I'm a huge UFO buff, so I'm not sure how I missed this until today. Apparently some Australian psychic has predicted that a UFO will show itself publically TODAY (10/14) and remain visible for 72 hours. Watch the skies. LINK
Goodchild's alleged telepathic messages from the "Federation of Light" include the information that they come in love, peace and light to help the human race move forward and upward, she says. They are going to brain wash us on who to really vote for!
"According to some views, there may be very different motives on the part of different visitors. Some may have goodwill toward humanity. Others might not. Some visitors might be our friends and could help the human race take the next step in positive development. Others might have hostile or destructive motives toward humanity." They've already been here. They left Obama. :mrgreen:
Great! Those bags of potting soil in the living room are starting to get in the way! I hope they like it. Instead of the Devil's Tower...I did a giant acorn like the one they drop on New Year's in Raleigh.
Yea what happened ? Did anyone see a UFO ? I wasn't really looking for one but wondering who actually sat outside and watched for one to pass by , Anyone ? Ohhh Clif , did ya see any ?
It was a reference to "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" According to the article, it was supposed to be obvious (like over New York or London) and just hang there. Trust me, if it was there as was predicted, it would be all over the news. I can't remember which article I saw it in, but in one it was suggested that it would be within 72 hours of 10/14, so we have a couple more days.
Oh! Thanks! Bad memory! Hmmmm... "The claim by Australian author, performer and alleged psychic Blossom Goodchild that a large UFO will make itself visible to the public and TV cameras today and for 72 hours has many people wondering." So that could mean it should have appeared on 10/14 and remain constantly in sight for 72 hours, OR it could mean that it will start appearing on the 14th and continue to make appearances over the next 72 hours. But either way, it should have already appeared. Otherwise, what was the significance of 10/14 in the article. It stated that Ms. Goodchild said it would make itself visible on the 14th.
I did see the hot air balloon this afternoon too. Must be nice to be up there on this beautiful day. as for the UFO....what are the chance of UFO kidnapping Mccain and Obama.