I was wanting to do something fun with the kids this weekend. We have done the beach thing a few times this year and want to do something more local. Anybody have any ideas?
Well something that's fun for the WHOLE family is going to the Smithfield Wal-Mart on a Sunday afternoon and playing "Pick the Legal Hispanics". Gosh darn it you could stay ALL day and possibly not even find one..........:jester:
If that doesn't take you all day, I have a couple of suggestions. Vollmer Farm in Bunn, they have the Back Forty playground going on now, I think. The airborne museum in Fayetteville (free) Old Salem in Winston Salem (pricey) The State Capitol (most kids take the walking tour in school) House in the Horseshoe near Sanford Somerset Place in Washington County Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville
My company picinc is tomorrow in Raleigh and I know a few folks that aren't coming so I could smuggle you in. Free food and good times for the kids! Seriously though, I'm taking my little guy to the Chick Fil A day at the Korny Maze today.
I should have taken my kids to the zoo today, why didn't I think of that? Maybe next Sunday, that's a great idea! The weather is perfect! Speaking of zoos...our kitty got out this morning, son has spent 2 hours (literally) outside trying to get it in. And my neighbor has a baby rattlesnake trapped on her front step, not sure what to do with it...It's a zoo around here today! So while my son is out trying to get the kitty, I'm a nervous wreck thinking he's going to find the mama snake!
Pullen Park Pullen Park in Raleigh is open until 6:30 pm today. They have a carousel that dates from the late 1800's. They also have a trian that circles the park, paddle boats and an old caboose. Swings, playsets, a lot of sand and digging toys along with some nice grassy areas for picnics make it a fun place for everyone. Its not too pricey too ride the rides, maybe a dollar a person I think and the paddle boats are rented by the half hour if I remember correctly. You should go at least once if you've never been before.
And get a membership, it's only a few bucks more and you can use it at Ft Fisher and another aquarium I can't think of the name right now - further up the coast. You can also use it at the zoo in Norfolk (3 hours away) if you like to see animals in chain link. They got rid of that monkey that used to throw feces at people. I think he died or they sent him to a monkey mental health facility. Other things - Noah's Landing Tobacco Farm Life Museum Free museums in downtown Raleigh Morehead Planetarium Chapel Hill Natural Science Center of Greensboro (half off with zoo membership) Bentonville Duke Homestead Durham You know what, hop into the lobby of one of the hotels up at 40/42 they probably have brochures for things to do. Then report back to this thread and share with the rest of us! One more, and I haven't been here but it looks right up our alley - Carnivore Preservation Trust http://www.cptigers.org/
The aquarium you're thinking about I think is Pine Knolls, Cleo. Another sincere place is the Cliffs of the Neuse State Park south of Goldsboro. Beautiful cliffs beside the Neuse River, nature trails, nature center, etc. The walking can be as much or as little as you want, because you literally drive up to the edge of the cliffs and walk down to the river by steps if you wish. Another good state park is Raven Rock between Lillington and Sanford, but be advised you will have to walk about mile to the river from the parking lot and a mile back. Cliffs of the Neuse are a lot more user-friendly.
Lazy O Farm Admission 8 bucks, kids under 2 are free http://www.agr.state.nc.us/ncproducts/ShowSite.asp?ID=2121