NC State Basketball

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Cleopatra, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Our football operations center is bigger.

    and we had a parade.

    why you so upset about that? maybe one day you'll be able to have a
    nice ops center and be good enough for a parade. me, I don't really
    care about unc, I tend to care more about my own team. being obsessed
    with others usually is an indication of one's own shortcomings.

    I mean, for real, why are you a unc fan? Where are your season tickets located? How many years in a row have you had them? can your kids spell unc? when you have a vested interest in an institution, come back and talk to me again.

    and, uh, i'll be here on November 23rd so you can acknowledge State as
    the superior team. if unc wins, i will congratulate you. it's called
    class- you should try it some time. when state wins, you will go into
    hiding, have sold your hats at the flea market, and started cheering for
    your basketball team. if you win, you love them- when they lose it's no
    big deal.

    you really do make this to easy for all of us state folks to
    stand by and laugh at you fair-weather walmart fans.
  2. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    How am I fair weather? State fans cannot take any friendly bashing from UNC fans. You guys on the whole are super sensitive. I guess years of running third in the triangle gets old. Bring on the insults and questioning of my fanaticism over the Heels. "Wal-Mart...blah...blah...blah, alumni...blah blah.":beathorse: Take a :chillpill:, because in this thread I am a troll. A "troll" only because a Heels fan posting in a Pack thread gets you going. It's fun getting your dander up State fan. It's too easy. So I'll leave you with one more fact:

    Heck even your on arena for basketball is built for hockey first and everything else next. You're even number two in your own arena.:lol:
  3. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Valvano's issues (players selling comp. shoes/tickets) were a slap on the wrist compared to the self imposed academic requirements created by NCSU after very few V players graduated. The NCAA took away one year of post season play for the shoe/tix selling and that's it. Most of the people who aren't from this area assume it was over something much worse. In short, V got a RAW DEAL from NCSU and the UNC BOG.

    Doesn't matter now as that was almost 20 years ago when academic standards were a lot different not only at NCSU but throughout the NCAA.

    When V left NCSU in '91, the Pack was 12th in the NCAA in all time wins. Now State is ranked in the mid 20's. This is why we have expectations of a winning basketball program.

    Now that biguncfan has gotten his/her jollies about the NCSU hoop program, when can we start a thread on the academic programs at JCC? I'm sure a few NCSU alums would love to have a laugh or two, though I expect many of us to be too classy for that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2008
  4. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest


    Go ahead and bash away. I make a good living and I'm VERY happy. If I were ashamed I would have lied. Laugh away because I could give a crap. 12th and 20's make for expectations huh. I'll always wonder if Calipari turned down State because of being in the Triangle, the money or what. If he had have came to town, do you think things would be different than currently? And for that matter, what's the time frame for Lowe that Statefan is giving him?
  5. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    I won't laugh at anyone's education because several factors go into making a decision as to where attend school.

    12th in the whole country in all time wins (how many college basketball programs are there? 300?) is nothing to sneeze at when you consider, in '91, we had as many national championships and ACC titles as UNC. Duke was behind us in each.

    Calipari accepted and turned down the job because of academic standards higher than what he works with at Memphis. Fed Ex, based in Memphis, also supplements his salary and probably his players' as well.:lol:

    Would he have done better? Who knows? He wouldn't have gotten the types of players in at NCSU. Sid will be fine once he gets his types of players and style in place. The '09 class is shaping up nicely and his best recruit to date just left for the NBA (Hickson).

    Sid and Herb recruit two different types of athletes.
  6. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I wonder when and if they'll change the NBA early entry rule. The NCAA is truly just a minor league of sorts.

    About the RBC, I know winning breeds higher attendance but it's been terrible the last few years. That is a top caliber building you guys have. Do too many alumni still long for the Reynolds days? Or is it all winning related?
  7. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    NCSU has been in the top 20 nationally in terms of attendance in each of the last 10 years which is more than can be said for our team. NCSU hoops has had many issues over that span but fan support hasn't been one of them.
  8. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I guess I'm referring to the empty seats. I realize their paid for but I've seen empty seats a lot though. Oh well. Ticket sales and actual attendance vary greatly.
  9. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    So how did you feel when Frank Beamer turned down the Tar Holes football head coaching job. He even left a deposit in the center of the Smith Center court for baby blue fans to remember him. LMAO
  10. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Why would Beamer leave a proven football powerhouse to come to the then lowly Heels? He knew he'd always be second fiddle to basketball. Try again. "LMAO"

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