I have asked this a couple of times and so have some others. If this is truely the end of the world, antichrist and all. What is to be feared from it? Why would we want to stop it?
Oh I can not answer that. I do not fear the end, I may be a little apprehensive about all the bad things that will happen and how we will be tested but I know that thru prayer and faith I will overcome them all! I just have to pray to overcome those things though. I am not afraid but I guess I am afraid that there will be so many people left behind that I love and wish they would make a change for the better???? So that is my thoughts on the question. I know I will have a long list to answer to though...
I know I have a long list to answer for but am ready to do so. I just want everyone to understand that if this is truely the end that there should be no fear as long as you are right with god and yourself. I don't think stopping Obama from being elected would stop it, if he is truely the antichrist (which I do not believe) but you just see so many post trying to conect him to terrroist, Isalmic militant and so forth. If I truely thought he was the end to it all I may would actually vote for him so I could go home!
Here is another point of view. Even though I am tired of hearing of Obama and the antichrist yada, yada, yada.. perhaps when we see this albeit postings, emails etc....those people that sent them are just trying to scare non believers into turning to God and repenting so they shall be saved... I guess those people saying and spreading that stuff are trying to save some souls..
This is what I was saying to a certain point. I just say that maybe they should not scare me or others but make people think that it is time to get right "just in case" or so to speak! That is what I was saying in Tams original post if just one person looks into this seriously and gets "right" then that is agood thing.8)
I have zero fear of the end because I know I won't be here. But as Christians, it is our job to warn the unbelievers that the end is coming and to tell them how they can escape going through a literal hell on earth by accepting the gift of salvation NOW... NOW is the day of salvation -- not after the Rapture. Some pastors believe and teach that the Rapture will be like when Noah and his family boarded the ark and God sealed the door. It was too late for anyone to change their minds and be saved when the rains came and they all perished. Jesus Himself said in John 5:43 that people who would not accept Him as Savior WILL accept the Antichrist. Once the Rapture has taken place God Himself will cause those left who have heard the Gospel and rejected Jesus to believe and be deceived by the Antichrist. Do you understand anything about the Tribulation period that is coming? Not the Left Behind fiction based on Revelation stuff, but what the Bible teaches about that time? Ever since I gave my life to the Lord Jesus in 1997 I have been a student of Bible prophecy. It's just my thing, like some Christians have been called to be Sunday School teachers, or whatever. I have studied and studied Biblical prophecy and I do not want anyone to be left here. Perhaps that is why the Lord seems to be pressing me, and others, to more than ever get the word out that the time is near. :?
That is why I said "apprehensive" but I can get over that with a lot of prayer. I mean every unkind word we have said (or typed) will be asked of us when we get to heaven so that is why I try not to be the "mean" know it all one on here. I have enough to answer to as it is with me fussing at my husband for not putting a bag in the trash and so on. LOL
I truly do believe you that you are trying to help others and some are taking it totally the wrong way or reading it the wrong way I guess I should say! That is what I am apprehensive of but know that I will over come that because of my faith in God!! I believe in his word solely and his truth with that being said I just want others to do the same and I do not want to leave so many people that I love behind that may be confused on how to get to heaven (so to speak)
I would like for you to talk about this more.. I am always interested to learn more and I think others would rather here this than anything.. I know enough to be dangerous
Isn't the Rapture supposed to happen and then the birth of the antichrist? If thats the case...couldn't be Obama...
No, the antichrist will not be born then, he will be revealed... he will come on the scene as a world leader... as the one who can fix this whole global mess we're in, including making peace in the Middle East... after the Rapture of the church. With the signs of the times, I'm pretty positive that he is very much alive and well at this moment. Personally, I don't think Obama is the antichrist (could be wrong though, who knows.) BUT, think about it... when this world ruler comes to power, he has to have people in governmental positions around the world who will agree with and work with him. People like that are said to have a "spirit of antichrist" because they are against God and will be working for Satan even if they are not THE antichrist. That is why watching the world now, reading the news headlines, etc. is both exciting and troublesome, because the stage being set, the players are getting in place, and the end seems VERY near.
