No, I personally believe it is not Santa delivering these gifts but probably people like me and my Church that donates gifts every year! We outreach to so many (Millions) with Operation Christmas Child! It is an awesome program!!!! Watch this video!!
Did you know that you can get inexpensive plastic boxes the size of shoe boxes at places like Dollar General? They make it much easier than using an actual shoe box. We used to do OCC, one from each of my 4 kids, but we haven't done it in a couple of years. Need to get back on it this year!
Good times! I am curious though, about your adjustments to the Santa story. I ask because those adjustments might sway my opinion, or I might go back to embroidering that jacket for you. :lol: Maybe tomorrow, or closer to Christmas?
Well if anyone would like to participate I will gladly take the box and even wrap it for them! LOL It is agreat program!!! Thanks for the advise on the plastic box though!
A member of our church donated a bunch of plastic boxes this year. It will make it much easier to pack and ship, having them all the same size & shape. I always enjoy filling the shoe boxes.
Well, that just seems unusual for you in my opinion. I've always thought you to be very unlikely to take anything as being "real" unless there was absolute proof of it. You must have pondered the question at least. What would you hypothesize that he is? Now, does Santa leave YOU gifts? If so, that would have to mean that all members of your household "believe" just as you do? How many members are there? Do they all believe? If you are the only member, did Santa bring you gifts at times when you lived with others? If so, did ALL of them believe as you do? And one last said to the "best of my understanding".... could you tell me what this "understanding" is based on, where you you got the information you base your "belief" on?
What adjustments? Like I said earlier, I don't study him (santaclausologist?), I just believe. What I base my beliefs on are merely the host of legends parts of which I keep or throw away depending on whether or not they make sense to me, but I'm not anywhere near to the point where I could write a book (L. Frank Baum already did a good job).
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps a mystical creature like a fairy or an elf. Perhaps an alien Robinson Crusoe that got marooned on Earth. Yes. Just two now (soon to be one, if she doesn't straighten up, but that's a different matter), yes we both believe and yes we both receive. Santa didn't bring me anything when I was in the Navy. Although I do hold that, technically, I don't study him, I do read. There are many stories about Santa Claus, one of the best is by L. Frank Baum. I'm not sure where he got his information, but there are many things that would fit well for a real life Santa.
Do you guys need a translator? I think she was asking about this: And I think the answer to her question is inside the parentheses.
I'll assume the other member of your household is your wife (correct me if wrong). Is it at ALL possible that she plays Santa because she loves you and would not want to see you upset if you found there was no real Santa?