We've found a cat!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I know, you're all going to tell me to read the thread below about the missing cat...we've already determined it's not hers.

    This cat is black/orange, green eyes, I would guess to be around a year, although I'll admit I don't know much about cats. Maybe 6-8 pounds? Very tame, mild-mannered, is great with my kids. We have adopted it, and if no one claims it, we are going to keep it, but I thought I'd put this out there just in case someone is missing one.

    We live in Chadbourne, and it's been here since Monday evening, hanging out in front of our house in the bushes and in the drain pipes. It's clean and friendly, so I thought it must belong to someone? It's very hungry though, we just brought it in tonight and I'm going to buy some cat food when I go out later, I gave it 1/2 can of tuna and he ate it up in an instant! If it's yours, don't worry, my son is taking very good care of it!
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would say that's about right. I'm hoping it's NOT a female, I do not want little ones running around! I guess if no one claims it we'll have to make a trip to the vets. Anyone have any good local ones to recommend? I'd like one with late or weekend hours, does that happen? Only because I want my son to take it, since it's his responsibility, and want him to really take responsibility. And he wants to as well, he wanted to take it tonight. Too cute. He says we have to name it kitty kitty since that's all it will come to. Right now it's sleeping under my bed, which I am not crazy about, and my hubby will not be for sure (he's not crazy about cats). But my son has not had a good week at all, so maybe this will at least help put a smile on his face. :hurray:
  4. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I should have said it seems like about 99% of the time they're female, since I don't know the real stats. The few rare male torties are sterile, so lets hope you have a male, but don't count on it.

    My vet, Stage Rd Animal Hospital, is extremely reasonable price wise. 639-3337 - if you want to shop around. Best wishes and let us know what y'all name her, if you don't find her owner, of course. :)
  5. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    Hi! I'm postal carrier in Chadbourne area and I'll keep my eyes out for you if I know anyone who is missing their cat. Have you consider to take the cat to the vet and check to see if it's microchipped? What about posting "Found Cat" signs on the road?
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    We have not posted the missing cat sign yet, but my son has asked everyone on our road, and no one knows who it belongs to. And it's been roaming our road freely for 3 days, so it seems like it just would have gone home by now. It's inside our house for the night, we went and got it some kitty food and litter, and got out our old kitty stuff (litter box, feed bowls) and my son bought it a toy. So far, the name is still just kitty kitty. My son wanted to name it cinnamon, but he wouldn't answer to it. :mrgreen:
  7. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    I second Stage Rd. I've been to several vets in the area, and Stage Rd is by far the best. You can also look into local spay/neuter clinics. I adopted 2 kittens from the shelter, and they were in the spay/neuter clinic. When I followed up with the docs at Stage Rd, they told me that feeding them tuna was not the best idea. Kinda like us. We'd eat all the yummy food first even if it wasn't that good for us, and I guess tuna isn't that good for cats (go figure). Enjoy your kitty. My kids love ours :)
  8. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I wasn't too keen on giving it tuna, but I had nothing to feed it, and my son was so worried it was starving, I had to give it something! I only gave it 1/2 can, and now he's eating kitty food just fine. :) He slept IN MY BED with me all night, why is that? There are 3 kids in my house that would love the cat to sleep with it, and it picks my bed? Actually, my middle one seems to have a lot of allergies, so I'd rather it not sleep with them, but I'm not so sure I want it sleeping with me either - it kept wanting to sharpen it's nails on my comforter. That's actually the first thing it's tried doing that's a no-no...otherwise it seems like the perfect kitty.

    Where do I get it checked to see if it's microchipped, and would I have to pay to do that? My son doesn't want me seeing if it belongs to someone, but I told him someone might be missing it.
  9. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Any animal shelter would be able to scan it for a micro-chip. You also might try calling the closest vet to you, see if they can scan her. I think everywhere will do the scan for free.

    If you keep her, when you take her to the vet, ask them to show you how to clip her nails. That will help to keep your comforter and other furniture intact. You might want to pick her up a scratching pad (made of corragated cardboard) or scratching post (carpeted or sisal rope) at Petsmart or Walmart. Sprinkle a little catnip on it (usually comes in the package with the scratching pad) and then take her to it, most cats love it! Maybe make her own little corner somewhere with a kitty condo or cat bed?
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    The last cat we had, about 3 years ago, we tried the catnip on the scratching post, and it didn't care for it at all. It would rather scratch my baby, which is why we don't have it anymore...This cat is actually very mild, and hasn't really tried scratching anything or anyone (yet). except for my bedspread of course. I'm still not sure if it's scared or just naturally mild. He (or she?) also hasn't gone to the bathroom yet that I've noticed anywhere, which has me scratching my head. We set up the litter box last night, and my son keeps checking it. Although if it hasn't been raised in a house, I guess it might not know what to do in it, but I've closed off all the rooms I dont' want it going in, so there's not many spots left for it to go in...it's been in my house since 4:30 yesterday, he can't hold it that long!!
  11. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    You'd be surprised at what the cat can do in periods like this, when they are in unfamiliar surroundings and probably a bit frightened as well.

  12. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    He ate a lot last night, could tell he hadn't eaten in a while, but he's been sleeping ALL DAY LONG today. I know cats like to sleep, and it's a good thing too, because when my son gets home today the first thing he'll want to do is see "his" kitty!
  13. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    What???? You guys got a cat? With all the allergies that your hubby and one child has? I can't believe hubby is going for it.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    You'd be suprised how long it can hold it! Years ago, my Grandmother was catsitting for one of my uncles, and accidentally shut the cat under an easy chair. He never made a peep, and she couldn't find him................for 3 days!!! He didn't mess under there. He was hungry and thirsty, but fine after that ordeal. My Grandmother was much more upset than he was, LOL.
  15. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Actually, so far, no one seems to be having any reactions to the cat...the little one was sneezing a bunch the first night, but that's it. The cat's even sleeping with me and hubby, and nuttin. So we'll see...

    Hubby keeps acting all macho, saying he DOES NOT want the cat, he hates cats, the cat better not pee on our carpet, things like that. Then last night I go into our room, and he's lying in our bed alone with the cat snuggling with it, it was too cute.
  16. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    It's over. He's smitten with your new kitten. :)
  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Soon he'll be telling everyone how this cat is not like other cats, this cat is special. That's how it was with my DH, he said he didn't like cats, but that's just because he had never had the opportunity to get to know them. 8)
  18. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    I wonder what it is with some men and why they "don't like cats"??? My hubby would never dream of having a cat in the house but we can have a dog as big as a horse that ways more than my 7 year old! I don't get it! There is a stray cat or maybe two in our woods that will every once in a while come around to his shed and get on a truck or snuggle on some equipment and he totally freaks out! On the flip side of things I hear they are good about keeping away the critters!!! Actually, I don't mind knowing the cat is back there somewhere in the woods. I just have to watch to be sure that there are not a whole lot of cats back there and then we will be in big trouble. I don't think animal control could get them anyways since the cat lives in the woods and only comes out every now and then. I guess time will tell! I don't know what to do about it, I have not fed it.
  19. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    We're taking it to the vet tomorrow to get it scanned, in the meantime my oldest is in heaven, all of them are actually. And he is going in the litter box just fine, which makes me think he has been living in someone's house up until now. Not just a "stray". SHE, it is a girl. And since we have had a mouse problem every single year in this house, I'm actually a little excited about having a cat, hopefully it will be a good mouser, my son insists she will be, we'll see!

    I will be devastated if they scan it tomorrow and we find out it has a chip in it, and we have to give it back to someone. :cry:

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