What Profit is Prophecy? by: Dr. Adrian Rogers I am always amazed by people who say we shouldn't study prophecy. Some fear we will go off into fanaticism. Others think prophecy is simply "pie in the sky by and by." Still others feel prophecy is unrelated to reality. But one-fourth of the Bible is given over to prophecy! Did the Holy Spirit make a mistake? Of course not! There is an incredible, wonderful blessing in the study of prophecy. Here are six benefits of prophecy: PROPHECY WILL LEAD YOU TO PRAISE Revelation 1:3 says, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." In a world that seems to be filled with random acts of violence and terrorism, we need to see that God has a plan and the God of that plan is worthy to be praised. If you know prophecy, you can sit back and say, "I've already looked in the back of the book for the answers. The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ." PROPHECY WILL HELP YOU MAKE SENSE OUT OF SUFFERING If you get all of your theology from your circumstances, you'll be hopelessly confused. Romans 8:18 says, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us." Through prophecy, we understand that God is not finished yet. The tragedies of this earth will be turned into the triumphs of heaven. PROPHECY WILL LEAD YOU TO REJOICE IN GOD'S JUSTICE Paul wrote, "Judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts" (1 Corinthians 4:5). If you are a student of prophecy, you understand that things don't end here on earth with man's judgment. God will have the last word in the judgment halls of eternity. Prophecy allows us to understand the mystery of history, make sense of our suffering, and rejoice in God's justice as prophetic events unfold. PROPHECY WILL CAUSE YOU TO PRAY Prophecy leads to intercession. The last prayer in the Bible is Revelation 22:20: "even so, come, Lord Jesus." Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). When God prophecies that something is going to happen, somehow we see those events unfold as His children pray. I cannot explain how God's ultimate sovereignty works with our prayers, but I know it does from the pages of His Word. PROPHECY WILL LEAD YOU TO PURITY First John 3:2-3 says, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." That is prophecy! If you really believe that Jesus Christ is coming again, you are going to live a clean life. We ought never to take our eyes off the fact that Jesus is coming. PROPHECY WILL LEAD YOU TO PROCLAMATION Revelation 19:10c says, "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." All prophecy is a witness to the truth that Jesus is coming back – that people need to be ready for His return. What are you doing to warn people to flee from the wrath to come? Paul knew that there was an everlasting hell (see 2 Corinthians 5:10-11). It's not enough for us to sit around and try to discover the divine mysteries of prophecy. We need to bring people to Jesus Christ! The real test of whether you believe Bible prophecy is if you have your feet on the sidewalk of soul-winning instead of your head in the clouds of prophecy. If you believe Jesus is coming back, you will have a burning passion to bring people to Him. Jesus came as an evangelist. And He's called you to do the same. Will you pray, "Lord, lay some soul upon my heart and win that soul through me"? Is there profit in prophecy? Praise the Lord, there is! What a wonderful thing to know that we are soon going to meet the King of kings and Lord of lords. • Love Worth Finding (Thursday, January 29, 2004) http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/Love_Worth_Finding/Article.asp?article_id=678
This is my problem with prophecy and interpreting the Bible. R2CMK said "Jesus Himself said in John 5:43 that people who would not accept Him as Savior WILL accept the Antichrist. Once the Rapture has taken place God Himself will cause those left who have heard the Gospel and rejected Jesus to believe and be deceived by the Antichrist." No he didnt. According to the website she gave he said "I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive." According to the passage she gave, Antichrist is not mentioned. It also said IF another comes, not that one will. Just ask R2 did, and im sure had all the best motives in the world for it, but she interpreted the passage as she wanted or as someone else did and thats the problem with prophecy. Anyone can plug in any sign they want and make it work to their thinking.
I'm working on finding some good articles from respected pastors for you regarding this. It's easier for me to do that than to try to type it all out myself... I don't need carpal tunnel syndrome, or however you spell it.
John 5:43 was a warning from Jesus to the Jews. Sorry, I should have quoted 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 instead.