If you and your kids love Halloween as much as we do, you probably want to "celebrate" every opportunity you get. _______________________ Annual Halloween Parade Fri Oct 31st, downtown Clayton 2:30PM Games, activities, treats ________________________ Halloween Fun Ride Fri Oct 24th 5 - 7:30PM Clayton Community Park ages 12 and under, 3$ per child parents ride free Meet Fairies, Princesses, pirates, and funny monsters and play "Monster Walk" along the way. _________________________ Darkside Manor, Haunted house and trail "low scare" evening Oct 29th 7 - 9PM 11903 NC 222 near NC 231 in N JoCo 5$ per child, parent gets in free more info 818-8748, 269-8444, 269-8620 ______________________ Any others? We can post pumpkin patches and corn mazes here as well.
And don't forget the annual "Bring Rich any of the candy your kids may have in surplus because he's too old and lazy to go collecting any for himself Day."
Flintstone Farm, never heard of that one. Also mentioned here is Smith's Nursery. http://www.pumpkinpatchesandmore.org/NCcpumpkins.php#listings
www.smiths-nursery.com Pumpkin Patch Hours: Monday-Friday: 8am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 3pm Hayrides by appointment I never heard of making an appointment before.
Thanks for the reminder about the Clayton Parade, Ro. My kids (7 and 9 yo this year) really enjoyed the parade and activites last year but I was surprised to see that this year they are advertising it for kids 6 and under. My 7 year old would have enjoyed participating again. It is very nice of the stores to participate. Here is the info from the Town of Clayton website: http://www.townofclaytonnc.org/Business/Downtown_Events.aspx Halloween Parade Date: Friday, October 31 Time: 2:30 pm - 4pm Location: Main St & Church St, Hocutt-Ellington Library Contact: (919) 553-1555 Children six and under are invited to come in costume and parade down Main Street where participating merchants will have treats for them. The parade will end at the library parking lot, where there will be games, prizes, face painting and more. No charge.
I'm confused, it's on a Friday, when the kids don't get out of school until 4:00 anyway, who's going to go, except for the very small kids? I guess that's who theyr'e targeting. But if you have to be home to get others off the bus, like me, you can't take the little ones...
DMJmom, Last year the event was held during a time when the older kids could go as well. We went with a number of the neighborhood kids who were in the 6-8 range and they all had a good time. I can't remember if the schools were out or if it was on Saturday, but I do know that kids a little older than 6 were welcomed last year. I am sure that those who go this year will have a nice time.
People from all over come to our "hood" for Halloween. Not only does it get dangerous but we finally have to turn the lights off because the older ones come later. Love to see the little ones and the decorations are for them but the older ones need parents to explain these things. We have spooky music, glowing skulls and our neighbors have grave yards and all. It's fun to see smaller kids running up for goodies. We make goody bags for the young children that we know. Thanks for the list. Watch out for my teen at the Fear Farm!!!!!!!!!! Love Halloween, Sherry
I hate being a party pooper... but I saw the price of candy this year and decided to not do it at all. I had over 200 kids last year at my house and many of them were dumped off in my neighborhood to trick or treat...I have made goody bags for my neighbor's kids and will hand them to them over the fence that day, and that's about it for me. I'm shutting my lights off, cracking a beer, and gonna watch TV all night. opcorn::cheers:
:cheers: I am doing the same thing, 'cept we're heading to our house at the beach. kids will be with their Dad (and they aren't going trick or treating anyways now that they are 12 , gosh mom how lame). can't wait!
Years ago, we decided to do the same thing because of the mass amount of kids coming through our neighborhood. Had the lights out, volume on the TV low and they still would come up to the door and ring the bell, gesh. Whatchagotta do for people to get the message?