Why do you need hangers for a 14 kid sleepover? (Note, nope..no sleepovers yet in my house so I am clueless here 8))
Still need hangers? LMK I'll send one of the kids over w/a bag full, the house had tons of hangers when we moved in
Bring em on!! If I don't use them this time I will for the next sleepover. Smores and weenie roast oh my! Thanks!!!
Well, not BFF's, but we have decided that Marguerita's are a great start to being neighbors... LOL I've eaten a little crow and we've managed to muddle through it all in good fashion :mrgreen: My sister just lost 2 hug oak trees and we're having the sleepover on her 40 acre farm / woods so I think we have the wood part covered. We're gonna have a BIG bonfire! :hurray::hurray: LOL... i love burning stuff... just ask justmom.... I'm burning stuff in my little barrel all the time :mrgreen:
OOOHHHH!!!! Duh!! You're gonna use the hangers to put the weenies and marshmallows on.... Yup...little slow...
You want to get rid of wood, let me know - we burn our fire pit just about every nite once the weather changes, have been burning it all this week and love it but getting low on wood.
Does your DH have a truck? A chainsaw? I have some piled, but I have a few downed trees too. I have a chainsaw. I think the chain is off - might need to be sharpened? And I know it takes 50:1 gas/oil combo. :lol:
Yep gotta truck, the chainsaw not too sure about but if it is free wood i am sure he would fix yours to use it on the wood (the man is always fixing stuff). i'll talk to him tonite and give ya a call. Thanks so much, i was getting ready to have to buy wood so we would have enough.
No - don't buy that stuff! Have him come on over and survey the wood and the chainsaw. I'll get specifics on the chainsaw. If it just needs to be sharpened, I think I have a dremel around here somewhere.
i am sure he has whatever needs to sharpen it - i am clueless on that kind of thing, learned a long time ago when he is working intently on something to stay out of the way:lol:
Hey Cleo and Kaci, We'd love to have some leftover wood! I think Kiddo is having a bonfire birthday party next month, so it sure would come in handy!
Far be it from me to volunteer him for something without asking him first, lol. So.... I will check with him, and get back to ya! How's that?
Cleo was giving the girls a bath last night when you called. Then, she was all tuckered out. Cleo sorry.