After the last 8 years I think a lot are intimidated by simple competency. Surely we can't elect someone that is competent and might actually think his answer through!! :jester:
Have you seen Katie Couric interviewed Sarah Palin the other day? Those questions are not hard or tricky at all but the way she answered just reminded me of Miss South Carolina, rambling all over places. And she will be our commander in chief?
Well David Letterman will need future material for "Famous Presidential Speeches". That segment still makes me laugh and ill at the same time.
Didn't John McCain himself say the most important qualification for VP is that the person be ready to step in as President?
I would dodge the liberal news media. I don't blame her at all if she is dodging the media. I really don't think she is. I have seen her giving interviews on many media outlets. She is a great leader and done good things in Alaska. She will make a great VP for us.
I don't know, did he say that? What if both the president and vice president should die? Isn't the most importat qualification for a member of congress who might become speaker be ready to step in as president? How about Mr. Cheney? He was never intended to become president. When Mr. Bush tagged him, he said he would be vice president, but would not run if nominated or serve if elected (yes, the same words from Mr. Johnson). Ms. Palin is not running for president any more then Mr. Biden is.
I can't believe you're suggesting that's not an important qualification for VP. In the You Tube debate last year, McCain said, in response to a question about VP:
If it is, why isn't Mr. Biden getting the same vetting? And don't give me the crap about John McCain being older than dirt. Did you know that, statistically speaking, Mr. Obama has a good chance of dying in office? (yes, his race is a factor, but I'm speaking more on the health issue such as the fact that his Mother died of cancer and he is a smoker who only recently quit to start his presidential bid, but admits that he even now falls off the wagon). After that, there is Mr. Biden who has had two brain aneurysms while in office. Should he die, that leaves Nancy Pelosi. Where's her vetting to beome president? I'm curious about your quote. Who's "Fred", as in "but was Fred said, the primary responsibility is to select one who will immediately take your place is necessary."
The vetting is not dependent on the age or even the health of the presidential candidate - all manner of things can happen, many that we prefer not to even think about. Joe Biden has run for president, he's been in the Senate for many years, the American people and the press think they know who he is. Sarah Palin has been active in politics for a number of years, and I know that she had champions urging her choice as McCain's VP, but she has not come to the attention of much of the American public and media until recently, so of course there are unanswered questions. Fred would be Fred Thompson. That was a presidential debate while all the candidates were still in the running. I think there are a couple of typos in that line, too - it should be as Fred said, and if necessary, I assume.
Of course, those very important "unanswered" questions such as: Isn't it true that baby Trig is really your 17 year old daughters baby? Yes, we know Trig was born in April...and your daughter is pregnant now and due in December...what does that have to do with anything? Did you or did you not have an affair with your husband's business partner? We know it's true, because the partner has now asked that his divorce records be sealed. Oh come one would ask to have their divorce papers sealed just because their life has become hell due to journalists harassing them and their family over a rumor with no basis. A Moose?!?!? Did you really kill a moose? OMG! That is outrageous. You can't be president if you killed a moose, woman...what are you thinking? For every moose that you kill...a glacier dies, do you realize that?!?!?! Do you honestly expect us to believe that you can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, change a disabled baby's diaper, never let your husband forget he's a man....AND be 2nd in line to run the country?!?! You do realize that you are a woman and not a man...don't you? How does it feel to know that your baby has Down's syndrome because you flew in an airplane after your water broke? You should be charged with child abuse. In fact, that is next on our list after we get GW impeached. You do know that no one will vote for you with that awful accent, don't you? We can deal with Barney Frank mumbling...but that nasally accent of yours just won't cut you should bow out now. Your hair is so outdated. Do you have plans to change it? You know no one will vote for you with outdated hair. One's hair is Soooooo.... important. Ask John Edwards...he'll tell ya. Why did you make your son join the National Guard just because he is a drug addict? You know that rehab would have been better for him, you warmongering witch! Your VP acceptance speech appeared to by someone else? Care to comment on that? We all know that no other politicians use speech-writers, don't cho know. So...your hubby had a DUI twenty-two years ago. Since you have a baby, we can only assume you let this drunkard into your bed in the past year. I know Obama, a Presidential candidate, did cocaine around the same time.... but you slept with your husband after he got drunk and drove? How can we vote you in as VP, when you show such poor judgement? You said that dinosaurs walked the earth with Adam and Eve 4000 years ago, can you prove that? What? You didn't say that? Well Matt Damon said you did, and I trust Matt Damon.
Those are not the questions I see the legitimate media asking. And any media outlet that gives any one of those questions more than a passing glance gives up their claim to legitimacy. I don't recall Charlie Gibson or Katie Couric asking her any of those questions. We live in a complicated world, and it would be nice to know that the person who will be a heartbeat away from the presidency understands a little bit about how the world works.
And yet you have no problem with Charlie Gibson asking Mr. Obama those hard hitting questions like, "How does it feel to win?", and, "How does it feel to break a glass ceiling?"
Nope, I don't have a problem with that. He has answered plenty of hard questions as well. Of course I don't expect you to admit that, and no, I do not have the time nor the inclination to go searching for examples today.
Such as? So basically you expect me to accept a lie and leave it like that, right? Here, I'll help you out with a link to the Gibson/Obama interview:
I do not appreciate being called a liar. He has had many media interviews in addition to the one with Charlie Gibson that you're so fond of linking, and if you believe he has never answered any hard questions in any of them, you're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to disagree.
My apologies. How about "un-truther"? But we're talking specifically about how Mr. Gibson had hard ball questions for Ms. Palin and fluff for Mr. Obama. If you'd rather change the subject then do so. Far be it from me to keep you on a subject you can't handle. Ms. Palin has had other interviews as well and has answered both hard and soft questions.
Can you point out where I said or implied that my comments were limited to the Charlie Gibson interviews? I'm sorry if you can't handle talking about more than one interview at a time.