So what is the answer on healthcare

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by chik, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. chik

    chik Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen an answer I like. I have stories that would alarm you.

    My accident alone and Colorado laws have me having to raise funds for my medical care. I need back surgery and I am at this time 30% disabled, that's an estimate. See the doctor who saw me in the emergency room last year was on MEDICAL PROBATION and sent me home with 4 broken bones, 3 of them in my back. 2 were compression fractures. I just found out recently I had the second compression fracture. After fighting for an MRI, almost a year later.

    But Colorado laws allow hospitals and care providers to turn away "non" emergency victims of accidents. I have attorneys, a claim number, a letter from the girls insurance company stating they are liable. I get told they don't bill car insurance companies nor do they take medical liens. As one lady told me "business is business" I am sorry.

    In fact my arm was completely in two at the humurous (spelling?), dangling and the emergency room made me go back to my original doctor to have it taken care of. His office wanted $3000 up front. Finally he found out what I was being put through and got me my surgery.

    My back was not treated until after the arm surgery and by the time they braced me my spine had healed wrong. My ribs and hipbone on the right touch now. I walk with a cane.

    Now get this I have been told I don't have a malpractice case because I got taken care of and the problem was addressed.

    Oh I am seeking another attorney on that issue.

    We have to have a solution and I don't know what it is. I don't like either party's plan. I don't have an answer.

    One of my friends said the smart president would put together his administrative staff with experts from different areas, doesn't matter the party. Maybe the party line needs to change?

    I asked Bob Barr about this issue and ADA and well he lost my vote. Yes I would vote third part.

    I believe we should start voting on issues, on what WE believe and not just vote for a candidate to stick with the party line.

    Back to the healthcare. My daughter is lucky to have insurance continued through me because of the company I work for is based out of Utah. She can be on insurance until she is 24. Now after 24 what does she do? She has epilepsy that isn't yet under control. She has a grand mal seizure about every 3 months. Her medication WITH insurance costs her $300 a month. She lives on her own and makes things works. But only because a friend of ours is her roommate and doesn't make her pay rent.

    I would love to discuss this. Not because of my story because i am just an average 40 year old woman, 1 in a million that has money problems because of a careless drive and the fact that our healthcare system has gone to hell.

    Oh and here's a direct quote from a doctors office "We can only bill YOUR automobile insurance carrier. If another party is at fault, we cannot bill the other party's insurance. Therefore, please make sure that your automobile insurance policy will cover your medical payments before you arrive at your first appointment. Otherwise, you will be personally responsible for paying your medical bills. We do not accept liens on future settlements."

    So at this point a years worth of medical bills sit and go against my credit.

    So if I was at FAULT they could bill MY insurance, but because I am a victim this is what i get.

    Actually I am putting my brains to work on starting an accident victims advocacy here in the state.

    The laws here were created in order to lower insurance premiums. I was told I was lucky the girl had $100,000 bodily injury coverage. Well that is gone...taken but attorney fees and medical fees. There isn't a PIP here, and there's an 'option' called Med Pay. The insurance companies don't inform you of this.

    My husband is getting hernia surgery but the paperwork we had to fill out with my insurance company to prove he didn't have it as pre-existing was ridiculous.

    I cannot be the only one with frustration here about the medical system.

    So what is the answer? I certainly don't know but I am willing to listen.
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    It's broke and it cain't be fixed. (Not with so many illegals using the ER as a doctor's office, anyway.) :evil: Maybe if they fixed, or at least really TRIED to fix, the illegal problems in the US we'd see a big difference in health care, education, etc.
  3. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    There is a discussion going on in "The Neighbourhood". You're welcome to join in.
  4. chik

    chik Well-Known Member

    It's not just illegals though. There are 800,000 people in Colorado alone with out healthcare.

    I have health care but it doesn't cover my auto accident.

    I will hope over to the other discussion but it appears I have to catch up.

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