the weather supposed to be?
  8. Jocomom

    Jocomom Well-Known Member

    to go along with the treasure hunt, you could make eye patches. the boys could decorate, choosing a color for the pre-cut patch, etc. I always find that a craft is a nice thing to do as the guests arrive. Once they get there and say their hello's, it's off to the "craft table", as they wait for the others to arrive. Here are some other "pirate" crafts to check out.
  9. Jocomom

    Jocomom Well-Known Member

  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  11. Jocomom

    Jocomom Well-Known Member

    I believe it!! I think the activity would be a hit, that's for sure!
    I was thinking about the creating of all those maps....considering the whole class has been invited, as the time consuming aspect. I was thinking you would send each child to a different area to find "his/her" own "treasure, ie: Goodie bag. :)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  12. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Treasure hunt idea sounds cool. My older kids do this for the younger ones form time to time. They use visual clues. Weather is supposed to be great. So, outside it is! My son is very into Diego and Thomas the TRain. He loves everythign very colorful too and loves balloons. Being that we're having boys and girls, I think we'll do balloons and bubbles. Some of these ideas I've heard, some I've come up w/, etc. --don't want you all thinking I'm too creative--LOL. Thought of a bakery/ candy shop type theme. Everything in those shops is always so colorful. I can make just about anything (used to work in a bakery) so have no fear. So, dining hall fulll of balloons/ streamers/ etc. Very colorful. Like I said, my son lOVES color. He's very visual partly b/c he is Deaf. Anyhow, the backroom will also have trays out like in a bakery where the kids pick stuff off the trays. Older kids "serviing." Also, they'll be an entire glass(okay probably end up w/ plastic) jar of hershey kisses. Each kid guesses the # in jar and one who is the closest, gets to take it all home.(mom can reuse for Halloween if they want). All kids I thought could take home a "muffin" w/ a balloon attached. The "muffin" is actually a cup full of jellybeans made to look like a muffin. For outdoor games, maybe redrover/ tag/ and a bowling alley type game. I know kindergartners love to run so this should be a no -brainer--LOL. My kids also found a bunch of party hats and some party trinket stuff too. I think that will all be okay. What do you guys think? Thank goodness the next string of birthdays isn't until Christmas time. Dec. 27; Jan 5th; Jan.5th). I may be back here asking for teen ideas in a few months--LOL.Thanks for all the help on these parties. Lots of good ideas and definitely can use a bunch of them.

    stephanie--mom to 7
  13. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Stephanie - ugh! Those winter parties are even harder! My oldest's bday is in December, and staying indoors is hard to do/come up with ideas. We might have his party somewhere this year, we don't do that too much because it can get pricey, but we have told him we could do it at rush hour this year (his 9th) if he does good in school. So we'll see.

    Speaking of kindergarten, you never told us if you ended up getting your son registered ok. I'm assuming by your last post that he is in a regular k class?
  14. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Hey DMJmom! He is in a regular k class w/ pullouts of course. He's in Mrs. Covey's class. We like her a lot as my other son had her too! We just signed off on all the papers Friday so his first "official" day was Monday even though he's been going there the last couple weeks. I think it will be a great year for him. He's thrilled to be in school! He uses sign still but that will be stopped soon per request of docs & therapists once he's implanted. Yes, my son will be able to hopefully hear clearly for the first time ever. Surgery is scheduled Nov. 12th but we have been put on the list for any cancellations. Anyone have Mrs. Covey as well??? If so, I may meet you all on Saturday. If not, there's a field trip Oct. 14th I'm going on. Got to go plan some more of the party. Have a great week and thanks for all the ideas.

    stephanie--mom to 7
  15. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    Thats what I was thinking. :lol:
  16. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    kids party

    try Kids club house, it is on the front pagr of our 40 42. it will entertain them and let you relax and it will be a memorable experiance. not to mention i will be watching over them or my dedicated has bounce house , big slide unit and an obstacle course.
    ther are tables to set up for any theme you want to bring. pm me for more info.
    i asure you the kids will have a blast.
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    Have you ever checked out Partnership For Children? It's mainly for Smart Start preschoolers but they had all kinds of school aged stuff too. Anyone can become a member. Their membership is $20 a year and then you can check out these activity kits, leveled readers, etc. like you do at a library. I know they had lots of outdoor stuff. We checked out a kit that had a parachute in it. You know, one of those ones with handles around the side that kids make go up and down? They have kits that have musical instruments. All kinds of COOL stuff. This is great not only for this b day party but especially if you are homeschooling any of your kids. They also laminate for pennies! They just opened a Clayton office in the strip mall beside Rainbow Lanes near Guy and 42. Their Selma location has more stuff. I go there a lot since it's close to Neuse Charter School. The Clayton location will only be open Thursday this week. The Selma office will be open Wed, Thurs, and then close by around 2pm Friday. Durella is the person I deal with the most there and she is super helpful. If you call her she can probably make some suggestions. You will go wild at this place.
    REALLY REALLY recommend this place. website is
    I love your carnival idea. One of your older kids could do face painting and temporary tattooing. Or permanent tattooing. Now that would make one good 6 year old party. Might do that for my son in January. LOL

    DB's Wife

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