To me extremist from any area are to be afraid of. Not just in our country but in all. Still believe in separation of church and state in our country. Not sure why religion of various kinds cannot be accepted unless they are extremist. I just was not brought up that way. Faith is a personal issue and I am fine with that. Thanks, Sherry
Okay, it's just plain freaky weird that we got one of these DVDs in the mail today! Did anyone else get one?
Most N&O subscribers got one a few weeks ago. John Hagee is behind it, trying to get the McCain vote out, seems like Fear Mongering is their only hope now!
We don't subscribe to the N&O. Our copy was in the mail, addressed to my DH. This is posted on the Obsession website: Where did you hear that Hagee is behind this? :?
There was a lot of outrage when this was sent out (also in the Detroit Free Press and a number of other national papers. Here is sort of an apology by the N&O, the info you want is on page two.
Islamic Terrorism, by Dr. David Jeremiah, aired Oct. 5, 2008
Did you get one Cleo? If so, did you watch it? The trailer for the new Jihad movie was quite interesting. If you have a little time, watch the Dr. Jeremiah video linked above and then, look over the headlines found here and here daily, cause, girl, prophetic things are really happening in the world!
I received a piece of trash in the mail entitled, Obsession. I'd be happy to give it to the gullible. It's unopened, of course.
Hatt, if you haven't watched the movie, how can you call it trash? I truly do not understand the liberal mind AT ALL! How can you claim to love this country but refuse to believe that there is valid threat to it and that threat is called radical Islam? Because, with no mention of Obama whatsoever, there are many, many people telling the American public to WAKE UP from our slumber and look at danger of that threat. Even some Muslims are saying radical Islam is a threat to this country, and they don't want it to happen here either! What is so wrong with the American public learning about that danger? What is so wrong with that DVD being distributed to educate us? I just don't understand. :?
And the problem I see is that you are confusing Truths with Facts. What you call facts, I don't agree with. I would ask you if you believe the Bible literally? Did Noah really live to nine hundred years, and then collect two of every animal in the world? If your religious beleifs are such that you suspend rational acceptance of provable science, then we really have no common ground to understand one another. There are extremist Christians who represent as much a threat as other religious fundamentalists. Because of your religious indoctrination, you can't or won't see that. I've shed blood to protect this nation and more importantly, the Constitution. Not the Christian nation you fervently wish for and claim, not the lay down and not stand up to aggressors, that the peaceniks want. My nation faces danger from within and without. That's why the oath I took as a Army soldier has that part in it about defending the Constitution " against all enemies, foreign and domestic." And narrowness of religious thought, coupled with activism is as dangerous to a free nation as an armed aggressor outside the country. See, my ideals are those as espoused in the Constitution. You have a right to express yourself, because people like me were willing to die to guarantee that. You have the right to your religious beliefs, and to exercise them, because people like me were willing to die to guarantee that. My standing to protect the Constitution and its guarantees means that expression that I may fervently disagree with still deserves the right to be expressed. I don't want to censor anyone. I maintain my right to call it what I wish, as I maintain your right to read it. You could at least acknowledge those of us who protect your right to dissent. Just don;t confuse my patriotism with an endorsement of either extreme of religious belief. You call it truth, I call it trash. Rather than engage in some never to be won war of opinions, as I'm as sure that there's nothing you could say or show that would bring me to your thoughts, equally as there is none that would propel you to mine, let's just agree to disagree.
It could be because of the sources of the information contained are questionable at best ..... In an exclusive statement for, Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, the only Obsession interviewee who is an Islamic Studies Professor, delivers a new lethal blow to the film's credibility, exposing what many already knew: “Sadly, it would seem that I have allowed myself to be used. I gave an interview to the makers of “obsession” wherein I explained the meaning of Jihad, and its misuse by extremists. I understood that the film would be used objectively, focusing on fanatics who seek to spread violence. I am aware that there is a disclaimer at the beginning of the film that says it is not about Islam in general, but only about extremist interpretations. "But the material from some of the speakers gives the lie to the disclaimer: many of them are not experts, or have used the mantle of academic qualifications to purvey hate. That their alarmist drivel should be mixed with my whittled down interview proves that the intent of the film is not to educate, but to mislead. The free distribution of the film to voters in particular districts shows the political chicanery that is the motive, and the secrecy about the financing of the distribution only underlines the evil intent in circulating this vile piece of propaganda. "Evidence seems to indicate the involvement of Aish ha-Torah in this dishonest enterprise. I find that particularly distressing, because any Jewish organization ought to realize what the film seeks to do: they demonize an entire community to the point where a government takes action to further beleaguer its citizens and resident aliens simply because of their religious identity. This bigotry over religion and identity is precisely what caused the Shoah — and it is sad that those who ought to have learned what hate can engender should seek to imitate Nazi propagandism. "Yet — for all the nefarious intent of the distributors of the film — I must also accept culpability for allowing myself to be so used. I still oppose many of the traditional interpretations of Islam—but that has nothing to do with the film Obsession. I cannot stand by silently and allow my participation in such satanic demonization of innocents. I apologize to my fellow Muslims for appearing in such a film. I apologize to my Jewish teachers and friends-- who have warned me time and again about falling into such a situation—for not heeding their counsel. And I expect now that those who support the film will make me their target. But again: I am no diplomat, and I love a good fight. I am obsessed with the truth. Let’s get it on. “
Wayne, it will be dismissed as buyer's remorse, or a fabrication or distortion. They believe what they want to believe. They seek self confirmation of their Truths, and do not incorporate facts into the thought process.
I know, but sometimes I will take a chance that the truth is acutally sought when it is claimed to be the goal .... :mrgreen:
Yes, I do believe that Noah built and ark, saved his wife, 3 sons and daughter-in-laws and all the animals God told him to save, and lived to be 950 years old. I also believe that Methuselah lived to 969 (Gen. 5:27) and that Enoch never died but was instead "taken" by God (a foreshadowing of the Rapture, I do believe.) So, my belief + your unbelief = no common ground.
Actually, the Bible does not say that Noah collected two of every animal. As far as provable science there still exists gaping holes in what still is just theory. Ask Dr. Francis Collins or Guy Cramer, both atheists who are now Christians. Collins still believes in Evolution, but believes in a Creator. I think Cramer believes in a combo of Intelligent Design and microevolution. If a dedicated adherence to a religious principle automatically means 'indoctrination', that must mean that Obama is a disciple of the Jim Cone black liberation theology.
Totally with Hat on this one for the most part... and it would just get too hairy for me to get into what my faith believes vs. science etc., but that was a bit part of his statement and I follow what he is arguing for the rest.