At the end of last week, my son had some minor medical issues. He was worried they would send him home. He got the all clear yesterday and he called us to tell us he is officially "in". From what we can gather he starts training today in earnest. Thanks again everyone.
Heard from my son tonight. Actually he only had enough time to talk to my wife. He said things were going great. He was really upbeat. It certainly was good to hear from him.
You should PM FF, her son is in (or just got out of basic training) for MORE support. I've met her and she's a class act!! You will love her, she's a super great mom and woman. I'm VERY proud of your son! He's protecting me, DH, Mattie (our deaf cat) and our family and he's already a HERO in my book! Please let me know if you need anything.
Thanks HG. I have read most of the threads and entries from FF. She should be very proud as well. Sounds like her son is doing very well also.
Hey Ecave ~ I know how you are feeling and what you are going thru. Kyle is finished with basic and is getting ready to graduate on the 21st from his Tech School, then he will get to come home for about a week before he leaves to go to his duty station. Thank you son from an Air Force mom for choosing to serve his country. If he is anything like Kyle, I am sure he will do great!!!! Start now and make plans to attend his baic training graduation. It is an awesome sight to see and let me tell you, the pride that you will feel when you see him, well words just cannot descibe how you feel. You have a special son to choose to serve his country. Please feel free to pm me anytime you need some support or anything. And hey, don't hesitate to brag on here!! LOL I do and let me tell you, all the support that you will get here is amazing. Write him as much as possible and don't feel bad if he doesn't get to write you back or the letters are short. He will appreciate anything he gets no matter how long the letter is or how short it is. Constantly encourage him and let him know how proud you are of him. What great kids we have!!!! We are very luck to have raised such wonderful and brave young men. Not only be proud of your son, but be proud of yourselfs. You all did a great job!! God Bless you all and your son. Again, if there is anything I can do, please let me know. FF Oh, and Harley ~ thank you so much for your kind words about me. It really made my night! (((hugs))) to ya girl!!!
Thanks FF, When he called he said he had sent his first letter, however we haven't received it yet. We won't have his address until then. I think he has moved twice already. Tell your son thanks as well. It is certainly an honor to serves ones country.