Anyone have any recommendations on front load washer & dryer? Looking to replace our old ones. Thanks
Sorry to say I can't help you with recommendations. However if your old ones still work, and you're looking to get rid of them, PM me.
We haven't purchased one yet... But in doing some reading... Frigidaire’s Gallery GLTF2940F, $650, a Consumer Reports Best Buy, is an efficient and gentle-on-the-clothes front-loader. Here are a couple links you may want to check out: Good luck
I have one, and let me tell you, I wish I never purchased it. Everytime I unload it, the clothes fall on the ground, which I have to rewash. If my husband isn't home to help me, it always happens. Spunky
Just out of curiosity why don't you keep a large towel near your washer/dryer and , when you're ready to unload it, spread it out on the floor so the clothes won't fall out onto the floor?
Why do you wash your clothes outside?:jester: I have a front loader and my clothes fall on the floor and I pick them up and put them in the dryer. :lol:
We have Kenmore front loading washer and dryer from Sears. We also bought the pedestals for underneath each one. We have had them for 3 years and LOVE them. We highly recommend them...all our appliances are Kenmore actually and we are very very pleased.
My mom and my neighbor both have front load washer and hate them. They seem to think that all the water doesn't drain out properly, and can leave clothes with a "dirty water" smell sometimes. They also are irritated because where the water level sits, the bottom part of the gasket around the door has mold/mildew on it, and they can't get it to come clean and they think that smells too.
I do use a laundry basket, but the clothes have minds of their own, and don't fall into the center of the basket. The same with a towel. I guess I could put a huge comforter down on the floor everytime I take the clothes out of the washer and dryer, but then I would have to wash the comforter, and then use another comforter to catch the comforter. It would NEVER END! AHHHHH!!!!! Maybe it just happens to me and my clothes are just spiteful bullies, but I really wish I didn't spend my money on a front loader. Spunky
Thank you all for your input. I'm still in the searching stage. Nothing wrong with the ones I have. But I been thinking about upgrading. it seems from the responces its about 50/50 on a good idea or not. Thanks again
I've been thinking about a front-loader next time, too. It seems people here love them or hate them! I'm curious - what brands are people having problems with? Looks like the ones who like them mention brand names. Also, Spunky, do you have yours up on a pedestal?
Best Buy Goto Best Buy and talk with a sales associate b/c they are very educated on their equipment. I talked with one guy for almost 1.5hours and he showed me every machine they had from low-end to high-end. He answered every question I had and if he didn't know the answer we found it. He told me how to care for the gasket to keep it from getting mold and mildew. He also showed me some tablets you can run a wash cycle on to clean the washing machine out that will help prevent mold and mildew. I'm still on the fence about these front loaders. I am just looking and getting educated on them b/c we have a old washing machine and if it goes I won't have the time to do all of the research I like to do before making a large purchase. Hope this helps as well.
KDs - I have an "Amana". I don't believe it's on a pedestal. When they installed it, I believe they leveled it with something, but no, I don't believe it's on a pedestal. Spunky
My moms is Maytag, and she bought it years ago when they first came out. I'm relatively sure my neighbors is a GE, they bought it from Lowes a few years back.
Thanks. If I go for a front-loader, I will definitely have to get a pedestal, my back would complain too much about leaning way down to unload it! My old one is still working fine, but like a couple of other people said, I would like to be prepared with some information if I suddenly have to replace it.
Don't get a front loader! Okay, from someone who does more laundry than most on this board--LOL, I would NEVER purchase a front loader again. We had a Kenmore for 10 years and it finally died. Replaced it w/ a Bosch Front Loader. Yes, it does clean the clothes but so did my Kenmore for hundreds less. Stuff is always falling out of it when you try to load and unload it. Also, the MOLD & MILDEW is the absolute worst around the rings of the door. Stinks. We wash it w/ bleach, we do everything everyone says to do. Still there and then that smell seems to stay on your clothes unless you use fabric softener. Hate teh machine. Heard from many others as well that they all have teh same trouble w/ the front loaders. Asked a repair guy once and he said it's a common problem. Again, these are just issues I've personally experienced w/ the front loaders. Now, I lOVE the new dryer we just got. Other one dies as well. This one is a GE Profile. BIG one. Can easily fit this huge king comforter in there. Dries fast and has toomany automatic buttons to name. Got it greatly discounted from Lowes. Good luck. There are many great products out there. I'd just be leary to purchase another front loader ever again. stephanie--mom to 7
We made the switch to front loaders 3 years ago after much research. I can tell you that the first purchase was a set of LGs that set us back $3200. After 6 months of non-stop problems, taking off work for a technician to come, parts on backorder, LG replacing the dryer etc. Home Depot was picking them up. That was the first year for the LG models so maybe they are better now?? We ended up with Whirlpool Duet Sport model because our laundry is upstairs. The Duet Sport at the time was the only model recommended for a 2nd floor laundry. The front loaders spin at such a high RPM that this is a very important issue to consider if you have an upstairs laundry. THe Duet Sport has an extra stabilizer to keep it from shaking your entire house. We LOVE them. I too recommend the pedastals or you'll be doing laundry on the floor, literally. But as they are quite expensive, if you're handy you could build a wood platform easily. As for the "moldy smell" in front loaders, several sales people told me a little trick-don't ever close the washer door. I always leave mine cracked for the inside to dry out and I've never had a problem in 3 years with mildew or smelly clothes and I've never used the special tablets or ran a chlorox rinse. I also leave the detergent drawer open to air out as well. Hope this helps and good luck to you!