My grandmother's been telling me that once gas hits $3, she's coming to visit me (she's in NY). Well, it's pretty darned close where she is, so she's coming next week! :hurray: She emailed me today and said that she knows someone at the race in Charlotte this weekend and they said gas is $5 down there, and now she's worried she won't be able to afford to get home! I told her I haven't seen it that much anywhere! Has anyone heard of gas being that much in Charlotte? I had heard earlier in the week that they were running out a lot more down there, but it can't be that much more down there is it? That's crazy! I told her no worries, it's going down, and by next week it'll be even lower here.
No, its not $5 in Charlotte. I just talked to a friend that was at the race last night. he said it was $3.60 there and $3.17 in Burlington.
just got back from Burlington, gas in that stretch was 3.09, 3.13 and 3.29. Lines were long getting off the ramp so I didn't stop....figured it would take an hour just to get gas....why are prices so high here???
I filled up in Carolina Beach for 3.27 a gallon this morning! Who EVER thought we'd think THAT was a good price!??