Family Photo, Bras Stolen In Benson Break-In Law enforcement officers don’t have much to go on in a residential break-in discovered Sunday near Benson. Sindy Ibarra, 20, of Memory Lane said while she was away from her residence, someone entered her home and stole a family photo. Also reported missing were three of the victim’s bras. Ibarra said the intruder also rearranged several other family photos throughout her house. The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident. Thanks to WTSB 1090AM
Thanks for keeping us abreast of the tittilating news from that end of the county. Must have been a real boob to have pulled that one!!!
Today was my second ever trip to Benson. If one did not know/hear these types of things about the place, one could find it charming and quaint even.
I hope at least they were good bras. I mean something more than a Wally World or KMart special. Then again someone may have needed a double barrel slingshot.
Why would a theft stole a family photo? It sounds like to me they might use it for identity theft? Bras? Good question. Perhaps surprise his gal or someone needs it badly.
"rearranged family photos"........She actually called this in people. The perpetrator didn't still any electronics or jewelry but they stole a family photo and bras. This story is even more strange after re-reading it this morning.
my sister had someone break into her home and just steal her about 4 pair of panties. no lie. found out later it was her creepy neighbor across the street. who was married. needless to say, she moved.
Breaking into one's home is a concern regardless of whther anything was stolen or not, but especially so when a woman is targeted.
Dude you're wound up so tight if you farted only dogs would hear it. I totally agree that a home invasion is serious business but if you can't find the humor in that story I don't know what would make you laugh.:chillpill:
And a new story for Benson to be proud of thanks to 1090am WTSB. Missing Cereal Box Fuels Fight Two stepbrothers in Benson were allegedly fighting with sticks and a knife on the front porch of their mobile home after a box of cereal turned up missing. “It was gone,” Benson Police officer Dwight Lilly said of the cereal. “Somebody ate the last bit of it.” John Alford, 28, was talking on the phone outside of his home at the Gaines Mobile Home Park on Chicopee Road when Keith McDougald, 18, snatched the phone from him and asked what happened to the Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Alford told police. McDougald then came out of the house with a dustpan to hit Alford, who grabbed a nearby stick to return the blows, according to police. McDougald went back into the house and grabbed a knife, according to Alford. Officer Lilly was dispatched to break up the fight, in which no serious injuries were sustained. Officer Lilly never saw the knife, which McDougald denies having used in the fight. Officer Lilly said he had never heard of people actually fighting over a box of cereal before. “I guess Cinnamon Toast Crunch is good,” he said. “I don’t know.” No charges will be filed.
And the crime ridden streets of Benson have spread over to Clayton evidently........ WTSB 1090 AM Deodorant Stolen During Home Burglary The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a weekend break-in outside of Clayton. It happened on Barnes Ridge Drive. A 28 year-old woman said someone entered her residence and took several items including her deodorant, worth $2. Officers said there were no signs of forced entry.