Thank you for all of your enlightning posts on this topic. Since I AM a Christian, I felt it was my duty to follow up on some of your posts. True:Nothing in Revelation Chapter 13 tells us "how old" the "beast" is or that the "beast" is a "muslim". So I stand corrected. However, this is a public forum and anyone is allowed to post anything they want. thanks ********************************************************* (Original Post) A Trivia question in Sunday school: How long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations? Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is. Almost a four-year term of a Presidency. All I can say is 'Lord, Have mercy on us!' According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is: The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything.. Do we recognize this description?? I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to post this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet. Do it! I refuse to take a chance on this unknown candidate who came out of nowhere. From: Dr. John Tisdale Dear Friends, As I was listening to a news program last night, I watched in horror as Barack Obama made the statement with pride...'we are no longer a Christian nation; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, . . .' As with so many other statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd hear something like that from a presidential candidate in this nation. To think our forefathers fought and died for the right for our nation to be a Christian nation--and to have this man say with pride that we are no longer that. How far this nation has come from what our founding fathers intended it to be. I hope that each of you will do what I'm doing now--send your concerns, written simply and sincerely, to the Christians on your email list. With God's help, and He is still in control of this nation and all else, we can show this man and the world in November that we are, indeed, still a Christian nation! Please pray for our nation!
I cannot believe this is being posted again. First, a Bible quote would be more authoritative if it included both chapter and verse, and especially if it at least spelled the name of the book correctly. It is Revelation, not Revelations. Nowhere in the Bible does the word Muslim appear, for the very good reason that the religion arose several centuries after the last book of the Bible was written. And the word anti-Christ does not appear in the book of Revelation. This country was founded on freedom, including religious freedom, and I hope that will always be one of our values.
I presume you meant "heard" and not "heart". You have heard many preachers saying this? It's flat out amazing how many are wrong. I need for you to do three things. 1. Please point out any place in the Book of Revelation (no "s" at the end) that mentions the word "anti-Christ". 2. Please explain how a book written in 95 or 96 AD can reference Muslim people when Muslims as a people did not exist until 570 AD. 3. Quit posting spam emails you get without first verifying their veracity.
Hmmm...good point. Yup...if its true...WHAHOO!!!!! We can go home soon!!!!!!!! :hurray: But nope, I'm not voting for him nor am I going to get any sort of mark on me!!
I am a Christian but I don't agree with this thread. If there were a Muslim who posted on this board and posted this type stuff they would be ridiculed to the nth degree. My God people........Do you realize that you could go down Hwy 42 to every church between Hwy 50 all the way to Hwy 70 and they would have a differing opinion of the Book of Revelation? This stuff is relentless.
I agree post was basically...who cares if the end is near whether it be tomorrow or in 1000 is nothing we should be afraid of as Christians, it should be something to look forward to.
I agree with everyone's responses to this thread and am frankly sick of this kind of thing being spewed all of this board. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
I guess my biggest problem with religion the older I get is that everyone thinks "their belief" is the THE belief. Why do you think there are umpteen different kinds of Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, etc? Then inside of each denomination they are further splintered off because this person or that person didn't go along with what this preacher was preaching or that Sister Sally Mae said "Amen" too much. Some people make staying a Christian REALLY trying.
not to mention, last time I checked this was a free freakin country, freedom of religion to go along with it....I, quite frankly, want a President that likes to acknowledge that right.
I do agree UNC...but remember, Christianity is between you and God, not between you and the people in your church . I know in my heart my relationship with God so frankly I don't care that Sister Sally Mae says "amen" too much. Do we go to church, yes (..well sometimes ) but my personal belief and relationship with God makes me not fear the end of times
I agree. And look, faith is a personal thing and most people feel strongly that more than likely their faith is the "best" faith so to speak, but I don't shove it down people's throats and I don't like to have others do so either. And I know about this because my mom has basically been bullying my twin brother into trying to share in her faith and it's only hurt their relationship and he's an adult who has made up his mind. Not to mention that we need to be more worried about how we act ourselves as Christians and not how others act.
I will tell you what I beleive, Pacman oops Adam Jones is the biggest piece of crap there is. Go Cowpunks. opcorn: TO :lol:
They have a clause in his contract to cover his BS. The bad part is Newman, the guy he is starting for will be out till Dec. with a sports hernia.