Did anyone see the interview on FOX NEWS about Obamas last night?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by BeachGirl, Oct 6, 2008.


    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    All Obama supporters, please give me 5 good reasons why your voting for him over McCain.
  2. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I rarely use it so that, when I do, it has its full effect...

  3. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    True. However, they also don't go to their houses and have direct associations with them. Ayers, a known terrorist of the U.S., has had direct dealings with the same man that has had dealings all these shady characters as zookeeper called them. And that's right on the money.

    Rezko - convicted on money scheming. Contributor and next door neighbor of Obama.
    Khalidi - with the PLO when considered terrorist. Hates Israel. Obama eats dinner with him.
    Wright - Spiritual mentor for 20 years. Adheres to Cone's anti-white, anti-American verbiage.
    Ayers - American terrorist. Campaign calls him and Obama "friendly" and has visited his home.
    al-Mansour - advisor to power radical Saudi Prince who allegedly helped Obama into Harvard.

    And exactly why is Harvard and Columbia school records off limits?? What is Obama protecting? Should the American people be kept in the dark about Obama's years at two American unversities?

    He sure does keep a large number or radical friends.
  4. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    If you are going to ask them this shouldn't you do the same, why are you voting for McCain?
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    When I was younger I hung around with Tom Hayden, one of the founders of the Students for a Democratic Society. I listened to him talk and he listened to me. We still speak to one another but live on opposite sides of the U.S. and have different and some same issues and morals.

    When I was younger I marched with Cesar Chavez, who founded the United Farm Workers. On several marches we walked arm in arm and on many occasions we ate together and discussed many issues. When he died I attended his funeral.

    When I was younger Dianne Feinstein's daughter and I were friends. Her son-in-law and I were friends before he married and remain friends. When my mother would visit Dianne would ask if she would cook some good ole' southern food and my mother usually cooked pot roast, black eyed peas and other items. We would all sit down, eat a great southern meal, talk and laugh. I knew Dianne's daughter before her mother was Mayor of San Francisco and I am still friends with Moscone's daughter (he was Mayor and was killed in the line of duty...I attended his funeral).

    I state all of the above (and leave out many others) because I believe people should not be judged just by who they associate with. Tom was a radical at one time. He was one of the Chicago 8 and still I admire him. I admire him for standing up for his beliefs and working within the system.

    Cesar was ridiculed, threatened and laughed at. He believed in a cause to better other individuals. At the time he had to have body guards because those large farmers did not want workers organized. He put his life on the line for others.

    Look beyond rumors. I have good friends who believe completely opposite than I do on some issues but we still discuss and debate. I find it interesting to see a side other than mine and just maybe Obama does too. I have read many books about the Weather Underground and can assure you that Obama wasn't a part of the original group. I would guess he was walking back then but I doubt he was in any discussions other than...mom can I have some more ice cream, so and so made me wreck my bike...you know things like that.

    So what if this guy was in the Weather Underground. Has the FBI arrested him? I don't like someone standing on our flag but that is what "freedom" is about. When my dad came home from Vietnam and I was wearing a flag tee shirt or had a flag patch on the butt of my jeans he did not like it but after many heated discussions we decided that since he fought for my "freedom" and paid my bills maybe I should be more appreciative. He did not stop me from protesting or doing what I thought was right but he kind of pointed me in the direction needed.

    Muhammad Ali was certainly a radical in his day. He is now a hero in America and around the world and lit the flame at the Olympics. Should the Olympic Committee have not allowed that because of his beliefs when he was younger? Should people have not watched his fights?

    Now, if Obama had been a part of the Weather Underground and planted a bomb or two I would not support him in his run for POTUS. Please think it through rationally before believing every story. Some of these items don't even make sense.

    My opinion,
  6. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    But this is what we should be arguing not about Obama, take some of the light off of him and throw it into the good of McCain. See what I am saying?
  7. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    P is too good for you. What hate filled world you must live in. You have a McCain supporter replying on this Thread about how we should be talking about issues and that person makes complete sense.

    The more the hate spills out the more we see how McCain's win would go. Not a world I want for my family.

  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Yes, P, it is a compliment. I've seen some hate in my lifetime but things need to stop and get on track. Now, Palin....she's another story. Just kidding you, sort of on that one.

  9. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    but the more rumors and unproven facts are repeated the more it makes McCain sound incapable of running this country! And whether true or not we need to stay focused on the good of McCain and not the bad of Obama!
  10. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Sherry, I respect your candor. However, you are not running for president and while you may not view such associations as worrisome or even dangerous, I do as well as many others. I grew up hearing that a person is known by the company they keep. I can respect your viewpoints as well as Obama's. The problem is that I think Obama is not as willing to express himself as openly as you because he knows that it would be politically damaging to his career.

    The associations are real and most check out. Only the Khalid al-Mansour association has been questioned with little evidence. The Wright-Obama, Ayers-Obama, Rezko-Obama and Khalidi-Obama connections are very much real and I don't think someone with those assocations should be our next president. Obama is entitled to his points of view as a citizen, but his questionable alliances to not make me comfortable in him being a leader of the people.

