Don't tell me you did not realize that comment was in direct response to Magnolia's list of questions, and had nothing to do with your whining about the media's vetting of Sarah Palin.
Ok, here it is in a nutshell... You mentioned Mr. Gibson's interview which I called you on as being full of bias. Ratrher than address this, you claimed you hadn't mentioned Mr. Gibson. Then, when I pointed out that you did indeed mention him, you now claim that it was a different discussion. Rather than admit to the obvious media bias, you're more comfortable with discussing who said what in the thread. Cool, have at it. Enjoy yourself. Me, I have other more important things to do that go around in circles with a typical partisan. You have just shown that you represent half of what's wrong these days with politics in this country. I'd rather discuss things with someone who is at least willing to admit to the obvious.
Oh, Clif, I bow to your nonpartisanship! I did not claim I hadn't mentioned him, I said my remarks were not specific to him. You responded by producing a quote in which I mentioned both him and Katie Couric, not exactly evidence that my remarks were specific to Charlie Gibson. In fact, the quote you used was in response to Magnolia's suggestion that those personal questions are all the media cares about, and I mentioned the only two major media interviews Palin has allowed, pointing out that in fact I don't believe they asked any of those questions. Your complaints of partisanship against others are simply laughable, coming from one of the most partisan posters on this board.
I lean toward conservative views (actually more libertarian), but I am far from partisan. Over the past few months, I have been railing against both side for their partisan ramblings. Of course, with your blinders on, you can only see half of what I post. I have commented to both Magnolia and ready2cmyKing for their post attemtping to dredge up the old Obama=Muslim. I have complained that both sides are finger pointing over this economy fiasco when in reality both sides are to blame. But you didn't see any of that because you presume that, since I tend to be a fiscal conservative, then I must be partisan. I see what I see. The media is biased. Whether it's Fox, which has a conservative bias, or what some have christianed "main stream media" which has a decidedly liberal bias. The facts are there and I will complain about either side, but one certainly gets more focus because it is more pronounced.