aint this some crap

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mom2~1boy, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Whooping Cough Outbreak Reported At Daycare Center - The Johnston County Health Department is looking into the cause of an outbreak of whooping cough at a local daycare center. Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious disease. Officials at Building Blocks Daycare on East School Road in Clayton have taken extra precautions after one teacher and three students were diagnosed. Daycare Director Lisa Kyes said the facility is following the recommendations of the Johnston County Health Department and is in the process of notifying all the parents of the 400 children who attend. Kyes said officials don’t have any idea how the whooping cough outbreak started, but the three children's cases have all been in classes for 4-year-olds. But officials are concerned of a possible fifth case in the 2-3 year old classrooms. Dr. Marilyn Pearson, Health Department Director, said treatment involves antibiotics that have to be taken from 5 to 14 days. Anyone in close contact with the children or teacher diagnosed could have received the bacteria infection which is spread by respiratory drops, which can be passed when someone coughs. Officials say their main goal is to prevent a further outbreak. Last year, 13 students at a New York high school were infected, and 24 students were infected at a school in Illinois . About 40 million cases are reported worldwide each year resulting in about 300,000 deaths. Building Blocks Daycare made the news for an unrelated incident in September 2006. A 4-year-old girl was mistakenly left on an unattended bus, leading to new measures to ensure an existing policy covering this type of incident was adhered to.

    this is my ds school....
    this is from 1270 btw
  2. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  3. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    Your posting surprised me - I thought whooping cough had been eradicated in the US. But Wikipedia says that WC is in resurgence, much of it due to negative publicity about the vaccine in the 80's and a drop in children's vaccination rates thereafter.

    People can't seem to accept that ANY medical intervention has risks. So the public health services, and the FDA, weigh the individual's risk from the intervention (in this case reaction to the vaccination) against the public good. Now we will all suffer, as this disease is NOT just a children's disease - adults get it too. Wiki says the FDA has approved new vaccines for 10-64 year olds. So if WC is in your child's school, you might want to speak with your doctor about your child AND you both getting vaccinated.
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I'd first find out if the children who did get it were indeed vacinated. Some vaccines just don't hold up to their claims.

    Like the chicken pox vaccine ... we are going to have a generation of adults infected or worse with shingles because the vaccine has a limited life span. The health issues later could far outweight the "benefit" children received by not getting chicken pox.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2007
  5. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    not sure about the vaccines or not, but they are treating everyone, all the teachers had to get shots, all the kids are being put on a Zpac. So they had the health department there yesterday asking us to fill out forms and giving us prescriptions, I got mine filled and started his last night. I have a doc appointment anyway on Tuesday so I will asking my doc about the boosters and so forth for me.

    As for the chicken pox vaccine what I was told was you can still get it but not as severe. Plus even if you have it as a child you can still get it again as an adult because of different strains and so forth. Just ask my mom she just had it again and she is 65. It was very painful and itchy from what she said, we stayed away about 2 months until it was completely gone..
  6. wolfcub

    wolfcub Well-Known Member

    Hey all!! Just had to post on this. I was hospitalized on Friday of last week and diagnosed with Whooping Cough. NO IDEA where I got it from except that I had a tonsillectomy in September and maybe got it from the surgery center.

    Anyway - I was in the hospital for four days and now am confined to the house for week. According to the pulmonologist, whooping cough is re-surgging in adults and they are recommending that adults who got boosters as kids get another round called Tdap. Tey are finding that the old vaccines are wearing out.

    This stuff sucks!!! I can tell you it better to be safe than sorry!!!
  7. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    How do you find out the teachers name that got it? A girl that works with me, her mom works there and comes to eat lunch with her at the shop.
  8. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    this happened last year, old thread.
  9. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    LOL OMG I didn't see the date until I saw your post! TY for stating this was an old post, I was freaking out for a moment there!
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I didn't realize it either until you said that! Funny thing is, I know a baby who had whooping cough last year about that time, but he hadn't had all his shots yet, because he was a newborn, poor little thing, and I remember the whole family had to be housebound for a couple weeks as well. (he did not go to a daycare, so not sure how he got it)
  11. wolfcub

    wolfcub Well-Known Member

    I know its is an old thread I just posted the other day as a follow-up since I was JUSt diagnosed with it myself, sorry for the confusion.
  12. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    No apology needed! That's what I get for not paying attention! That happens now and then.:lol: Thanks for the info!

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