Anywhere hiring 16 year olds in the area?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jocogirl, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. jocogirl

    jocogirl Guest

    My daughter is a junior at West Johnston High School and is looking for a place to work after school and/o on the weekends. She applied at a couple of places and they have put her name on list if they need anyone. But unfortunately there don't seem to be many other places around here. Is there anywhere thats looking for after school hours? Preferably a daycare or after school care. Thanks :]
  2. blackbearz

    blackbearz Well-Known Member

    I know that K-Rods kennel is always looking for dependable help. The hours would be after school from 4-6 and on weekends....and holidays when the kids are out of school anyway.
  3. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Grovery stores, hostess at a restaurant, and maybe front end at a drug store is all I can think about right now....
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Why should she limit herself to daycare or after school care? (I have a story about that but for another day)

    There are PLENTY of jobs available in the area. Department stores are hiring for Thanksgving and Christmas help.

    IF she has computer (Word, Excel, QB or Publisher) experience she could get a job as a receptionist (scheudling, QB {QuickBooks} marketing) and could make some extra $$ that way.
  5. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    As an FYI....most of the places that used to hire high-school kids, won't hire anyone under 18 now. I'm not sure why.

    We walked into a discount household goods retail store the other day that had a big HIRING sign up. My daughter asked to fill out an application. The lady got real excited saying they needed someone badly, but then asked if she was 18. My daughter responded that she will turn 18 this coming Wednesday. They went ahead and let her fill out an application, but when she entered her birthdate on the computer application, it took out of the application stating she had to be 18.

    They practically begged her to please come back on Wednesday. For whatever reason, businesses no longer want to hire anyone under 18.

    A friend of mine in Florida has a kidlet the same age as mine, and they are seeing the same thing.
  6. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Food Lion will hired 16 year olds.
  7. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    My daughter went into business for herself at that age. She was a "Critter Sitter". She took care of animals for families within our subdivision. She would walk dogs after school for folks who worked and were not coming straight home after work, she watched animals will folks were on vacation or away for a long weekend. She made more money than her friends who worked in fast food restaurants and did all the work around staying at home and working on her studies.
  8. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    Childcare: NC says that you have to be 18 to count in ratio. So a daycare more than likely will not hire a 16 year old to work because that would be someone working there that would not count for ratio. So in essence they would be paying someone to not be able to left alone or even with one other teacher if there were too many children in the class

    ex: Toddler room has 7 children in there. State ratio is 1 teacher to 6 kids. So there would have to be 2 teachers in the class with the 7 children. State would not consider a 16 year old to count in this ratio so if a day care hired her, they would have to have 3 teachers in the class with 7 children if the 16 year old was in the room with the Toddlers and 2 teachers in the class with 6 children -- that is an expense that most directors won't take up even though when you think about it it's really not all that much money to pay out. <once you take into consideration that the 16 year old probably would only work at most 3 hours a day ... so 15 hours a week ... and at minimum wage and then taxes>.

    I believe that is why most day cares will not hire 16 year olds.
  9. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    They can work in daycares and after-school care (at school) as teacher helpers/assistants if they're under 18. At least thats what I was told by a daycare and I know there are HS students that work at the aftercare at schools around here.

    I thought Food Lion had gone to 18 also?

    Either way - its really hard to find jobs around here right now for HS kids, my dd has been looking too. She will be 18 in Dec, so she's going to look then.
    I also think it because lots of adults are also looking and filling those positions.

    I think most places have gone to 18 because of maturity or responsibility issues maybe? Could also be because of them not being able to work after 9m (because of the graduated license requirements) too?
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2008
  10. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member


    (a) If an individual already has a North Carolina Early Childhood Credential or its equivalent, none of the requirements of this Rule shall apply. If an individual does not have a North Carolina Early Childhood Credential or its equivalent, the requirements of this Rule shall be met.

    (b) A lead teacher or a teacher shall be at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and have at least one of the following:

    (1) One year of verifiable child care experience working in a child care center or two years of verifiable experience as a licensed family child care home operator; or

    (2) Successful completion of a two year high school program of Early Childhood Education in Family and Consumer Sciences Education; or

    (3) Twenty hours of training in child development, which could include the North Carolina Early Childhood Credential coursework, within the first six months of employment in addition to the number of annual inservice training hours required in Rule .0707 of this Section.

    (c) An aide is a person who assists the lead teacher or the teacher in planning and implementing the daily program, and shall be at least 16 years old and literate.

    (d) Individuals employed prior to July 1, 1998 are exempted from the requirements of this Rule, as long as they remain employed by the same operator.

    Maybe it's just a requirement of where I work about the 18 year olds. :) We have stricter requirements than even what the state mandates. I've been there so long that I forget the difference between state laws and corporate laws. : ) Figured I'd just post what I read in the Division of Child Development.

    Edited to add: I found sort of what I was thinking. Though it's not to do with ratios. It has to do with the person under 18 has to be supervised by someone over 21.

    Staff younger than
    18 years of age must work under the direct supervision of staff 21
    years of age or older.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2008
  11. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Unless it has recently changed, Food Lion will hire at 16. Last I was knew, places like McDonalds, Wendys and those places also hired at 16. One of my daughter's friend's sister worked at McDonalds and she is 16. DD is 16 and is wanted to get a part time job after marching band.
  12. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    I work at Food Lion, and yes, they do hire 16 year olds. A few 16 year olds recently started working there at the store where I am employed. One needs to go online to apply.
  13. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    We have a couple too, and because of the under age law they get a 30 min break ever 3 1/2 hours..
  14. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Grocery stores and any restaurants that do not serve alcohol will hire someone under 18. Vets will not due to having drugs on the premises. My teen is 16 and works at a retail store when she can.

    Good luck,
  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    YMCA of Johnston County always needs help.
  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Kell's suggestion is a great one. I forgot about them but know that they are wonderful and both children and workers enjoy what they take from that!

  17. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    For most places, it is due to insurance regulations. 16 year olds can work at places that serve alcohol, they just can't serve it so they can bus tables or hostess.

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