that clause was definately needed. If I was a cowboy fan when they signed his punk A * * I would've but my love and support for them on hold till he left town. He is the biggest disgrace out there. But he was only being rebellion going to sqrip club. :jester: In his own words :lol:
I do firmly adhere to the prophecies that the Antichrist will be man as will the False Prophet. I also believe the stage is setting for those days. When Israel became a country in 1948, the fig tree bloomed and the generation that saw it would not pass away according to Jesus if the parable is correctly understood. Gog and Magog is poised to attack Israel. China has the ability to amass the size army described in the Bible. The Roman Empire is more intact now with the European Union than it has for nearly two thousand years. There is economic failures, likelihood of widespread famines and disease. I can't remember all of the Biblical descriptions and specific verses about the Antichrist. Some are found in Revelation, but also in 2 Thessalonians (pretty good description) and in the OT Books of Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah and the NT Gospels of John and Mark. One of the most striking mentionings is that most people will be under a very strong delusion of who the Antichrist is, but I won't even attempt to speculate. Labeling someone right now publically wouldn't be right, because it may be a wrong assumption. Some people living in those days will see, however while multitudes of others will not. I've heard many theologians speak on the expected origins of these two men, but frankly, from my understanding the Church will not endure the Great Tribulation period and may never know the identity of the Antichrist. I would at least tell those who are not willing to accept Christ to at the very least, hold steadfast to a copy of the Bible so that in the midst of those days should you find yourself in them, you will have God's Word as a guide. The Bible is pretty accurate with prophecy. It says in the last days there would be an increase in knowledge (20th and 21st century) and people would go to and fro (commerical jets, trains, boats, automobiles). Revelation speaks of the Two Prophets that will come and be slain in the streets by the Antichrist and be seen as they arise from the dead by the world. (satellite news networks). The time is not known. But the Christian goes about their daily lives with expectations of being called at anytime in the twinkling of an eye and doesn't fret over such ponderings about what the Great Tribulation period will be like or who the Antichrist and False Prophet will be.
Actually, the only places where the word "antiChrist" is used is in the Epistles of I John and II John. Please show me where in the Bible you think it is.
Actually, it's not really at all. As opposed to the Renaissance? And people didn't go anywhere until they invented planes, trains and automobiles? So what was the big exodus from Europe to America back in the 18th and 19th centuries all about? Except the Book of Revelation does not mention the antiChrist. At all.
SO TRUE!!! I was thinking the same thing KD :lol: Even though fiction, I really loved that series and couldn't put it down, but people must remember IT IS FICTION!!!!!
Clif, I fully recognize the fact that the 'antichrist' isn't mentioned as such but in limited passage. However, the Bible describes him in many different symbolisms such as the Man of Lawlessness, the Beast, Man of Sin, etc. No since in mincing words here. Could you elaborate factually on which prophecies the Bible has expounded upon and not come to past?
Why not, you're doing quite well at it. The Bible, and specifically John, was very specific in what he was referring to vis a vis the antiChrist. In 1 John 2:18-19 John says there are many Antichrists and refers to them as those who were believers in Christ but have lost the faith. In 1 John 2:22 John says Antichrists are those who lie and deny Christ. In 1 John 4:3 John says the Antichrists are those who do not profess that Jesus is God become man. In 2 John 1:7 John once again says Antichrists are deceivers who say that Jesus is not God become man. Basically, in spite of what you may believe, the Bible simply says that an AntiChrist is one who denies the devinity of Jesus. No more no less. Why should I, you were the one that said they had come to pass. I agree they have, several times. The question is, which time? For example you mentioned a great leap in knowledge and associated it with modern day. There was aslo a great leap of knowledge called the Renaissance which occured five hundred years ago. You tell me a specific prophesy that has come to pass that I can't point to a different era and say the same about the same prophesy.
"and He is still in control of this nation and all else" if god is in control of this nation then why would he need our help to not elect obama? ever think of that you small minded sheep.
True, but we've also come a long way from blood-letting with leeches to heart and lung transplants and unlocking the Human Genome. We've come a long way from hand-written messages taking weeks or months to be delivered as opposed to any one individual sending an email to Australia almost instantly or fulfilling Leonardo De Vinci's quest to understand flight to passenger planes capable of two times the speed of sound or a reusable astronaunt module that can return from space like a glider. Galileo gazing at the moon to man walking on the moon and returning to earth and repeating that numerous times. Now there is talk of manned missions to another planet. Nobody, doubts the knowledge increase of the Renaissance period, but I think most would say that knowledge has very dramatically increased in the last 150 years.
Who, during the Renaissance, could have predicted the increase in knowledge of the current time? And by the same token, who could predict how knowledge might increase in the centuries to come?
Unless there was a dramatic interruption in that course, no one could likely fathom what will be common knowledge in just 50 or 100 years.
No one knows when The Lord will return we have signs that will happen as stated in Revelation but that is all.... I agree too with your statement that I am so excited about my everlasting home coming to me one day!! But everyone this is a discussion board for people to post anything and inquire to possible situations/questions when threads are started. If people do not want to see it again then just ignore it like I do with a few people on here that are never wrong or always sarcastic... NO NAMES LOL But hey if this will get just one person to think about the end of times and how it could be today or could be in 800 years then that is good, well if they think about it and act upon it I guess I should say it is good. So yes I agree that we need to stop fearing and try to start preparing because we are all sinners in some aspect but we are far from perfect.... Especially me!!
I would not have a problem with someone talking about the end of time, but to link it to Obama all the time with false information is the problem I have.
I as a Christian don't think a internet forum is a place to save people. To some this board is the only time "God" or Christianity will ever be introduced to them. Some of the self appointed "anointed" on here aren't the representation needed for Christianity. Show Christ's love face to face or word of mouth and not on some forum where half the people are not who they claim to be. My opinion only.
You are the one who seems to be suggesting others don't have the right to post their opinions. Other posters disagreeing with you, and pointing out your errors, are as much a part of this public forum as your originally posting whatever you want. Apparently you don't care about the accuracy of your statements, and that is your right, as well, but don't be surprised if it affects your credibility.
HUH? I could care less about Obama... Do not like him, I think he is shady and has a shady past but that is just my opinion and what I think. However Tams was just trying to ask a question and get enlightment on a story as stated. If she has questions if this could be real about Obama and the end of times as a true sign then that is her right to want to know more. Goodness....
So the question becomes, how do you know this is the leap of knowledge and not some time in the future?
actually I believe this is an email that has been posted before or something similiar anyway. But like I said with false information which people here have already pointed out. But then again, if its the end, what is there to fear?