Keep up the good work, you guys!! It'll be worth it in the LOOOONG run! Dont forget, we're not in this for QUICK weight loss ... we're in this for PERMANENT weight loss.
Ok ladies, ready for the weigh in tommorow? Not sure if I am. I exercised this week, but I am really bloated for some reason. I dont eat a lot of salt, who knows.
I have no idea how it'll go this week. I only need to lose .4 (that'll put me down a full 20!!) but I have no clue if I'll get that or not! It was a rough week at school with snacks and whatnot, so we'll see. Keeping fingers crossed for everyone! :hurray:
Way to go Frame!! I lost 2.8 That brings me down 22.4 total. Almost to my 10% :lol::lol::lol: Keep up the awesome work everyone. We all have so much to be proud of.:hurray:
Lost 3.6 this week, for a total of 12 so far. Worked really hard, too ... went to Curves 4 times (their new 'Curves Smart' electronic training coach thing is AWESOME!), and walked the dogs lots the other days ... my body is so tired, but it feels good at the same time!
That is Terrrrrrrific, Buena!!! Man, you must feel great about that!!! Frame, definitely go on Thursday ... dont skip it! Keep up the good work!!
Wow you ladies going to the Clayton meeting are kicking butt!!! Congratulations Elims!! :hurray::hurray:
I go to WW on Dixie Trail close to NCSU where I work. I started on the 25th of September and on the 2nd of October (one week), I had lost 7.4 lbs. Hope to see good results this week on the 9th....
I have found that I dont have to "diet" I can eat pretty much what I want, I just have to count it, and make better choices to get what I want. FYI: DO NOT TRY THE SUGAR FREE HERSHEY'S SYRUP!!! It is Terrible!! :ack: I am going to weigh in on Thursday night because I am taking my rugrats to Busch Gardens this Saturday. I am really nervous because I am a morning weigh in person, before I have eaten anything. Wonder if I can fast all day then weigh in...*ponder* lol Oh well, at least I will rack in some AP's running after my kids in the park. They don't know the concept of WALK to the next ride, nope it's RUN!!! hoof. Wish me luck:lol:
Wow way to go!! I used to go to Curves and loved it. Which one do you go to? 4042? I thought about going back. Do they have any promotions going on right now?