Question about school disipline.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Jayjay39, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    My son is not ADHD and he does that too! LOL Maybe it's a teenage thing.

    Have you tried counseling? Sometimes kids will talk to someone else other than us parents.
  2. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    I don't appreciate you coming on here telling me that I am failing as a parent. Some things aren't always in your control. Sorry if I can't keep tabs on where my son is at all times because I have my own life to live and I have a job. As long as he checks in with me before dark and I know he is safe then I feel like I am doing my job. I don't want to be all in my kids buisness because that is how you turn them against you. So before you come in here telling me I am failing as a parent and saying I have lost my son you might want to get the audacity to look at yourself and figure out what you have done to keep tabs on your child today. Do not try to tell me how to run my life this was a friendly forum and for you to come in here and try to ruffel feathers you must seriously be ignorant and oblivious to what it is like to have a family.
  3. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Have you had a child with special needs or a mental illness? If not that shut up, you have no clue what you are talking about. It's a totally different world, and sometimes you can do everything in your power to do your job as a parent and it doesn't matter because when mental illness is involved you can't always have control and neither can the child, they are not themselves.
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Then put to working outside or something! From what I've heard its like taking college courses, not screwing up? Maybe he needs to take steps to graduate early?
  5. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    The thing is that he will tell his girlfriend or bestfriends everything and it seems to calm him quite a bit. Yes, I also think it is a teenage thing. It's just that with the economy being how it is money doesn't fall out of the sky anymore for everyone. Lol. I looked into how much counseling would cost and just for a one hour session it would cost around $200.
  6. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    Right now he is a junior and he is taking all College level classes such as AP trig and AP Biochemics he can't graduate early as a Junior but also getting early graduation as a Senior will give him less credits. The more credits the better in my eyes.
  7. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Yikes! Well at least he talks to his gf and bf, that's better than nothing. :)

    Have you ever checked out the NAMI site? Good place for info and they have discussion boards that put you in touch with other parents of children with ADHD. :)
  8. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member


    Yes, I have looked into the website but right now I am at work and I don't have time to fill out a registration. Soon I have to get off because I have a 11:00 A.M appointment with the governor about gas prices and what not so I will have to be in that for a couple of hours.
  9. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    Can I ask how Middle College would make him feel like a screw up? I just don't understand that....
  10. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    To him the process of going to Middle College is at some point you have to drop out of highschool to be put into that program. His friend did it maybe a year ago and after a month his friend completely dropped out of Middle College and never went back to highschool. He doesn't have a problem with learning things where he is now and he has a job afterschool therefore he cannot do Middle College because the classes are 5-8 and he works with his brother from 4-10.
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Jeepgirl - I was hoping you'd get on this thread. I remembered that your son was going and how well it was working for him. :)
  12. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member


    My son knows allot of people that went or goes to middle college. Some were screw ups and some were just trying to get outta highschool early. It's a mixed variety. But I cannot force my son into anything if he wants to continue staying in highschool then I must respect that and if he decides to change his mind I would be happy to put him into Middle College. Thanks everyone for your help but I have a confernce meeting in 20 minutes and it takes me 15 to get there. I should be back on around One and if not then I will sign on when I get home around 4:30.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    I am not the parent who's coming on a discussion forum looking for advice from total strangers on how to handle a child that's obviously lost. It ticks me off that there are parents like you that don't make their kids behave. I hate that my kids to have watch behavior like what your child displays on a daily basis. They are supposed to be in the classroom learning, not having to hear some fouled mouth punk. First thing you want to do is blame someone else for your childs conduct. "Its the teachers fault", "He didn't take his meds". I also work full time and know where my three kids are all the time.
  14. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    My 15 year old is grounded for 2 weeks for lying to me a couple of days ago. He can't use the computer or see his friends or talk to them on the phone. He can watch t.v. with us but there is nothing on t.v. that we watch that he likes, so... that gives him plenty of time, after band practice, to work on his school project that is due later this month. :mrgreen: We did let him go to church with a friend on Wednesday, but only because it was church. He has to miss any kind of after school functions for the next two weeks as well - because he is being punished and punishment is supposed to hurt.

    It's amazing how much a teenager can sigh when they're bored. :lol:

    My son had better not EVER curse at one of his teachers... or any adult for that matter... and let me find out about it. :evil:
  15. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    First off if you really do have the nerve to come on here when someone is asking for advice and try to crush what little hope they have then you fail at what you are doing. Not once have I blamed anyone for anything nor have I blamed it on him not taking his meds. I asked questions about it and there were plenty of kind people to talk to but after so many nice people I reckoned that someone so ignorant as yourself would come on here and try to act like your life is perfect. If you seriously want to do this than alright. It's not my fault that your children are in a higher grade than anything you have ever completed. It's also not my fault that you were taught to spell by a second grader. I hope you know that someone like yourself will not put me down in any way shape or form.
  16. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I see what you're saying, but if its in his records that he's skipping classes and/or has behavioral/anger problems - that won't look good either on his HS transcripts for college. They do look at absences and stuff. Maybe if you point that out to him, he'll stay in class :lol:
  17. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Um, yes you can, as long as it's not illegal or immoral. It's one of the few perks of being a parent.

    This is part of your problem, and one of the reasons your child disrespects authority. You feel that you can't force him to treat his elders with respect and so he will go through life taking what he wants and doing whatever he darn well pleases because that's how he was raised.
  18. Jayjay39

    Jayjay39 Member

    I don't want my son to turn against me I have a tight bond with him and I don't want to lose that with him. He doesn't disrespect authority at a daily basis it happens once or twice a year and I don't let him do as he wants. If you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you.
  19. seabee

    seabee Guest

    I agree talk to the teacher. I would have had my kid with me and right off the bat have him apoligize to the teacher and than address the problems with the teach and your son's other run in's or issues and let each know that you mean buisness and work towards an amicable solution. If that went nowhere than address the principal. To many kids these days lack the respect of elders.
  20. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    Not sure who you talked to....or maybe you are getting Middle College mixed up with something else, but I am a parent of a child in Middle College and that is not what we are going through right now. I have a 16 yo who is a junior in Middle College. No, you do not "drop out of high school" to go to Middle College. You take your high school classes at the JCC campus. For instance my son is taking 2 of his junior year high school classes, a beginning business course (he wants a degree in business) and a welcome to college class (apprently everyone has to take this regardless of a community college or a 4 year college). He doesn't have to be at school until 11am each day and he is finished with school at 3:20 each day. Actually I think he just finished the welcome to college course so now a couple of days a week he doesn't have to be there until noon. Yes, the classes are harder than at the high school, they are all honors classes. I think you stated in an earlier post on this thread that your son is already taking honors courses so this shouldn't be a problem. We were told during our several meetings with the administrators at the MC that if he felt that he could not handle it that he could go back to WJHS.

    JCC's website has lots of information about MC.

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