    We're not talking about moral issues like Bill Clinton's womanizing or even the same charges against McCain. We're talking about radical philosophy seeping into the Oval Office and he has too many radically-minded "friends." This isn't just paranoia. These are legitimate facts expounded upon in bits and pieces in the media that has been proven true. I never thought I'd say this, but I'd feel more comfortable with Hillary being president than Obama at this point. Heck, I believed I'd even give Bill four more years.

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    1. He's a war hero
    2. He actually likes white people
    3. He has great taste in women
    4. His name doesn't sound like some islamic terrorist
    5. He loves being an American

    Now your turn...
  12. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Let's stipulate, just for the purpose of this question, that Mr. Obama is best buds with Mr. Ayers and has been attending church weekly and hanging upon every word spoken by Rev. Wright. Just out of curiosity, what do you think would happen should Mr. Obama get elected?

    Do you really, honestly and truely believe that we would become a Muslim country?

    Do you believe that we would suddenly become a nation where whites are second class citizens?

    What is it you're afraid of exactly?
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    That really makes McCain seem like a real good candidate for President ..... :ack:
  14. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    1. http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/19ba2f1c-c03f-4ac2-8cd5-5cf2edb527cf.htm

    2. http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/f26da5d0-8043-402d-ab84-769cf88a1a99.htm




    and look nothing to do with race, war hero or anything else.. Read his website, if you agree with him great if not the read Obama's just make an informed decision on somthing besides race. And remember for all of those that think Obama can just come in and change things so drastically, he can not do so without the House and Senate behind him.
  15. AppleFritters

    AppleFritters Well-Known Member

    That's the smartest comment I have read thus far.
  16. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with you on these points. :iagree:
  17. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Facts? The facts are Obama is one hell of a scary dude! The facts are Obama will not disclose his early years in college, nor his thesis. The facts are Obama has never done one positive thing on his own for this country.

    As for Obamas past. . .It is our choices that show us who we are, far more than our abilities. If we look upon Obamas past associates, it's easy to see he has not chosen wisely - what cabinet choices will he make? Who will be his advisors?

    Sorry if you consider the fears that this man's past instill in many of us. You see, although I am often reluctant to admit it, I was once a registered Democrat. While I crossed lines and voted for Ronald Reagan, I crossed back to vote for Bill Clinton in his first election :oops: I then officially changed parties when I woke up and realized that this was no longer the party that I'd grown up believing in. My party had become a party of handing out, rather than helping up and it was time for me to vote differently.

    To be completely honest, McCain was not my first choice on the republican ticket - Mike Huckabee was.

    While I would, in all sincerity, vote for the person, rather than my party as I have in the past when I felt strongly about someone, this election has not for a moment swayed my opinion to look toward the other side of the ticket.

    Where I differ with Obama as far as policies:

    Universal Healthcare - Government run. Need further explanation? Bureaucratic garbage. . .paperwork. . .I've had 4 kidney surgeries - one was done emergency style, the day after I had a pain in my side. All it took was a phone call to my insurance company and less than 5 minutes later I was being admitted to the hospital and an OR reserved for the next morning. Now a days we will have a wait up to two weeks for a drivers license. . .if I had to wait even two days for any one of those surgeries, I'd be surrounded by brass, looking like cat litter right now.

    Obamas Economic Policy - In a nut-shell is tax and spend, which = tax and destroy.

    Obamas Jobs Plan - he would spend $210 billion to create jobs in construction and environmental industries. This would be over 10 years (he can only serve 8, unless he changes the constitution:lol:) as part of two programs. The larger is $150 billion to create 5 million so-called "green collar" jobs to develop more environmentally friendly energy sources. The remaining Sixty billion would go to a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to rebuild highways, bridges, airports and other public projects. Obama estimated that could generate nearly 2 million jobs. . .great if you work in environmental fields, or build highways and bridges.

    Anyone with half a brain can now see how small $210 billion is, afterall, we just gave up over $800 billion of our dollars in the bailout.

    Speaking of the bailout. . .I think it would have been more of a bailout to take that 800 billion dollars and distribute it evenly to every legal man woman and child in the US. . .there are roughly 310 million of us. . .which would give us each about 2.5 MILLION dollars. . .:hurray: There could have been a stipulation that we HAD to pay off all of our homes/loans/and debts of any sort BEFORE we could have "fun" with it. . .but this would have SAVED the banks. . .KEPT everyone in their homes. . .BOOSTED Wall Street. . .and all of us would be debt free and able to spend, spend, spend. . .but, no. . .give it to the idiots who messed up and put a bandaid on a gaping wound. . .sickening!
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    In the words of Dr. Phil..................the best predictor of FUTURE behavoir is PAST behavoir. :mrgreen:

  19. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    just saying, I would hate to be judged by my past.
  20. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    The ISSUES have been discussed all over this board in more threads than I can count. Each time, you liberals just wave a hand and continue.

    Saddened - I'm glad you feel that emotion right now. . .that will give you a frame of reference if your candidate makes it next month.

    The "hate" on this board goes both ways, take off those blinders Sherry/Grace whatever you choose to call yourself. Funny how your side feels so above everything. . .that air of entitlement fits all of you so well.

    BTW - I mentioned just a few of these "issues" above
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008

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