I just need to vent!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I tried calling my mom, who I usually vent to, but she's not home. So thought I'd come here and vent!

    Hubby's gone to the race this weekend and I'm stuck home with the 3 kids. I thought I'd start the day by taking the kitty to the vet to get it scanned. Didn't think it'd be that hard. I thought we had a kitty carrier, but I was wrong. So I got a box, poked a bunch of holes in it and got the 2 little ones in the car ready to go. Then me and big one tried getting the kitty in the box, harder than I thought. Finally got it, and when I opened the car to the garage, realized that #2 kid had opened the garage door, kitty jumped out of the box and ran outside. Now here we are 3.5 hours later and kitty still will not come inside. Vet is now closed, so we can not take it to the vet, and my son is very upset, thinking it will never come "home" again. It's not leaving the yard, but will not come inside. Meanwhile, I have to keep the 2 little ones inside, because everytime they go outside they try to chase the kitty, which upsets my older one even more, and he comes inside crying again.

    Then my neighbor comes running over asking if my husband is home because her husband isn't and she's caught a rattle or copperhead on her front porch. Great! Just lovely. And it's a baby, which means there's a mama somewhere, and my son will probably find it. So he stops looking for his cat long enough to grab a shovel, thinking he's going over there to kill this snake she's caught. Yeah, my 8 yo. I don't think so! Now I've got my kids at her house, wanting to play with a venomous snake, lovely.

    When we get away from her house, we're back over here, #1 is out looking for the cat, #2 & 3 are in the house fighting, or wrecking my house. No one is listening to me. So much for the vet. So much for going to the book fair at the school today. So much for cleaning the house. They're just destroying it anyway. I can't even call my mom and cry to her! And I'm pmsing on top of it all, so I'm really in a great mood. My son won't come in, he's determined to get the cat, but she's very skiddish, and scratches everytime he picks her up. The poor kid is so upset, I can't yell at him. What a day.

    Anyway, thanks for listening. I just had to get that off my chest. I think tonight I'm giving them all a xanax and I'm drinking a bottle of something (I don't normally drink, but might start tonight) I do have to venture out to Target to get #1 a new backpack, that's normally as much fun as a route canal, and the way today is going, it's bound to be even better. I also told them I'd take them to dinner tonight, not sure I want to do that either, and if this stupid cat doesn't come in, I don't know how I'm going to get this kid to go anywhere, he won't want to leave the house. UGH!
  2. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Don't you just love the finer days of Motherhood?!? LOL!

    God has a sense of humor, and sometimes he decides to pile up all that could go wrong into one day...just for a giggle. Because he knows we moms can handle it. It's like Mom-boot-camp.

    Tell your son he cannot play with snakes until he is at least 10 years old. And no one need chase the kitty...he'll come inside when he's hungry.

    You earned a glass of wine...or a glass of scotch, whichever is your preference.

    God may have a sense of humor, but he also sees and appreciates the hard work, sacrifice, sweat, blood and tears that moms give. That's why he created the hot bubble bath.:mrgreen:
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    sympathies....and best wishes...and it would be understandable if, when DH walks in, you walk out and tell him you'll be back..whenever, and go get a nice pedicure/manicure....and then a nice light meal, just by yourself. Let him deal with the kids, the cat, and the snake. :)
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Aww, God bless you honey. I agree whole heartedly with Hat's suggestion. Sounds like he's been in that situation before (on the other end).

    Just call and order you and the kids a nice greasy pizza and then shake the treat jar and kitty will come running in.

    Good luck! :cheers:
  5. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    My son tried the tuna this morning, but I thought he was going to put it in the doorway. He didn't, he took it outside and gave it to the cat. So that defeated the purpose of giving the treat to her. We have her dish right outside the door, I keep telling him he's just scaring her, just leave her alone, but he doesn't get it. It has literally been since 9:00 that he's been out there, he hasn't even stopped to eat yet. He was sad, now he's getting mad, at everyone in here I think! I really do think she'll come in tonight when it gets cold, she knows it's nice and warm in here and we've got kitty food for her. She's still in our yard, she's not leaving us...

    I really hope he doesn't find any snakes, or I will FREAK OUT!

    The little ones have finally settled down and are watching Power Rangers. That's all fine and dandy until they start thinking they ARE the power rangers! Then I'll announce it's naptime!

    I think we're going to Pizza Hut tonight for stuffed crust (they love it) and I'm calling and ordering ahead of time, nothing worse than having to sit and wait for 20 minutes inside of Pizza hut with 3 hungry kids. We'll eat it there, (maybe) or maybe we'll rent Ironman, anyone have kids that have seen it yet?

    I seriously do not drink, but sometimes enjoy kahlua and milk, tonight might be one of those nights. And I'm making it strong! If there's an emergency I've got neighbors I can call on!
  6. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    It is ok to vent...and I totally understand your situation when all h e double hockey sticks breaks loose. I agree, when you hubby comes home, turn everything over to him and you run away for a while and let him have it all! Hope things get better for you.
  7. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Get rid of the kitty :) and your problem is solved.!
  8. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Reading that made me think of one person...



    Hope things calm down for you & Kitty comes back inside!
  9. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Kitty is now trapped in the garage, we're one step closer. Little one isn't taking a nap today, hopefully he's in bed early. I just talked to my mom, so venting is now complete...I'm going to help big one get the cat in, otherwise we can't go anywhere tonight!
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    UPDATE...kitty is safely inside now. We made it to Lowes to rent a couple movies (Iron Man for them, Mad Money for me). Had some stuffed crust at Pizza Hut, then went to Target from there. We should have gone home after the pizza...little one is not a happy camper tonight, I'm sure Target would have been happy without us. We got kitty a collar though, a pretty purple one with a bell, so we can't lose her!

    Now we're home, I have a chick flick, lotto scratch-off, some hidden chocolate for later, and hopefully the little one will be sleeping by 8! Keep your fingers crossed for me. Although after today I might be asleep by 9...
  11. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Too funny, Michelle. Honestly, I can;t think of a time when the situation has occurred. We both have our strengths..and we both have needed (and will need) each other on which to lean from time to time. Seems like it makes more sense to use that strategy as above, BEFORE things ever get to that stage. Kinda like making a deposit before you make a withdrawal. But, then again, that's just me. And, my DW is the LOML. She's worth THAT and so much more...:)
  12. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    Hey DMJ - what an awful time you've had! I'm glad things have settled down and kitty came inside. If you still plan to take her to the vet I have a really nice carrier you can borrow. It's a soft one, not one of the hard plastic ones. I live right down the road from you, so just let me know if you want to use it! I hope things continue to get better for you for the rest of the weekend!
  13. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks Brea - we might end up getting a leash for kitty though, because she won't let us pick her up, so I don't know how we'll get her in a carrier. But if we change our minds I'll let you know, I appreciate that.
  14. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    Pm me if you need it and I'll get it to you.
  15. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Too funny! I have had days like DMJ and thought, "We need the Super Nanny today!":lol:

    DMJ, I hope the rest of your weekend went better for you! With five kids and two dogs, I feel your pain. I'm blessed that 95% of the time our kids are really great, but like most, they have their moments! Those are the times that we hide in the bedroom and lock the door for a 'time out'. Works wonders as long as the kids don't come knocking on the door. LOL
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Ha! Welcome to my life, DMJ. :lol:

    Glad you made it through!

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