Last night a anonymous person left a Halloween gift bag on my porch with a note that said I had been Booed. I've never heard of this before!!
That's cool, I guess that means someone thought of you enough to boo you! This was pretty popular last year, although I've never done it and it's never been done to me, it sounds like fun! You can get the "boo kits" in the stores, or just make them yourselves. Now you're supposed to boo someone else, right? 2 people I think, if I remember correctly.
back in the day the bag would be filled and lit on fire and then ring doorbell run and hide and watch them stomp out the fire and then laugh at them as they try to clean their shoe. :lol::jester::ack:
Your suppose to fill it with candy and boo another family / individual.... and then that person is suppose to do the same and on and on and on....
You're also supposed to hang your "Boo" sign on your door or in a window so you don't get boo'd again. My son LOVES booing folks. We haven't done it this year ... but it is something he's enjoyed doing in past years.
We do this every year at our subdivision. The way that we do it is you boo 2 additional people. It does not matter what you put in the packets but you need to include instructions and the picture for the door. Most of the time we put something for the adults and if there are kids, something for the kids as well. You also need to put the picture on your door so others know who has been BOOed.
We got back from the racetrack Sunday afternoon to see that we had been booed over the weekend. So we now have gotten too boo two other families in our neighborhood also. Was the first time for us and I had never heard of it either. But I thought it was neat.
I was "boo ed" at work last year. It was a lot of fun to try to figure out who did it. The instructions in my gift bag were to enjoy the treats and consider playing it forward. I enjoyed thinking of who to "boo" and imagining their face when they received the goodies. What a wonderful thing to do. Oh, my boo bag was filled with candy, treats, lotion, etc.
I boo'd 2 people last year, but nothing ever happened with it. They have a Christmas one too, but since no one followed through with it, I hate to waste my time or money.
The one we received had a little Halloween pumpkin candle holder, some candy, a few plastic flies, and a small skull and skeleton hand. Also the letter and the sign that your supposed to hang on the door.
I do it!! My son loves to do this. HE puts it on someone's porch and then we run. We fill ours with candy and gifts. He has already decided the two families he wants to boo this year!!! They have 'sand pales' at Michaels with the signs and you just fill the pale with Candy. I bought the bags from Target....although we never get boo'ed back and still enjoy doing it and will not let that stop me!!
I know....I don't even care to get boo'ed back....I just wish they would pass it on. Thanks for the reminder of why I do it in the first place.
:iagree: Children all over our subdivision do this and it is so much fun. Following through without people knowing it was you who put in on the door is fun. It is a code of Honor to get this around here. If one does not they question why! Good, clean, fun, Sherry
Super easy , all done for you i never heard of this, but I was driving around for the parade of homes and saw at Adams point they are doing it. I don't have kids but I think i am going to Boo someone any way who does!