What did you all think of this debate ? I thought it was the best one yet , I also think Obama did a great job sticking to subject and answering most of all questions asked . I think McCain avoided most questions asked and kept trying to butcher Obama . Now as most of you might know , I'm not big on either candidate ! I do however and would love to see Dr Ron Paul up there ! He would get my vote any day . I will be voting Obama and yea yea some or it seems most of you don't like Obama , for what i don't know and don't care to read all of the posts and threads regarding the 2 candidates . It seems as though there are a lot of bashing going on with Obama .I'm not to big on voicing my opinions about politics , and yes im the first to say i don't have enough time to stay on top of it , I have 4 children a job and a household to run , and i am the president in my household ..lol So for the most part it just don't matter . But any who i would like to know what you all thought about this last debate ? I can however hear both sides and NOT be judgemental , I am not trying to change views or push mine , Just asking :allears: Thanks
McCain had several opportunities to drill Obama on the issues. Mysteriously, he let him off the hook several times without holding him to the fire. Quite simply, McCain is a terrible debater.
I agree , But do you really think he ( McCain ) let Obama off the hook ? McCain kept going back to bashing ad's and a few things that simply were not true and found to be not true .
Fact Check of last nights debate. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-10-15-fact-check_N.htm?csp=34
Are there really people out there who will actually vote for McCain? Seriously? How can you justify a decision like that?:banghead:
No shock that McCain didn't answer any questions. He never does. I have never seen sucha good dancer. As said earlier, he stinks in a debate.
Yes, there are, and my husband and I are two of them. We can justify it by knowing that he is the better of the two choices.
Um, YEAH! We don't have much to pick from this year, but I gotta vote for someone. I'm as well read and educated as the next guy and I have my own good reasons, as I am sure you have yours. I don't much appreciate the tone of your post, quite frankly. :evil:
I'm voting for McCain as well. Don't like the spread the wealth idea..pick yourself up not have someone give you something while you are down. Also, like the reformation of gov't
Reader's Digest recently ran articles about both candidates. I got my new Reader's Digest yesterday and just read this in the "React" (readers' letters) section: -- from a Pine Junction, Colorado reader -- from a Fairbank, Iowa reader So one reader is basing his decision on experience and ability to lead and the other reader is basing her decision on who is better at "making nice"? :neutral:
Us too! I'd have preferred to vote for Huckabee but between the two top candidates, I believe McCain is much more qualified to run this country, even if he's not so great at debates.
Shocking that not eveyone shares your rose colored glasses view of the world? Yeah................. not so much. "Sick of the condescension from the Democrats" Dawn
I have tried my best not to be condescending to anyone. What I do want is a better world for my child and grandchildren...not too much to ask for, in my opinion. Just because someone Posts something on this Forum about voting for a Democrat seems like the fangs come out on some people. Not saying you, just saying that people from all arenas should be able to speak up. Have a great day, Sherry