Martial Arts

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Grammie, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Does anyone have any recommendations? It is for a 12 year old.
  2. redtangsoo

    redtangsoo Well-Known Member

  3. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    I recommend this one too!!!
  4. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Took my son there tonight he loved it and the teacher is great.
  5. myopinion

    myopinion Well-Known Member

    Can't go wrong here....I checked them all Master Redfield is the best...
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    My son has shown interest in martial arts, too but I think he's got the wrong impression. I think he wants to use it to finally chop me in two! He's already a pretty tough adversary. I can't fathom actually paying to teach him how to finish me off!

    Seriously, though I may consider it. Right now he's got one or two other extracurricular activities and I want him to follow through with first before making more commitments..and spending more of my money.

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