What a prince! He shoots her in the stomach, then refuses to get her medical care. I guess he wanted to make sure he got the job done. I sure hope the mother and baby survive. Yeah, yeah, innocent until proven guilty and all that jazz. This guy needs to be put UNDER the jail. :evil:
hey backtrakker, show some spine. you said it own it, don't fall over backwards. Be like the Canes. what do you tell a woman with two black eyes? nothing she didn't listen the first two times. ha ha ha it"s an old one.
KDC, you're right I shouldn't have joked about a pregnant lady getting shot. That is about as heartless as it gets shooting a pregnant lady. Shooting anyone is bad but pregnant?
Sorry guys, didn't mean to be a snot about it, but there have just been so many of these lately, it's very sad. :?