I was extremely surprised to see the list of items the teacher requested for kindergarden. Why aren't the school taxes we pay take care of that? When I went to school everything was provided. What's worse is they're still asking for more things.
Your right and I'm sure a lot of parents are asking the same thing. I have three one in each level of school, elementary, middle and high school. Every year they are asking for more and more and it continues all year long. I don't feel the teachers should have to pay for it because by all means they are under paid as it is. But what about the money that is coming in from the lottery? I thought that was suppose to go towards education!!!! I haven't seen any changes. We are now paying more for everything. When my older children were in K they went on a field trip to a pumpkin patch and I believe I might have paid $5.00, but now my K child is going on a field trip and it is $11.75. And on top of that they want parents to go with but yet you have to drive your own vehicle which is more money because of the gas prices.
I am guessing school taxes are used for the busing system for students. When my kids were in school (not here, in PA - yes, I am a damn yankee transplant) we didn't have transportation for our kids at all. They either had to take a city bus (we paid for the fare) or we all carpooled to get them to school. There a lot of stuff about the schools here that we take for granted. Taxes here are way less, too, for schools. Our school tax alone was more than our total real estate taxes here. I do agree about why should we parents have to pay for what should be considered basic school supplies. We used to have to buy BOOKS for our kids' classes. (Interesting, too, how the music department got funds cut from their budget, while the athletic dept. received new uniforms) My sister is a schoolteacher and it is a hardship to have to supply, with her own pocketbook, what she believes the students deserve. She does get tax-free status when purchasing stuff, so that helps. The lottery in PA is earmarked for the elderly, whereas it is for schools here. So that is a valid question: how is that money dispersed throughout the state, and how is it spent?
THis whole field trip thing blows my mind. Not only is my wife having to drive her own car and use her own gas because she cannot ride the bus but she had to pay over $7.00 to chaperone the field trip!!! WTH!!! I mean she is donating her time to assist the school and she has to pay and use her own car?
field trip I had to pay for my K son to go on field trip too 11.75. I agree teachers are underpaid!!! I'm a Yankee too, coming from NY. Yes, taxes are cheaper, but food is more $ and a lot of other things too.
The lists vary alot from school to school and teacher to teacher but they are still long. I don't mind purchasing the items as long as they are not wasted. I have lived here my entire life and went to private (church) school for K & 1st and public (Wake Co.) after that. My mom says she doesn't remember having to send much to class when I was in public school other than the normal pencil and a notebook. However, from what I have seen in my child's classroom, things are alot better/cleaner, etc now than when I was his age. They have alot more to work with than I remember having so I think the additional supplies are a good thing. Most teachers spend some money and things for their classroom as well. I know they get money to help with that but it doesn't cover everything they need/want to have.
I always try to donate whatever we can to the classroom, but the last few years I am really wondering why copy paper is a constant on the wish list, along with tissues and hand sanitizer and soap/cleaning supplies. I mean come on. Why is this not being paid for by our tax money? We already have to provide all of the crayons/pencils/erasers/notebook paper/scissors etc. Anyone who deals with kids and school knows without a doubt that copy paper, tissues, and cleaners are going to be needed as a part of daily routine. Duh. And I certainly don't mean for my frustration to be directed at the teachers, not at all. Is buying enough paper for our children's classroom with part of the tax payer funded budget really going to break the bank? Something is fundamentally wrong with our education system if we can't afford tissues to wipe their little noses with.
You and I are in a similar boat! I have one on pre-school, two in elementary, one in middle, and one in high school. Makes for LOTS of school supply purchases!
I had not heard about the copy paper. I have seen where one teacher's list asked for 3 of almost everything on the list (tissues, wipes, sanitizer, clorox, etc) instead of just one. She had a note at the bottom saying her class used alot of those items. Maybe she did that to make up for the people who did not send the supplies and/or so she would be stocked up and wouldn't have to keep asking for more.
If you think you spend a lot on supplies try being a teacher and spending your own money on thing you need for your classroom and students to be successful. We are all feeling the pain. I'm from a small community that had small schools. My parents didn't have to supply all the things that are needed now b/c we had them. Look at the amount of schools that are in the state now vs 10 years ago and look at the amount of tax dollars that are in the state vs 10 years ago.
I just paid $11.75 for Kindergartner field trip; $9.25 for 2nd grader field trip and $8.75 for 2nd grader field trip. I will have to go on the K field trip as I need to help translate for my son who is Deaf. I hate not being able to travel on the bus w/ the kids. Gas is so high, especially w/ my guzzler(13 to 15mpg), that it's hard to even justify going. My oldest daughter used to pay $5 or $6 to go to the pumpkin patch years ago. Now look at costs. And yes, they ask for those dog gone supplies throughout the year! I started asking for whatever they don't use back at the end of the year. Teachers are nice about it. I'm sorry but classes don't need new scissors every year. And skip the stupid hand sanitizer. Soap & water and papertowels work just fine. I spent $800 on 6 kids for school supplies. And NO, that does not count the clothing either. My parents helped us. This year, finances are such that we could only supply the basics. appologized to the teachers and said it's the best I can do. The teachers are understanding. It's just sad that they are always requesting stuff. I mean, every newsletter does not need to contain a "wish list." And, we were told there would only be one fundraiser at Westview this year. I see that will not be the case as they just sent home raffle tickets and plan on doing more stuff in the spring. I've tried to sell the tickets...no one is buying. It's too tough economy right now to fundraise. Sorry costs are going up for everything and everyone. I know the teachers hate it as much as the parents. Just don't make the lists ridiculously long. Take care, stephanie--mom to 7
Just curious: whenever a notice/flyer is copied and distributed in the schools, is it printed on the back in Spanish? :neutral:
Just an FYI for anyne who doesn't already know....the cost per mile for gas to use buses on a field trip is $1.50. It sure adds up for trips that are any substantial distance.
My child's class is going to Fremont which is about 33 miles from Clayton. I wish they could find something closer or let the parents who volunteer ride on the bus.
In the case of parents not being able to ride on the buses, teachers are trying to keep costs down as much as possible. If we have to make room for parents, we would have to try to get another bus, which would raise the cost of the field trip. We, as teachers, don't get a budget for our classrooms and there is no community supply closet, like in most offices. We do ask parents to help us out. Teachers can spend anywhere from$600-$2,000 for our classes each year for supplies, tissue, etc., and this is on top of what parents send in. In another thread, it was mentioned that teachers should have engaging lessons. I totally agree, but most of these enaging lessons include hands-on activities, which you HAVE to have supplies for.
Also for parents that would like to ride the activity bus there are insurance reason why they are not allowed to ride. It is a pain I know. I don't like the rule either but as implied in the other post you may end up spending more money by getting a second bus b/c parents would rather ride then drive. So inadvertently the price of the trip has increased.