Anyone have a bat house? I'm thinking of getting one, I hear that one bat can eat hundreds of skeeters in one night. That would be a welcome thing for my legs and the legs of my little ones. Speaking of skeeters, I recently read that only the female ones bite you and they are more drawn to blondes (see, we don't have ALL the fun), and women who are ovulating. Strange, huh?!
:lol: Thank god im not a blonde , I get bit up enough. Still i wouldn't get a bat house if i was . You better check into all that real good before you do get one ...Just watching out for ya ...
Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I've heard good things about them but still...:? At least they don't eat hamsters, right?! :mrgreen:
Not a bad idea since I'm planning to grow some gourds. I don't know much about martins. Are they big skeeter eaters?
Bats can carry diseases and can become aggressive. They also follow sound, so if you are out at night they may swoop down at you..
Yes they do, we are also looking into these. I believe they have to be up high off the ground. They sell a pole at walmart for them as well..
Yeah, I remember my grandfather had a martin house and he also had tons of guord bird houses. That could be fun to do with the kids.
yep.. someone on 210 and James Rd? has a ton in there yard, they also sale lighthouses. they may could give you some info if you stopped and asked.
Just wondering since you said you where going to grow your own gourds, do you have the seeds or are you buying them, we got our pumpkin seeds from carving ours this year, but I didnt buy any gourds.. thanks
I actually bought them but have not had a chance to plant yet so I will wait until spring now. I think my kids will enjoy painting them and such for bird houses. Hey, thanks for the tips too.
Scroll down to read about the importance of bats and bat houses. When I Googled "bat house" I came across plans for building them. Might make a nice little homeschool project... that is actually useful. :lol:
I had a bat house once... the bats didn't like it. Now I have, at least six, bats that fly around my house. They really like a bright street lights with lots of bugs flying around. It's pretty neat to watch them catch the flying critters... you can even hear them crunch.
Interesting. I have seen some around here too but thought a bat house might attract more - maybe not :? Jubes, I must say that your avatar is TTOO funny!! :lol:
We put up a bat house 4 years ago hoping the ones we would see around in the evenings would settle in. Apparently they liked their own home one moved in. They are still around, but not in the house.