Israeli military: Syria has restarted its nuclear program to produce weapons of mass destruction October 02, 2008 According to Israeli military sources, Syria has restarted its nuclear program with the aspirations of developing a Nuclear WMD this coming one year after Israel allegedly bombed a partially constructed nuclear reactor deep in the heart of Syria. It seems that Syrian President Bashar Assad has redoubled his efforts to develop a nuclear program based on the Iranian model of simultaneously building multiple facilities in various sites throughout his country. There are reports that these new nuclear facilities are being built with the backing of North Korea and with the help of a group of Iranian experts who have arrived in Syria to join the nuclear project. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News A restart of the Syrian nuclear program with the goal of a Nuclear WMD is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. One year ago, the world watched as the Israeli Air Force entered Syrian airspace and allegedly destroyed a nuclear facility being built by the North Koreans. This facility, deep in the heart of Syria, was in the process of preparing a Nuclear WMD that has been delayed until now. Syrian President Bashar Assad, with aspirations to become a nuclear power in the Middle East, seems to have restarted his nuclear development program this time using the Iranian model, setting up nuclear facilities in various locations with one goal in mind, a Nuclear WMD at Israel's northern border. This is a scenario that was described 2,500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophet, Daniel. In Daniel 11:40-43, the prophet calls for the King of the North, modern day Syria, to attack its neighbor, the Jewish state of Israel. In fact, Syria, according to Bible prophecy in Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83, is the nation to make the first move against Israel in the Last Days and to be followed by the rest of the Arab and Moslem world as foretold in Bible prophecy. Syria's development of a Nuclear WMD is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Vladimir Putin says America's inability to deal with the financial crisis is affecting the global economy October 01, 2008 In remarks unlikely to go down well in Washington, Russian PM Vladimir Putin lashed out at the US and said that its inability to deal with the financial crisis is affecting the global economy and Mr. Putin said everything happening in the economic and financial world started in the US. Putin said this is a real crisis that the whole world is facing and we see America's inability to take appropriate decisions. The truth be known, highly leveraged Russian companies have been hit very hard by the credit crunch which has made it virtually impossible to secure borrowing abroad. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News The fact that Russian PM Putin is accusing the US financial crisis for a global economic crisis is a page out of Bible prophecy. The accusations against the US for failure to deal with its financial crisis coming from Russian PM Putin is impart motivated by Russia's own potential financial crisis. The fact that Russian companies are so highly leveraged has caused a domestic problem for Russia that can only be eliminated when this credit crunch created in America is dealt with and solved. In reality, this financial crisis that has become global has only become another stage from which PM Putin can blast the US leadership in the world and move himself into the forefront in global leadership. This is another venue for Putin to bring Russia back into the position of a major world power, which is what Bible prophecy calls for in the Last Days. Ezekiel 38:2 mentions Magog, that would be the nation we know today as modern day Russia, and Russia will be a major world player leading up to and right after the Rapture of the Church. Revelation 13:12-17 and chapter 18 reveals that the global economy will be a significant factor in the Last Days. Russian PM Putin's insertion into the global financial crisis is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Are you going to hear Dr. David Jeremiah speak tonight? He is promoting his new book, What in the World Is Going On?. It is about biblical prophecy.
Yes!! I am very excited, and a little nervous about what I might learn. I suppose I will buy the book on the way home. Have you seen Fireproof yet? Do you plan to see it?
No, I couldn't tell you the last time DH and I saw a movie at the theater. We'll rent it when it comes out though. I'm excited about Dr. Jeremiah for you! Dh and I saw him a few years back, he's an excellent Bible teacher. Have fun!
Yeah, I went last time too. This is kind of a date night for us and so is Fireproof. Our church is going to be having our sermons based on a study from the movie so I feel like we need to go. Plus I love to support a Christian based movie. The more that go to them, there more we will see in theaters (hopefully).
Russian President Medvedev: US financial crisis is a sign that America's global leadership is drawing to a close October 03, 2008 Predicting the end of the US domination, Russian President Medvedev says the present financial crisis in the US is a sign of the end of America's global economic leadership which is an argument many world leaders have been making for some time. Medvedev says the US crisis is evidence that times when one country can dominate are gone for good, arguing that the American style of capitalism is to blame for the crisis. The Russian president called what has happened in America "financial egoism", a position echoed by many European nations including Germany, one of Europe's strongest economies. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News Russia's accusation that America's present financial crisis has diminished the dominant position of the US on the world stage is actually evidence that Bible prophecy is moving closer to fulfillment. Russia is not the only nation that claims the present financial crisis in America is taking a giant step towards removing the US from its dominant position on the world stage. Truth be known, the financial markets around the world have suffered because of the US crisis. Because of this seemingly fall from global leadership, the US may be slipping in its superpower status. This scenario leads me to the question that is most asked in any Bible prophecy Q and A. Where is America in Bible prophecy? My answer is that the US is not mentioned in Bible prophecy with maybe the exception of Zechariah 14:2 where the prophet says all nations will be gathered at Jerusalem just before Jesus Christ returns to the earth, Zechariah 14:4. My belief, based upon my many years of study of Bible prophecy, is that the Rapture of the Church will render America inoperative and cause the US to fall from its power position. We may well be watching the beginning of the end for the US superpower status preceded by the Rapture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is this Jimmy DeYoung?
Have you seen this about Kirk Cameron, very admirable! :hurray:,2933,427161,00.html
Jewish men are being fitted for priestly garments to serve in a soon coming Jewish Temple October 06, 2008 The Temple Institute ( started preparing to build a third Temple on Jerusalem's Mount Moriah, the site of the Dome of the Rock, by inaugurating a workshop that manufactures priestly garments to be worn by the Jewish priests who will serve in a third Jewish Temple to be built in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yehuda Glick, Director of the Temple Institute, said when the Temple is rebuilt, Kohanim, members of the priestly family, must wear the proper outfit to perform the obligations at the Temple. Priestly garments have not been worn since the destruction of the second Temple by the Romans in 70 AD and cannot be functional until a third Temple is constructed. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News Preparing priestly garments for Jewish men to wear as they serve in a third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem is evidence as to how close we are to the Return of Jesus Christ. As the Temple Institute in Jerusalem prepares the priestly garments for those who claim to be members of the priestly family, the final steps for restoring Temple worship in a third Temple are being taken. Years of diligent research has been done to create the garments in accordance with Jewish law. Politically, those preparing to build the third Temple have a nightmarish situation with the Dome of the Rock on Al Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third holiest site, sitting on the spot where the next Jewish Temple is to be rebuilt Even though the building site for the next Jewish Temple is a major hurdle, those preparing for the rebuilding of the third Temple say God will take care of that problem and these same Jews say they have everything else ready to operate the next Jewish Temple. This next Jewish Temple to stand on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is not the one Jesus Christ will build, Zechariah 6:12, but will be the Temple of the seven year Tribulation Period spoken of in Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, Revelation 11:1 and II Thessalonians 2:4. As evidenced by this report all preparations have been made for the next Temple in Jerusalem.
The Tough US Economy is Promoting Aliyah October 07, 2008 With a strong Israeli economy, and the dropping stock markets in the US, Israeli officials believe that we are on the brink of a new wave of immigrants that will moving to Israel. In Israel, the economic situation has a great future, with the tourist trade and high technology industries doing well and growing rapidly. Israel’s economy looks to have a bright future, especially when compared to the approaching recession in the United States. It is believed that with this financial crunch, especially the very religious “Ultra-orthodox” Jewish community will awaken and remember the biblical imperative of immigration to Israel. Jimmy’s Prophetic Prospective on the News It doesn’t matter whether Jewish people move to Israel because of a financial crunch, or because the Bible says they must. The end result is that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. Over the last hundred years, Jews from all over the world have moved to Israel. The reborn Jewish state, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2008, has seen some great periods of Aliyah. Aliyah is the Hebrew word for Jewish people immigrating back to Israel. The big wave of immigration during the 1990s was from Russia - with about 1.3 million Russian Jews immigrating to Israel. There was another wave from Ethiopia, which spanned several years. Following World War II and the Holocaust, Jews from Europe came in great numbers to help establish the Jewish State. This report is evidence that Bible prophecy is indeed in the process of being fulfilled. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote some 2,500 years ago that the Lord would find the Jews where ever they had been scattered and gather them back to Israel. The Lord says 18 times in Ezekiel 34 that He will find His people and bring them into the land. Ezekiel 36, which refers 35 times to the land of Israel, says that the Jewish people would be brought back into the land of their forefathers - the land where they are living today - the Jewish state of Israel. Even though it may be because of the financial crunch in the United States today, Jews are making ready to move to the land of Israel, and thus fulfill Bible prophecy.
The French FM visits Israel to revive the peace process October 08, 2008 French FM Bernard Kouchner was in Israel to meet with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders with hopes of reviving the peace process to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a process that seems to be stalled with the political situation up in the air with the Israeli government and the PA. Israel is working to put together a new government, while at the same time, the PA President Mahmoud Abbas will be up for reelection in several months. Meanwhile, the chief Palestinian negotiator says there will be no peace deal without Jerusalem and the Israeli government seems to be holding fast to the notion of not dividing Jerusalem so the Palestinians can have a capital for a new state. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News The ongoing efforts of world leaders to bring a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems to be futile, which is exactly what Bible prophecy calls for in the Last Days. President Bush has been working on a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians hoping for an agreement to be in place before he leaves office in January 2009. In fact, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has made numerous trips to Israel to try and pull together a peace agreement between the two parties. In the face of this effort, the chief negotiator for the Palestinians said there will be no deal without a portion of Jerusalem as the capital for the Palestinian state. This scenario unfolding today in this peace process reflects the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. Malachi 1 reveals that the Israelis and the Palestinians, the descendants of Jacob and Esau, will continue to have conflict until the very end, the very end of the seven year Tribulation Period. Obadiah, the ancient Jewish prophet, says the conflict will end only when Jesus Christ, the Messiah returns to earth. Zechariah 12:2-3 says Jerusalem will be the center of the controversy and the conflict. The present status of the peace process is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jews in Jerusalem and around the world mark Judaism's Holiest Day, Yom Kippur October 09, 2008 As Jewish people in Jerusalem and around the world stop for a fast day to mark Judaism's Holiest Day, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, Israel shuts off the Palestinian territories and at the same time remembers the surprise assault by Egypt and Syria that sparked a war some 34 years ago. The entire nation of Israel shuts down for the twenty-five hour fast as the Jews seek forgiveness from God for the last years transgressions, using the fast day in lieu of the Yom Kippur sacrifice at the temple since there is no temple in Jerusalem. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News Yom Kippur, the Jewish Holy Day of Atonement, looks back to Biblical times. It also has a prophetic significance, that is according to Bible prophecy. As Jews in Jerusalem and around the world stop to observe the Jewish Holy day of Yom Kippur, they are reminded how the High Priest at the temple in Jerusalem would enter into the Holy of Holies with the sacrificial blood to pour it on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. During the ten days leading up to Yom Kippur, starting on Rosh Hashana, Jews were to seek forgiveness from family, friends, loved ones and neighbors for any trespass over the last year. This act of seeking forgiveness is a part of the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, as the Jews seek to be included in the Book of Life and during temple times their sins would be covered for one year, until the next Yom Kippur. Now without the Temple, Jews give money, do good deeds and pray, along with the twenty-five hour fast on Yom Kippur. Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, will in the future fulfill the prophetic aspect of Yom Kippur as He did the other Jewish Feast Days, in the spring, 2,000 years ago. Jesus was crucified on Passover, buried on Unleavened Bread, and rose from the dead on the Feast of First Fruits. Jesus, in the future, will come back to earth on Rosh Hashana, and ten days later will enter the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, for the purpose of giving salvation to all Jews at that time, Zechariah 3:9 and Ezekiel 43:1-7. Indeed Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The EU has threatened to wipe England off the map and create a united Europe October 10, 2008 The EU from their Brussels headquarters, is talking about a plan that would wipe England off the map and create a united Europe according to British officials who say the EU has revised a map that would divide up England and create a European superstate via the backdoor. The plan would actually split England into three sections with additional land from other countries to create traditional regions, an endeavor by the EU to boost trade between the European nations. The EU has already named the three regions and selected the nations that would make up the regions which includes England, France, Ireland, Whales, and parts of Portugal, Spain and Scotland. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News As the EU moves ahead with a plan to setup regions in Europe made up of the member states of the EU, the student of Bible prophecy can see better the prophetic scenario found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days. Over the years, the EU has come to its present membership of 27 different nations. Add to these 27 member states the 17 or 18 new states from the Mediterranean Union that has recently been formed and you have 44 to 45 member states that would make up a future EU, a powerful, political, economic, governmental force in our world. Libya's Colonel Gaddafi said recently this united Europe including the Middle Eastern states looks like the old Roman Empire which is the goal of the EU leaders. Gaddafi is pretty much on target. The ancient borders of the old Roman Empire match the borders of the expanded EU, a step closer to Bible prophecy being fulfilled. Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet, in chapters 2 and 7 of his prophecy, wrote 2,500 years ago of the revived Roman Empire as the major player in the Last Days and that would include the 10 toes of Daniel 2 and the 10 horns of Daniel 7. The potential for regions in the EU, 10 regions as they are calling for, is indeed a scenario found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days.
Iraqi Christians are fleeing their homes in fear of being killed October 13, 2008 According to Iraqi officials, at least 900 Christian families have fled their homes, frightened by a series of killings by Muslim extremists and threats to convert to Islam or face death. The main focus of this persecution of Iraqi Christians is in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. The Iraqi Defense Minister has ordered more checkpoints in Christian neighborhoods, with additional security patrols and more aerial surveillance of Christian areas. Iraqi officials say Iraqi security services and armed forces must protect the Christians because they are partners in the rebuilding of the war-torn nation of Iraq. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News The killing of Christians in Iraq today is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the future. There have been reports of Christians being killed in Iraq since the days of Saddam Hussein. In fact, Hussein ordered the killings of thousands of Christians under his leadership. Since the fall of Saddam and the beginning of the insurgency, the Islamic struggle to take over Iraq, there has been an increase in the killings of Christians. This report indicates that even the present Iraqi leadership recognizes what is happening in Iraq's Christian community. Bible prophecy predicts a time when believers in Jesus Christ will be killed in Iraq. Revelation 18 reveals that Iraq, (biblical Babylon), will be the economic, political, governmental center of the earth. Revelation 13 speaks of the world leader at that time, the Antichrist, forcing people to take a mark in their forehead or the back of their right hand in order to be able to buy and sell the necessities of life. Believers in Christ who refuse to take the mark will be killed, (Revelation 6:9, Revelation 20:4). This will happen during the reign of the Antichrist in Babylon. Threats against Iraqi Christians and the slaughter of these believers in Christ today is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Just curious, what is the source of the little news blurbs at the beginning of each of these items? I would think something like the EU threatening to wipe England off the map would be big news, but I haven't seen anything about it anywhere else. I didn't see a source on Jimmy's web site, either.
It was on the news section of the home page but I forgot to link it, sorry about that, and now that the home page has been updated, it has fallen off. It was still there earlier today too! :banghead: Of course, I can't remember the exact source that was linked, and since I read it on Friday and my memory is not the best, well... but I remember it mentioning Brussels and Gordon Brown. Here is something similar but it's a bit old.
The Islamic movement in Israel says seminars on the Jewish Temple are a danger to Islamic site October 16, 2008 Islamic movement spokesman Zahi Nujidat says seminars offered by a Jewish organization on the third Temple endangers the al Aqsa Mosque, a holy site for the Islamic world. This three-part seminar held throughout Israel with tens of thousands in attendance, included a virtual tour of the Temple Mount, an explanation of the daily Temple life as well as a job description for the kohanim, the priests. The Islamic spokesman said the seminars are a serious threat and a drastic move toward the establishment of a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in place of al Aqsa Mosque which is the third holiest site in Islam. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News The Islamic outcry over seminars on the third Temple, being attended by tens of thousands of Jews in Israel, is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy An ultra-Orthodox Jewish movement has been holding seminars on the third Jewish Temple that have angered the Islamic movement in Israel who claims these seminars present a danger to their Islamic holy site, the al Aqsa Mosque. Al Aqsa is the third holiest site in Islam, while at the same time it is the holiest site in Judaism and the location of the next Jewish Temple that is being prepared for right now. Both Islam and Judaism say they cannot share the Temple Mount. Only one religion can control the worship on this sacred piece of real estate; therefore, there will be a conflict over this site as was foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets. Zechariah wrote 2,500 years ago that the Temple Mount would become intoxicating to those who control this spot and it would be a burdensome weight, Zechariah 12:2-3. The Psalmist wrote that the Lord has chosen this spot to dwell among the Jewish people forever, Psalm 132:13-14. Jesus will come to build His Temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 6:12, just after the Antichrist has built a Temple there and desecrated it, Daniel 9:27. Conflict over the Temple Mount and a coming Temple does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Over 50,000 Jews gathered at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for the priestly blessing October 17, 2008 The Western Wall Plaza near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was filled with over 50,000 Jewish worshipers. They were there to receive the priestly blessing from 2,000 Kohanim, supposedly direct descendants of the first high priest of the Jewish people, Aaron, the brother of Moses. Israeli security forces were discreet, but clearly present at this annual event, a part of the Feast of Tabernacles, a seven day celebration of the Jewish holy day. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News The 50,000 Jewish worshipers that gathered at the Western Wall Plaza near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and who received the priestly blessing, are tangible evidence that the stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Every year, during the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, people gather in the Western Wall Plaza to receive the priestly blessing from the Kohanim, the family of men who qualify as those priests to serve in the next Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Two thousand of the 28,000 men preparing to serve in the next Temple were following the same procedure that was followed 3,000 years ago when King Solomon built the first Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The reality that there are Jewish men who claim to be priests and descendants of Aaron, the first Jewish high priest, is evidence that we are close to having a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Ezekiel 40-46 and Zechariah 6:12 reveal that Jesus will return to Jerusalem to build His Temple to the exact specification of Ezekiel's Kingdom Temple. Notice I said "Kingdom Temple" which is to yet in the future. Before the Messiah's Temple, there will be a Temple in Jerusalem that preceeds the Kingdom, Daniel 9:27, Matthew24;15, II Thessalonians 2:4 and Revelation 11:1. All preparations for the Tribulation Temple have been made. Those priests that gave the priestly blessing in Jerusalem are ready to serve in this next Temple, but before that, the Rapture, when Christ call Christians to be with him in the heavenlies.