I have relayed this post to a bunch of my co-workers, and you should be receiving a call about some clothes and possibly some bunk beds!
Is it safe to assume they will be staying at the other rental property for a long time? Was the house that burned down theirs, or was it also a rental property. What furniture do they need (vs what is provided at the rental property)? I'll be in touch...
By any chance did they have renters insurance? I feel so bad for them. I'll be in touch as well. Let me get some #'s figured out. Sandy
Several of our soccer team families will be contacting or donating items .... just FYI ** This is sounding like a good candidate for our 4042 crew to adopt for Christmas ** Thoughts?? Jenn??
Mary, I'll call you later. I think that last years committee has already decided on a family. But perhaps, we can do something else for this particular family?
I brought some stuff by last night and the folks who posted and are collecting are really great. I know I can get more stuff as well.
I will pass this along to the Clayton High School Key Club. They are always doing service projects. Our thoughts are with this family, Sherry
Thanks for your input, but the committee really puts a lot of thought into this, and I believe they've already made their decision. However, we can still help this other family. I think they probably need help now, more so than Christmas. Anyone have a listing of what they need?
Thanks Kell, sorry I didn't go back to look if it had already been posted! Ok, so I'm game. I don't have anything in those sizes...unless Mini Me has some junior stuff left....but I think we yard sale'd it all. I can contribute a little cash though. Is anyone set up to take paypal?
Darn, if it were an 11 year old boy and a 5 year old girl, I could help with kid clothes. I'll have to scrounge around in DH's closet and see if he has any 36 waist pants left that I can give. I have a twin bed frame that I'm willing to donate if they need it. I'll look around and see if I can find anything else.
Home house fire, displaced family We are taking things over tonight to them and I will update tomorrow on types of items they still need. The clothing has been rolling in very steady and it looks like we might need to stir up the toy contribution. We do have a Paypal account that we could use to transfer funds to them and Steppin' Stones is collecting gift cards. We have also received cash and personal checks (they do have a bank account to cash them, if you contact us, we'll give you the name to make the check out to). We just wanted to thank everyone for the overwhelming response thus far. This is a great community and its refreshing to see people we don't even know contacting us to support this family.
I dropped some stuff off this afternoon to Woofpack92 and she is also taking gift cards and checks for them. She's an extremely nice lady and I think it is wonderful of them to have taken it upon themselves to coordinate all of this for this family! Oops - didn't see your post before posting mine Woofpack!
THAT I can probably help out with. And I'd be more than willing to donate some of my kids' clutter... I mean toys! :mrgreen:
I don't have any toys or clothes to give but I will gladly purchase a gift card. I'm thinking maybe Wal-Mart? Or would a grocery store gift card be better? Any suggestions out there?