I love a good western and this one looks like it has potential. It's rated R though, which means I will have to find a sitter. Wondering if anyone has seen it yet and think it warrants the extra expense??
We saw it yesterday. It was pretty good. I give it a 3 1/2 outta 5. Not sure why it's rated R though....
I think the rating was for language and violence if memory serves. Not sure when I am ever going to get to go see it now though, since it didn't work out this past weekend. Thanks for the review!!!! :hurray:
I know I am desensitized to language somewhat, but I swear, there was the 'f ' word once, maybe....and Renee's naked fanny off in the distance, and that was it.....I personally like more violence in my westerns, but the story was good.
Cool beans! DH is out of town this weekend, I just may go with DS and to heck with it. He knows better than to repeat naughty words. :mrgreen: