I think it's seperate, so your first payment actually comes to 100-something (the 66 'membership fee' plus your first month). Again, not positive. Sally, the owner, is in today if you want to give her a call and ask ... 919-661-9646 http://www.curvesofcleveland.com/
The City of Regret A little inspiration .... Leaving The City of Regret I had not really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet I found myself packing rather hurriedly. This trip was going to be unpleasant and I knew in advance that no real good would come of it. I'm talking about my annual "Guilt Trip." I got tickets to fly there on Wish I Had airlines. It was an extremely short flight. I got my baggage, which I could not check. I chose to carry it myself all the way. It was weighted down with a thousand memories of what might have been. No one greeted me as I entered the terminal to the Regret City International Airport. I say international because people from all over the world come to this dismal town. As I checked into the Last Resort Hotel, I noticed that they would be hosting the year's most important event, the Annual Pity Party. I wasn't going to miss that great social occasion. Many of the towns leading citizens would be there. First, there would be the Done family, you know, Should Have, Would Have and Could Have. Then came the I Had family. You probably know ol' Wish and his clan. Of course, the Opportunities would be present, Missed and Lost. The biggest family would be the Yesterdays. There are far too many of them to count, but each one would have a very sad story to share. Then Shattered Dreams would surely make an appearance. And It's Their Fault would regale us with stories (excuses) about how things had failed in his life, and each story would be loudly applauded by Don't Blame Me and I Couldn't Help It. Well, to make a long story short, I went to this depressing party knowing that there would be no real benefit in doing so. And, as usual, I became very depressed. But as I thought about all of the stories of failures brought back from the past, it occurred to me that all of this trip and subsequent "pity party" could be cancelled by ME! I started to truly realize that I did not have to be there. I didn't have to be depressed. One thing kept going through my mind, I CAN'T CHANGE YESTERDAY, BUT I DO HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE TODAY A WONDERFUL DAY. I can be happy, joyous, fulfilled, encouraged, as well as encouraging. Knowing this, I left the City of Regret immediately and left no forwarding address. Am I sorry for mistakes I've made in the past? YES! But there is no physical way to undo them. So, if you're planning a trip back to the City of Regret, please cancel all your reservations now. Instead, take a trip to a place called, Starting Again. I liked it so much that I have now taken up permanent residence there. My neighbours, the I Forgive Myselfs and the New Starts are so very helpful. By the way, you don't have to carry around heavy baggage, because the load is lifted from your shoulders upon arrival. God bless you in finding this great town. If you can find it -- it's in your own heart -- please look me up. I live on I Can Do It street. Author Unknown
Personally, did pretty good yesterday. Lost 1.4 pounds for the week. REALLY shouldnt have pigged out on nachos friday night, night before weigh-in. Lost control, and quit paying attention to what I was eating. My bad. The nachos, in general, werent all that bad. It's the QUANTITY that I ate.
I only lost .2 last week... and I was kind of bummed about it at first. Then I looked back at my little book and saw that I am consistently in this cycle. I will have 2 good weeks, and then a low loss week. I also had to think about the fact that I worked out hard, stayed on track, and really did a good job... and that should outweigh (pardon the pun) the fact that I didn't have a big loss. Also, as I shared with the group, I officially lost enough so I could start horseback riding again. I rode Saturday afternoon and had a great lesson. Congrats to everyone on an awesome week!!
Well I got back from Busch Gardens last night, oh boy am I SORE We walked that park from open to close on Saturday, and from open until 330 on Sunday! I think that adds up to about 18 hours of walking! Anyone who has been to Busch Gardens before knows that this is not a FLAT park! The Bridge under the LocNess Monster was murder! It even has a warning sign telling people that it is a ton of stairs and a really steep hill. Did that one about 5 times. How many AP's you reckon that is?:lol: Looking forward to this Saturday, surely I burned some cals this time. Got some great pictures though.
I am nervous about tonight. The weekend wasn't bad, but last week was customer service week. We had all kinds of yummy treats going around the office. Wednesday was game day. We had all kinds of junk food. Friday was potluck. I didn't pig out but I could have done much better. I made up for a little bit of it on Sunday. I was in the Walk for hope. This morning has gone a lot better! I am hoping for some kind of loss.
Bring the pics on Saturday, Frame! I want to see, I've never been to Busch Gardens. I want to go when I'm fit enough to have lots of fun ... ride rides, and keep up!!
That's awesome that you did the Walk, Sassy!! You supported a great cause, and you supported your own good health!! Benefits for all!! Feel proud tonite, regardless of what the scale says. Pay attention to everything you put in your mouth, when the office has all sorts of yummies floating around. The holidays are coming up, and more and more goodies are going to be tempting you. Start thinking about whether or not you really want that treat, and if it's really worth it. Before you put it in your mouth, take a drink of water - allow yourself that moment of pause. Just that quick act of taking a drink of water could give you the tiniest bit of strength to say 'no'. And dont be too hard on yourself if you DO have a bite here and there. Remember that this lifestyle change isnt a punishment. =)
I had a 'ye gods' moment just now. I was going through my closet, and came across a pair of jeans. I put them aside and thought, "Hmm... should be just another month or two until I can fit in to those again! Yay!! " I decided to try them on to see how far they'd go, how far *I* had to go. They freakin' FIT!!! Comfortably! I'm down a size (or maybe two, I dont remember the last time they fit)! *mind boggling*
WOO HOO ELIMS!!! Great job chicky!! It is starting to show! That Rocks! I will try to bring the pictures on Saturday if I can get them developed soon enough. I still use my 35mm Nikon, better pics if you ask me. I will tell you allabout it Sat. Great Rides, LOTS OF HILLS. Legs burn bad, but hey lots of AP's I think I calculated about 35 AP points for a day and a half and that was going light!
You girls are doing VERY good!!!! Keep up the good work! You can and WILL meet your goals!!! Down 5 lbs for me in 3 weeks! Hicking, walking, riding my bicycle, tennis AND working out (just a teeny weeny little bit) Gotta take it up a notch the rest of this week! :x:x:x:x
Nope, gonna be ripped! The last time was 04 since I was ripped! Gotta lay off the damn ML's!!! grr!!! They are the debil!!!!! :lol:
Hey Harley, What is Hicking? That involves drinking beer and "hey ya'll watch this" right?:lol::cheers: I am all for it. That was one thing I LOVED about Busch Gardens, they sell Beer that you can walk around the whole park with!:cheers:
I have a question for WW members. My husband is a mailman and he usually works on Saturdays. I have an 8 month little girl...can I bring her to the meetings, or at least to the weigh ins? Thanks!
Well this isn't working for me. I'm just not into it right now....don't know why. I think my problem is that I'm comparing it to the 1st time I did WW. It was no problem at all...I didn't mind counting points....the weight dropped right off. Now I HATE taking the time to figure my points....it's like it's just 1 more thing I have to do. And it sure isn't as easy as the first time. So I'm taking a break here ladies....gonna start on trying to stop smoking....AGAIN. When I started WW this time I had just quit smoking (for the umpteenth time). But after a 3 weeks I started back smoking. I always try too many things at one time, then I never succeed at any of them. I wish you all the best of luck and I'll be checking in on everybody!!! Who knows, maybe one day!!! Good luck Ladies!!! Bren