Vexatious Litigation

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by frustratedcitizen, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

  2. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Um, aren't we all supposed to be her neighbors? I mean the whole 4042 thing and all. Go have some more coffee and :chillpill:
  3. Solitaire

    Solitaire Guest

    Does anyone on this board actually like their neighbor(s)?

  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I love you too, colin! And most of my other 4042 neighbors. :lol:
  5. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member



    I am in no way saying that I don't understand someone else's point of view regarding animals. The issue I had with my neighbors was the way they handled the situation.

    I have been walking my dog in the neighborhood for three years and in the two and half years my neighbor lived there never once have they said anything and never once have I allowed my dog to urinate or defacate on anyone's property. And for over a year my cat was outdoors and never once had they indicated that the cat was a problem.

    The problem started after I found out that this same neighbor was swimming in my pool during the day while I was not at home and I had to confront them. I had to tell them that although they were welcome to bring their girls over for a swim, I had to be at home.

    As far as the cats, had my neighbor walked over to the house to discuss the situation in a civil manner instead of accosting me in the street threatening to harm my animals, I could have respected that. However, several hours later his wife accosted me in the street calling me an F'ing Yankee along with some other nasty, vile things while he stood there and joined in.

    The following day, they approached me and apoligized. I accepted their apology and agologized myself. However, I still took his threat seriously since he had verbalized on numerous occassions that he would shoot at stray dogs running through the neighborhood if they went on his yard.

    About a month after this incident, their son aproached me indicating that someone's dog was urinating on his car. I informed his son that I didn't know who it was that I didn't allow my dog to urinate or defacate on people's property. I advised him to speak with others who walked their dogs through the block.

    On the morning of 9/9/08 at 4:37 am while walking my dog past the son's car, he came out of the house screaming you F'ing Enlightened person, you F'ing C___, I know it's your dog ****ing on my car and if I see you or that dog, something bad will happen to you".

    Not two weeks later, the neighbor's son observed the neighbor down the street's dog urinating on his car tire. He apparently confronted her and although angry he did not call her names or threaten her.

    Regardless of his views on animals, there is still a way to speak to someone. He could have walked over to the house and knocked on the door to discuss the problem. He choose not to do so but instead wait until I walking my dog, minding my own business to accost me in the street and verbally threaten my animals. This is the behavior of a very sick person.

    I have since turned my cat's into indoor cats and yet there spite and hate continues to be a problem.

  6. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Perhaps after a year they were very frustrated by your lack of dillligence to keep you cats contained. Certainly that does not condone the way they spoke to you. However, your message reads like you're doing them a favor by keeping your cats inside now ... rather than owning the responsibility for letting them run loose all that time.
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I would have to agree with this statement, as that is how I felt as well. A person can only put up with so much for so long. I tired to be nice and drop hints which were either ignored or just not taken.

    As far as your pool goes, that is a liability. Judging from their behavior could you imagine if somebody had gotten hurt on your property when you were not home? Your home would be their new home after they sued you for everything you owned. Lock that pool up, post some signs, and call the law and charge them with trespassing the next time they decide to take an uninvited dip in your pool.

    They certainly sound like some interesting characters. Your additonal information does provide more insight into the situation. Apparently, you just got on their "list" when you called them on using your pool at their leisure. If you can't get this worked out in court, and get them to leave you alone, there are a few realtors on the board. :)
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I am going to be sending some neighbors a polite but firm letter soon about their animals. I am sick of a dog barking at all hours until he is hoarse, and the chickens are about to make me lose my mind. Two different neighbors. Between them, I am ready to move. They are being extrememly inconsiderate and I shouldn't have to confront them to get them to do the right thing. :? I don't let my cats out, nor do I let my dog bark. Enough is enough. :banghead:
  9. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Swimming in your pool without asking and when you're not home? That says alot about a person if you ask me. Wouldn't be surprised they were being jerks!
  10. frustratedcitizen

    frustratedcitizen Active Member

    NC Mom


    If I came off that way, I certainly didn't intend to. I relocated here from NY where there is a leash law for dogs. Quite honestly I have never heard anyone complain about cats.

    I don't have an issue with the fact that they do not want the cats on their property, again had they come to me and discussed the issue like adults this problem wouldn't exist today.

    There are numerous people who own cats in the development and many of them are outdoor cats. In fact there is a stray cat who has existed in the neighborhood for six months. I have not seen these neighbors make any attempt to trap this stray cat, this is apparently about me. The same way when they observed another neighbor's dog urinating on the son's car, they did not curse her out or threaten her nor did they take her to court claiming she allows her dog to freely and willingly.
  11. Solitaire

    Solitaire Guest

    It sounds like your neighbors have some major issues.
    I would just ignore them, and when the market rebounds, put your house up the market.

    Some people enjoy drama, and from your posts, it sounds like your neighbors are enjoying this hostility.

    Ignore, Ignore, Ignore..... take care

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    I was thinking on the same lines. First of all my husband wouldn't have any problems handling this situation but in any event I'd make sure that the next time their son used my pool without my permission he receive something in return, say on the lines of some severe itching. :twisted: Oops didn't realize that 5 gallon bucket of chemicals fell in the pool, oh well I guess next time you'll ask permission.:lol:

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