If you mean your interpretation and everyone else's individual interpretation of what "the truth" is then sure, it's done that. But I see it as a hodgepodge of beliefs that would be about as clear as mud to someone who was trying to form their own faith. I don't really think it's a service to anyone. Unless you want to suggest that it's your way or no way at all.
Perhaps that is exactly why the figure you are speaking of has been labeled "The Antichrist"...you know, because he's like the ULTIMATE one who denies the divinity of Jesus Christ.
If you would watch the video instead of constantly spouting off your "knowledge" of everything under the sun you would hear Dr. Rogers say with his own mouth that the word "antichrist" is not found in the book of Revelation. Do you honestly think I'm going to listen to you, Mr. Santa Claus is real, and your knowledge of the Bible over that of Dr. Rogers? Get real, Cliff. Here, seems you need the link again. http://www.lightsource.com/Ministry/love_worth_finding/20080427/ Just watch the video, you might actually learn something yourself. Seriously.
Well I would find it hard for anyone to say they are a "Christian" and not believe 100% of The Bible if that is what you mean too???? Not sure?
Then why do you and/or he refer to the Antichrist? Unfortunately I cannot view the video at work. All I have to go by is how you describe it. If you describe it incorrectly, what am I to believe? Once again, I'm not sure what Santa Claus has to do with anything. Apparently I have hit a nerve that vexes you so to the point where you have to mentally ***** yourself by bringing up Santa Claus. My knowledge of the Bible comes directly from the Bible, not from someone else's opinion of It's meaning. I really wish you could say the same, but instead of discussing it, you'd rather post someone else's words.
In Revelation, he is referred to as the "Beast". I'm just suggesting that he has been labeled through the centuries as "The Antichrist" because of what you already pointed out, the actual definition given of an antichrist.
Not sure where you stand on this Clif, but if you are not a Christian, you are somewhat blinded as you read and study the Bible. Your "knowledge" of God's Word will be off base simply because you do not believe. And, you will also be totally incapable of believing this to be true about yourself because you are blind to the Truth.
Hey Ready..I can't see videos either...so when you post all these I can't see what you are talking about, do you ever link any articles?
I will not denounce people as Christians if they have a different interpretation of the Bible as I do. I believe that the bread and wine that I receive at Mass every Sunday is the actual Body and Blood of Jesus at the very moment that I receive it (which is in the Bible and a cornerstone of my faith), but you may not agree. That means you are not Catholic, but I am not going to say that you are not a Christian because you don't believe that part of the Bible.
Some of these same diehards around here stating to be Christian Ms. CM may feel that you be a Catholic takes you out of being a Christian. In fact, some Christians feel Catholicism is a cult. Then on the other hand some Catholics feel most "holy rollers" are "cultish" like. I'm not speaking with any proof of this I'm assuming. And you know what you do when you assume. But I am a "butt" man anyways.:lol:
Personally, I have no problem with holly rollers as long as they don't try and shove their faith down my throat because I want to be treated as I do others. BTW, you and I will get along nicely as people have told me "baby got back". (Carry on with the religion now)
OK, that's just wrong on many, many levels. That's like holding a Hershey bar in front of a diabetic just out their reach.
Well I take the bread and wine (juice for us - lol) as the body of Christ and we do it in rememberance of Christ as stated in the Bible. However I do believe The Bible 100% as written because as a person of faith all things are possible thru Christ. I personally believe it all as written and I think you have to. And before someone jumps in on me I believe in the Holy Bible and currenttly reading the NIV....
Only asking because I want to know.... what do you think makes a Christian? Again I want to know and not for creating drama with just you. lol
Yes, the Holy Bible! We have KJV, NKJV, NIV & NLT translations in our house. Oh my, I hope we don't get into a KJV is the only way debate now. :lol:
So we disagree, but I'm not going to say you are not a Christain because your interpretation of Eucharist is different from mine. And we can go round and round all day but the bottom line is that we're not going to change each other's beliefs. I just won't stand for the arrogance of saying others aren't Chrisitan because they don't share your exact beliefs.